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Just_Justine's avatar

(NSFW) What exactly did this horrific scene in Hostel mean?

Asked by Just_Justine (6511points) March 9th, 2010

The scene was where the woman lays in the bath, with the female dangling above her, and then she cuts her and allows the blood to drip all over her naked body?

I only ask because about 16 years ago I had a dream which was quite similar. But it was a goat. I know this sounds disturbing and I probably sound disturbed but I thought my dream was horrific. I have never really shared this dream with anyone else because I was afraid I would freak them out. It must mean something because it was a scene in a movie, meaning someone else understands it? My dream had an erotic overtone to it. Does it mean something in an erotic sense?

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25 Answers

kevbo's avatar

The goat was the devil, and he impregnated you a la Rosemary’s Baby.

;-) is a good dream dictionary.

ZAGWRITER's avatar

uhm, this is why I have never seen Hostel.

josie's avatar

Can’t really answer. Funny, though. I rented “Hostel” and a couple of other DVDs one night. It was at that precise scene, that I took out the Hostel DVD and watched “Leon (The Professional)” instead. Returned Hostel without watching the rest.

Lightlyseared's avatar

It doesn’t mean anything other than the sad fact that horror movies have been reduced to nothing more than cheap torture porn.

Just_Justine's avatar

@josie I hear you. Imagine though having a dream like that 16 years earlier, I felt like I needed to rent a new brain!

Just_Justine's avatar

@Lightlyseared I guess then my dream was just cheap porn?

Arisztid's avatar

I have not seen the movie but it sounds like the director is a student of history or fan of vampires and knows about Elizabeth Bathory . That woman was distilled evil.

As far as your dream, I really have no clue. Mine are usually completely random.

ubersiren's avatar

@Arisztid That’s exactly what I thought of. I’ve never seen the movie, but that’s what I thought after my husband saw it and described it to me. Creeps.

JONESGH's avatar

Nonono not cheap torture porn at allll. I thought Hostel was a great movie.

@Just_Justine basically the people are paying to kill the other people because that’s what they “get off” on. the woman in the bath tub killed the girl hanging upside down and the whole thing was just a sick fetish.

Just_Justine's avatar

@JONESGH I have come to the conclusion that I am very bad at asking questions! The real question is this “I had this dream long before the movie appeared, 16 years actually. So it must be some sort of sexual fetish. My mind knows it, unconsciously, but not consciously so when I saw the movie I realized it is more common than I realized. So I asked what it meant. As an erotic fetish.

CMaz's avatar

“But it was a goat. I know this sounds disturbing”

I just spit up a drink I drank last week!

Just_Justine's avatar

@ChazMaz yes OK! I said it was disturbing but it’s 16 years later, I want to know thats why I asked. Thanks for your deep insight.. not!

CMaz's avatar

Sorry, goats do that to me.

Berserker's avatar

The scene in that movie was an eye wink to Elizabeth Bathory also known as the Blood Countess, who believed that the blood of a virgin would maintain her youth if she bathed in it.
As for dreams themselves, I’m very unconvinced that they mean anything, but I could be wrong.
Nevertheless, dreams interest me, and so what they could mean, if anything.
There’s gotta be something about images in dreams, and the emotions you feel at the time. I myself believe it to be a subconscious reflection of one’s emotional condition and environment at any given time, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
(For example it doesn’t mean you’re a maniac, or have murderous tendencies, or hold some sorta animosity towards goats.)

Another interesting thing is that throughout humanity, along with the human skull, human blood, as essentially being the closest physical manifestation of life besides living itself, is an extremely powerful symbol.
It’s to be noted that it’s also closely related to death, because long before we had medical science and understanding, we knew that loosing blood is never good. Death has always been a strong subject for everyone, for evident reasons.
It spawned a whole lot of different things everywhere, the vampire myth, cannibal practices, was used in rituals, and the list goes on. I mean just look at Christianity; the blood is the life.

Now this applies to human blood, but animal blood itself was often used in similar fashions. Used as body paint by tribes of all sorts, animals were often sacrificed to gods long before Christianity was anything, and yes, even Christianity has it history with animal death. (The purposes differ, but the concept which spawns the belief is often much the same.)
Very often these things are/were portrayed by a bloodletting, or through symbolism thereof, like drinking wine in church.

