Social Question

HungryGuy's avatar

If you had the power to enact one law in your country for the good of all, what would that law be?

Asked by HungryGuy (16044points) September 4th, 2011

If you had the power to enact one law in your country for the good of all, what would that law be?

Feel free to write a simple statement of that law.

Or if you’re a lawyer, feel free to write it up in the form of a bill (but translate it into English for us as a postscript).

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42 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Free tuition.

marinelife's avatar

Didn’t we just see this question a few days ago? I am going to borrow @johnpowell’s answer from that thread:

Enact a law that CEOs could make no more than 20 times what the lowest paid employee makes.

YARNLADY's avatar

Do No Harm

HungryGuy's avatar

@marinelife – Sorry if this is a duplicate Q. If it is, the mods will be sending it “back for editing” soon enough. I searched for “law” and “good of all” before posting this one, and didn’t see anything close…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Single payer health care for every US citizen including dental care.

incendiary_dan's avatar

All food production needs to involve some sort of polycrop, with permaculture models preferred. No monocropping. It’d boost the overall production of farms, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build topsoil, and likely create a lot of jobs. The only “downside” is that more of the populace would have to work on food production, estimates I’ve heard being around 10%. Hey, what’s the national unemployment average at?

This would include animals raised for meat as well, since many permaculture models incorporate animals.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Oh yea: Corporations are NOT people.

ragingloli's avatar

Any company above a certain employee number must appoint their CEO and decide major strategic decisions as well as hiring/firing decisions in democratic elections where every employee has the right to vote.
This would also apply to subsidiaries of foreign based companies, and the democratic decisions would supersede any foreign directives.

HungryGuy's avatar

@Blackberry – I think several countries do that. Most notably, India. That’s why so many Indians become doctors and then immigrate to the USA.

@YARNLADY – Ah! Libertarian, eh?

@Hawaii_Jake – Excellent choice! Too bad the country is really run by corporate executives and the politicians are just their puppets.

@incendiary_dan – Sounds like a plan! How would you implement it? Ban corporate farming outright? Tax incentives for organic farms?

@ragingloli – Another good idea! I fear, however, that such an egalitarian corporate model would become as hamstrung as some democratic governments and run itself into the ground.

HungryGuy's avatar

To answer my own question, I would mandate a shorter work-week:

Any time unemployment is greater than about 1% or 2%, I would mandate that the work-week be shortened by that percentage (no exceptions or loopholes for “management exempt”.). If there’s not enough work to go around for everyone, put everyone to work (who wants a job) but at reduced hours.

While that may be a hardship for hourly workers to have their pay cut by the lost hours, their pay is still being cut into by taxes to support the unemployed anyway. It all comes out the same in the end.

And in the end, everyone ends up working less and having more free time to enjoy life. What a deal!

incendiary_dan's avatar

Hmm, well, since most major industrial farms are tied in with government subsidies, it seems like those very same subsidies could go towards converting the biological deserts that are monocrop fields into food forests, prairies, and wetlands.

digitalimpression's avatar

Death penalty for pedophiles.

HungryGuy's avatar

@digitalimpression – I don’t agree with the death penalty for anything, but thanks for the answer :-)

digitalimpression's avatar

@HungryGuy Someone who does more than murder to a child by doing such a thing deserves nothing less imho.

HungryGuy's avatar

@digitalimpression – I don’t disagree with you on that. But my objection to the death penalty is that the government can never be absolutely 100% certain that they convicted the right person. That one chance in a thousand makes the death penalty unacceptable to me, regardless the crime. History has shown plenty of people wrongly convicted of horrible crimes and sentenced to death.

Ayesha's avatar

For people who torture animals, to be tortured in the exact same way.

HungryGuy's avatar

@Ayesha – Mmmmm! Torture :-p

incendiary_dan's avatar

@HungryGuy Not to mention the governments demonstrated bias towards certain groups in the application of the death penalty.

digitalimpression's avatar

@HungryGuy I tend to agree with you on that, however, I’m enacting this law in a perfect world in which I am allowed to enact a law. =)

ragingloli's avatar

Death penalty for cat abusers.

HungryGuy's avatar

@digitalimpression – Well, okay then :-p

HungryGuy's avatar

@ragingloli – How about the death penalty for jay-walking?

ragingloli's avatar

who cares about jaywalking?

digitalimpression's avatar

@facetious Very funny.

Coloma's avatar

Everyone would undergo psychological testing and all personality disordered individuals would wear a Scarlett letter denoting their particular affliction.

A giant red ’N’ for narcissist
A giant red ’B’ for Borderline
A giant red ’P’ for Psychpath lolol

Oh, and good humored types would wear a big Purple ’H’ so we wouldn’t waste our time of fuck ups and grouches and could better spot the unsavory types before they cause harm.

HungryGuy's avatar

@Ayesha – Yes to which answer?

HungryGuy's avatar

@Coloma – Hmm, how would I look with a ‘P’?

Ayesha's avatar

@HungryGuy “Mmmmm! Torture :-p”

HungryGuy's avatar

@Ayesha – Hmmm, live near NYC? Send me a PM and we’ll talk about that… :-p

starsofeight's avatar

I would outlaw okra.

Blackberry's avatar

And no more presidential candidates from Texas.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Blackberry : Read my lips. No more Texans!

Blackberry's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake That was nice. :)

6rant6's avatar

White collar crimes would carry penalties commensurate with street crimes of the same severity. For example, if you steal $100,000 you are treated the same way if it’s in a jewelry store smash and grab, or a home loan scam.

LuckyGuy's avatar

If you are already on public assistance and have one child, if pregnant the only additional support you can expect to receive is payment for an abortion at a hospital of your choice.
And Boom! Here comes the tsunami!

mrrich724's avatar

I’d institute a law that would actually punish the law makers every time they broke the constitution. But since it’s hypothetical and “my way,” it would ACTUALLY punish them:

No more illegal war
No more handouts
No more federal government interference in what should be state controlled
No more overspending

Just plain no more douchebaggery

mrrich724's avatar

nd @ragingloli GA, who really does give a shit about jaywalking. In fact, there should be a law that you can jaywalk, but if you get hit for being an asshole and running in the street full of traffic, drivers can’t be punished, that would cure the jaywalking right up!

Berserker's avatar

Watch where the fuck you’re goin when you’re walking around, or die.

ucme's avatar

Everybody should moisturise, before skin starts fallin off of a man.


Allow people to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes, as long as they don’t harm themselves or others, and be fully protected of their rights in doing so.

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