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JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about some of the things Ben Carson has said lately?

Asked by JLeslie (65488points) October 9th, 2015 from iPhone

The media seems to be all over Presidential candidate Ben Carson.

He said something about people rushing in when a shooter is on the loose. Then tied in with that it seemed to go to gun control, and that if the German citizens had had more guns the Nazi’s would not have gotten as far as they did. The media turned this all into saying Carson blames the victims. He said he is trying to put the thought into people’s mind to fight back, so they are more prepared to react in a bad situation.

The media also dwelled on Carson’s comments about not wanting a Muslim for president, which he later tried to clarify.

Another was I recently saw someone ask him about evolution. He stated he believed in natural selection, and that organisms can change, but didn’t seem to believe in the Big Bang. He added that some people believe differently, and that’s fine with him. In that Q&A the person doing the asking didn’t really paraphrase that Carson’s answer really did allow for different opinions and the possibility of both a creator and evolution.

Is the media fair to Carson? Do they paint him farther to the right than he is?

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