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If you relax one day on the weekend, do you prefer Saturday or Sunday?

Asked by JLeslie (65488points) August 28th, 2017 from iPhone

I was just on Facebook where a friend said she slept Sunday away, and she wasn’t happy she missed the day.

When I worked full time M-F, I was exhausted by the weekend. Almost always Saturday was a day to recover and catch up on rest. I think most of the US looks at Sunday as the big rest day. I guess it partly has to do with the country being mostly Christian, although, having to get up early to go to church doesn’t sound restful to me. I know my husband is more likely to do any chores he has on Saturday, and leave his Sunday for watching a race, or watching football, etc. He also doesn’t want to be out “late” on a Sunday, so Saturday is his preferred day to see a sight, or do something away from the house.

That whole Friday night, Saturday Sabbath thing makes more sense for me, I guess a bunch of people 5,000 years ago felt the same.

What about you? Do you usually give a day away to relaxing and catching up on sleep? If so, which day.

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