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(NSFW) Should someone force their libidinous needs upon another?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43743points) October 15th, 2012

(This was inspired by the Zumba Madam question. It is not actually my problem.)

The issue is one partner neglecting the needs of the other, either intentionally or unknowingly and forcing the more desirous partner to go without.

I am not asking about partners who are incapable due to some medical reason. I am discussing able-bodied, healthy, and supposedly loving spouses who just do not think about or want to put their partners’ needs above their own.

I think most of us would agree it would be wrong for the person with the greater desire to force his (typically) will on his spouse. In most societies the act would be considered reprehensible.
But looking at it from the other direction, why do we not feel the same disgust and outrage when the partner with no sex drive effectively forces that will on her partner? Is it not the same?
Why is it acceptable for one person to pull the other’s libido down but not the other way around?

If you were in a situation with a libido imbalance how did you handle it?

(I know this situation can go both ways in every letter combination of: M, F, F, M, LGBT, etc. For ease in understanding the question I just shorted it to MF. Feel free to change it the way you wish.

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