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andrew's avatar

Can you solve this moving problem?

Asked by andrew (16548points) October 10th, 2009

I swear, this is like my personal “cross the river with the hens” problems.

I’m moving to San Francisco. I need to move my furniture, my motorcycle and my cat.

I have to be in SF in order to be there for my furniture. My cat has to ride in my car, but I’m leaving my car in LA. I’m not driving my motorcycle up to SF.

I can’t leave my cat for too long in SF once he’s there. I can get an airbed to sleep in SF before the movers arrive with my bed.

I’d like to do this in the most painless way, without having to drive back and forth and back and forth between LA and SF.

Any novel ideas for accomplishing this?

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21 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

Cant you rent like a trailer to put your bike on and then just drive your car with your cat?

Darwin's avatar

So how are you actually getting to SF since you are leaving your car in LA and not driving your motorcycle?

scamp's avatar

I’m not sure I understand this. Are you leaving your car in LA permanently? Do you have a friend that can be there for the arrival of your furniture?

deni's avatar

Wait, so what vehicle will you have once you get to SF? Neither?

janbb's avatar

My son had to move his motorcycle this summer at one point. How about renting a U-Haul as he did and bringing cat, motorcycle and some stuff on a one way trip to SF. Stay there and wait for the movers.

Grisaille's avatar

Never put the sheep on the same raft as the wolf. Ever.

gailcalled's avatar

During the day the movers actually arrive, leave your cat with Ben and Orli.

sandystrachan's avatar

Congrats on the move , moves are a bitch . I hope someone gives you help , sadly not from me when i moved everything went into a van . I still had to do multiple trips

Darwin's avatar

In any case, I would try to do what @janbb suggests, get a big enough U-haul to put everything in it, put your cat in a carrier up front with you and leave LA for good.

Then either ask Ben to cat sit, or keep the cat in the carrier the day the movers arrive.

andrew's avatar

@janbb Great idea. I could strap down the motorcycle and bring my mattress, even.

@sandystrachan After helping my brother and sister move every year growing up, I’ve gone the professional route (to much joy of my back).

andrew's avatar

This way I can get situated with the kitten while he adjusts, then fly down and finish packing.

andrew's avatar

@scamp Correct. The car is staying in LA, the motorcycle isn’t—but it’s not an option to drive the motorcycle up—I have to do it some other way.

janbb's avatar

Yup – if you want tips on the U-Haul, pm me and I’ll give you David’s e-mail address. He is now living in SF too, by the way.

gailcalled's avatar

I guess that the kitten can not drive the motorcycle?

deni's avatar

I have heard of people moving with motorcycles before and finding someone that they can pay to drive with their boxes and such while they ride nearby on their motorcycle. My brother just did this for someone on craigslist recently. So your motorcycle is in SF with you and your car is back in LA…...............i think.

andrew's avatar

@gailcalled No, he failed out of Toonces Driving School®.

scamp's avatar

I think @janbb has the best solution so far.

autumn43's avatar

Could you get a sidecar for the motorcycle for the kitten to ride in? I’m picturing an adorable helmet and goggles….

marinelife's avatar

I don’t know if this can help you Andrew, but when we moved to Florida we took the cats with us by plane on our househunting trip. We installed them in the house and hired a pet sitter to feed them and visit them twice daily.

We left them beds made from fleece blankets we used for a while so they had our smell, and a bunch of new cat toys.

The whole thing would have worked out fine if a hurricane had not hit in the interim. Fortunately, the petsitter took them home to her place, but they were a little freaked out when we got there.

rooeytoo's avatar

If you are flying, an animal can fly as excess baggage for very little extra money. Find a good cattery (you can do that on line) and put the cat in there until you are settled in your new place. I always worry about pet sitters, will they show up, is the cat going to escape.

@Marina had a good experience but I know so many who have had less than satisfactory results.

Can’t the movers take your cycle too?

Saturated_Brain's avatar

For a moment I thought that this was for the moving answer boxes problem and a sign that the Fluther gods are really desperate enough to seek help from the collective..

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