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What if we taught the history of hate?

Asked by JLeslie (65498points) November 9th, 2014 from iPhone

I’m American and on other Q’s I have said how much I disagree with teaching about slavery and segregation in early education (before the 6th grade). If left to me I would probably wait until 9th or 10th grade, but I can see some arguments for before that.

I was thinking today that maybe we should consider initially teaching the history of hate, rather then teaching slavery and segregation as part of an American history class. American slavery. American segregation. American discrimination towards the Irish. The Holocaust in Germany. The Muslims pushing out the Christians in the Middle East. The Catholics forcing conversion or pushing people out during the inquisition, etc.

What do you think? Isn’t the main goal to all feel like we can be the minority at any time and to be accepting if each other? We teach history to try to not repeat it.

The class would be pretty depressing maybe?

I don’t like teaching black second graders that they were slaves and treated as subhuman. I can’t see any positive in it.

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