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Why and how did you start drinking coffee?

Asked by JLeslie (65506points) February 21st, 2019 from iPhone

Recently, a jelly asked about starting a coffee habit, and it got me thinking, why and how do people start? I think it’s like alcohol probably? You grow up seeing adults in the family doing it, and it’s almost like a right of passage. Or, someone else in your peer group invites you out for coffee maybe? Now, that Starbucks has made coffee into a dessert, it’s easy to acquire a taste for it. Obviously, in the Americas, it is all around us all the time, and the norm is to drink coffee daily. I looked up the statistic for the US and came up with 62% of Americans drink coffee daily. The stat says Americans, so are they including children under 18 in the total? That would mean even a higher percent of adults drink it daily.

I never formed the habit. My husband started drinking coffee daily when he lived in Colombia for work when he was in his late 20’s. Before that we didn’t even own a coffee machine (we’ve been living together since age 24). In Colombia female staff walked around the office offering coffee to the employees like in restaurants when they bring a pot to refill your cup. He did drink caffeine daily before that, but it was soda.

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