"Do not go gentle into that good night" Your thoughts?
Will you share your thoughts/interpretation on this poem ?
Not homework. Just poetry is not my forte. It was sent to me.
Thanks in advance.
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16 Answers
Live life to its fullest. Die kicking and screaming. Drive it like you stole it.
You must start with the form, the very difficult and rigorous villanelle. Dylan
Thomas chose it for a reason.
Never give up.
There is always one more thing you can do.
When it looks like the flood is going to rise, add more sand bags.
When you run out of bullets, use your KaBar knife.
This is the only life you get. Take risks, don’t fear failure. Make sure that when you reach the end, you’ve just spent your last dollar, your body can’t take anymore, and your last words are “Well, that was fun!”
If your last thought as your getting ready to pass on is I’ve had a great run in this life, you’ve done good.
@Inara27 I should just have said ditto to your answer.
It is about a man losing his sight, going blind. And it is a plea to not succumb to acceptance, but to feel the raw emotion of anger, and be pissed about it happening.
Go quickly. Why prolong the suffering??
Thank you @Pachy it made a huge difference!
I’m glad! I inherited my love for Thomas’ writings from my mom. “Child’s Christmas in Wales,” which is also on YouTube, is one of my absolute favorite pieces of literature.
If you are about to die, take as many motherfuckers with you as you can!
^^ Said every serial killer in recent U.S. history.
Watch the movie “The Mist” for a perfect illustration of this…the main character did not take Dylan’s advice at the end,,,and look where it got him.
@Pachy , With all due respect for Dylan Thomas’ reading, I would love to hear Bob Dylan’s interpretation of his namesake’s great work. I can easily imagine the poet read, or perhaps sung, in his protest song style.
I think all forms of arts and even including TV channels, magazines, etc is telling stories of people who are in really difficult situation, actually more difficult than most people, to inspire the human community by showing people how much they suffer yet still struggle& live.
So does this poem, it tells people to suck it up and fight, that’s it.
But not 100% people can do that. Sometimes it’s too hard for someone.
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