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Since Marco Rubio is Cuban do you think his ability to speak as a Hispanic on immigration issues is diminished?

Asked by JLeslie (65489points) June 24th, 2012

I realize even non-Hispanics can speak to, and have an opinion about, immigration into the US, but I find it odd that no one in the media is asking Rubio if he thinks it logical and fair that Cubans are legal the second they touch our shore, but other Hispanics have to go through a difficult process.

I know the Cuban issue is a political one, but still, I think especially the democrats could kind of shut Rubio down by dwelling on his family came into America without papers basically. They were escaping bad conditions I would assume, but so are Mexican, Nicarguans, and on and on.

Does it matter to you that Rubio is Cuban? Does he represent Hispanics to you and the difficulties they face with immigration policy?

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