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rebbel's avatar

Which big shot actor you would like to see get downed in the opening minutes of a Hollywood blockbuster?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) July 29th, 2011

You know, the actor, or actress, that you really cannot stand.
Now usually the leading character of a big flick of course doesn’t get killed in the starting minutes of it, maybe some times at the end.
But today they are.
So who is it?

My choice: Patrick Galagher (Steven Seagal) is a detective who is called to a bank robbery in progress to negotiate with the criminals.
They agree to a face to face meeting.
When Mr. Galagher wants to pull his badge from his jacket, the robber misinterprets it and shoots him.
Exit Patrick Galagher (Steven Seagal)

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25 Answers

Bart19's avatar

Katherine Heighl and Tommy Wiseau have a steaming love affair. But then Tommy’s jealous daughter Miley Cyrus finds them and kills them in a rage. Then she commits suicide by ripping out her vocal cords, causing her to slowly bleed to death right in front of her boyfriend Robert Patterson. Robert is so traumatized that he walks straight into a group of fangirls who will devour him.

Oh I would pay so much to see that movie.

Plucky's avatar

Steven Seagal for sure. Die!!

tranquilsea's avatar

Tom Cruise. He’s always bugged me.

Plucky's avatar

Oh, all those Highschool Musical kids (and other Disney stars like them) ...some big zombie death scene right away. They all get eaten.

Bart19's avatar

@Plucky Ooooh yes. Yes! I don’t care how many kids will be traumatized. It will be worth it. :D

Joker94's avatar

The entire cast of Glee. I give no fucks as to how, so long as it’s in high-definition and involves the implosion of a building.

Kardamom's avatar

Tom Cruise and Leonardo di Caprio. A bomb goes off just as they are about to kiss.


TexasDude's avatar

I wouldn’t mind watching Nicholas Cage get atomized in the first few minutes of a film.

josie's avatar

Alec Baldwin.
Really good actor. And I am sure it is his shtick, but he just sort of radiates asshole-ness.
Anyway, my vote.

Kardamom's avatar

Oh yeah, how about if if Ben Stiller just gets a big hand (like a white Mickey Mouse glove) placed over his mouth before he has a chance to utter one line. And then a big vaudeville stage hook would come out and pull him away.

Too bad he’s such a douche. His parents Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara are terrific!

Vunessuh's avatar

I wouldn’t mind watching Gwyneth Paltrow getting eaten by a rhino in the opening scene of every movie I watch from here on out.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Vunessuh That’d be awesome =)

Bellatrix's avatar

All my favourites are listed above. Let’s have all of these people getting taken out in the opening scene of a movie by a pod of rampant zombies! Perhaps Tom gets killed by a Zombie Oprah after he leaps on her sofa! I have to add Katie Holmes…they can both go. Oh and Nicole Kidman.. although all the botox might be harmful to the zombies.

filmfann's avatar

John Travolta, Nick Cage, Tom Cruise, and Spike Lee get sucked into a jet engine.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK! Spike Lee! Final answer. (Why can’t I think of anyone?) You HAVE seen this real footage of a guy sucked into a jet engine and lived…?!

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III Think of some movies that you didn’t like. Who was in those movies?

Or Think of a movie that you kind of liked, but someone (who is that someone?) ruined a perfectly good plot line for you. Or was the completely wrong person to play that part?

Anyone you can think of that you used to consider to be a perfectly good actor, but then that person did some thing ultra douchey so now you can’t stand them?

Who gets to be in movies, who is such a terrible actor that they don’t deserve to be there?

Who’s supposed to be funny, but isn’t?

What do you think about Keanu Reeves? Mel Gibson? Will Ferrell? Amanda Seyfried? Ben Affleck? Adam Sandler? Ashton Kutcher? Matt Damon? Charlie Sheen? Randy Quaid?

martianspringtime's avatar

Something about Ryan Reynolds bothers me, but I’ve never seen him in anything so I’m not sure I feel quite right killing him off in an opening scene. Maybe the guys from The Hangover and everyone like them. I’ve never seen that either, but seeing them makes me cringe. Oh, and Jared Leto.

ucme's avatar

Would have been nice to see Harry Potter hung drawn & quatered in his very first scene.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember thinking that some movies could have been good except that one actor completely ruined the whole show…but I can’t remember which specific movies those were!

filmfann's avatar

@Dutchess_III Will Ferrell is that way to me.
If they could somehow make a movie where he jumps on a grenade in the opening scene, I would buy the dvd just for that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah! He’s OK! I’ll keep thinking of a movie. But there is one guy who narrates 48 hours mystery. He is THE most annoying person. He talks as though every thing is super profound and mysterious…the kind of overacting you need on a STAGE, not on TV!

Jim Cary…he could croak in the first 2 minutes of the movie and I wouldn’t even notice because I never watch his movies!

filmfann's avatar

@Dutchess_III You need to see the movie The Dead Pool. You get your wish.

Not exactly the first 2 minutes of the movie, but his onscreen while alive part is shorter than that.

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