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Do you think bragging about charity work is tacky?

Asked by JLeslie (65488points) September 26th, 2013

On my facebook and in real life I know people who talk about their charity work. Sometimes it seems like bragging to me. Like they are looking for a pat on the back. The last post on my facebook the person stated, “it feels so good to give back.” Am I awful that it rubs me the wrong way a little? Maybe she was trying to inspire others to be charitable and I am just being ridiculous.

It’s in the delivery for me. If someone is trying to enlist help or offer their help, like during the bad storm in NY, a friend of mine was posting she and her husband would help if they can if anyone needs it and information on general help that was out there. That was great. She also relayed some stories of what she had seen. But, she never seemed to be after kudos.

I admit for me some of it has to do with some people in my country don’t want to fund programs and don’t want to pay decent wages and then brag about helping the poor and raising money for school programs. I think there is some sort of selfish element in it sometimes. I guess we could argue all altruism has some selfishness in it.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not discouraging charity work. I think we all should give in one way or another to help others. I’m a big pay it forward person.

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