Goats also harcken back to witchcraft, but it’s also important to note that many animals were symbolic to Medieval beliefs in witchcraft, such as cats, dogs ravens and owls. I’m not entirely sure of the significance behind these, only that apparently, the Devil came in these shapes to visit his disciples. In modern witchcraft, these animals may represent the deities belonging to their pantheons. Many Pagan beliefs revolved around nature itself, so much like the Indians, it wasn’t uncommon to picture forces as animals, and most deities given human shape always walked with some animal or another.
So another good thing to look into for your dream I think is animal symbolism, and even though most of that symbolism is fallacy when compared to what the actual animal is (Wolves are cowards for example, and they live in packs, they’re not strong solitary wise men.) it’s always been important in cultures, and cultures often influence thoughts and mentalities, even in modern times.

However death is symbolic everywhere, and always was. I don’t know if any of this helps out, I mean you’d probably have to do a lot of self seeking to discover a reasonable meaning to a 16 year old dream, or maybe some psychological insight would help sort it out.
There’s also the eroticism you mentioned, which I really can’t place. As weird as it may sound, the dream may have signified that you were happy and had a love of life. (Being enticed by a dying goat; I think dreams, if they have meanings, can be pretty twisted about it; in any case, it’s prolly not as simple as most people think.)
But I could totally be wrong too, or maybe it means nothing at all.
What is described in the dream is very universally symbolic, so it’s hard to pinpoint anything specific, especially since I wasn’t having said dream.

(I’m of the mind that really, the only person who may interpret their dreams is the person themselves.)

It’s also interesting to note though, that one theory about dreams is that we all have meanings we see in them that is a result of symbolism throughout literally centuries…for example, dreaming of the Sun means spirituality, while dreaming of a spider is your own personal stance on spirituality. I’d be hard pressed to actually know what most of it is though, if it’s ever even been classified. May be worth thinking about though.

Don’t be fooled by the scene in the movie though, as was pointed out, this was a reference to a sixteenth/seventeenth century historical figure. It’s been done in entertainment and books many times before.
That your dream was similar is still striking however, but I wouldn’t automatically consider it something bad, no matter how it felt.

(But then most of my dreams involve me murdering people, so maybe I’m just tryna justify myself. XD)

Anyways, I won’t find your meaning for you, but if dreams are about something, it’s symbolism, so I hope this gives some leads and ain’t too confusing.

escapedone7's avatar

It was your subconscious telling you there is a conflict with your animalistic (sexual, physical, instinctive) urges… kill them or revel in them or both? Tired of the turmoil, your subconcious mind wanted to end the frustration of suspense… to either kill and sacrifice the animalistic urges or surrender to them and bask in the flow of hot bloody love.

I pulled that completely out of my asshole.

TheThrelkeldKult's avatar

Your separated yourself from your hard earned money for a stupid film.

phillis's avatar

@Arisztid Points for “distilled evil”. Damn, dude. That was understated awesomeness.

@Just_Justine Refer back to what was going on at that time in your life for this answer. For most people, a bath, (unlike a shower) is a place of refuge, sort of an oasis. It can be sensual, but usually it means more about pampering yourself (Calgon, take me away! as the advertisement went). But the blood dripping instead of water means that you were seeking solace/refuge/pampering, but even the relative safety of a familiar bathtub, could not find it.

At that time, you were realizing that a lot of things were not really what you thought they were. It’s a basic tenet of growing up. Your child-like views of the world were evolving, and layers were being added to things you thought you had already figured out. You were seeing things through new eyes. Since you did not describe the dream was a nightmare, the best word for the dream might be that it was “unsettling”.

Seek's avatar

Wasn’t that “Hostel: 2”?

I remember that scene, and I know I haven’t seen the first one yet.

Anyway, I’m with the Elizabeth Batory thing. Bathing in the blood of virgins is apparently really good for the complexion.

maroon's avatar

Elizabeth Bathory all the way.

newbee's avatar

Maybe you had read something or saw something on TV about Elizabeth Bathory and incorporated that into your dream but instead of bathing in human blood you replaced it with a goat. Goats have a bad rep of bieng in league with the devil so that’s why it was a goat.

Berserker's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Yeah that was in two. Number one is just as gory.

Just_Justine's avatar

@newbee no in those days we had very censored viewing over here. That is what concerned me, I had never seen or heard of anything like it. How did I dream such a thing. It was sexual. The blood part, it was very sensual too. I know sounds creepy. I wish I could understand how my mind dreamed that. It was not related to anything I’d seen or had been suggested to me.

Seek's avatar


I hope it’s more gory. I was really let down by Hostel: 2.

Berserker's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr It’s a little gorier. What makes it a better film though, is that it doesn’t spend its first half dragging on and on. Also there’s a lotta puke in it, too. XD

WMFlight's avatar

I have never seen ‘Hostel’ nor will I. I’ve boycotted it for being nastiness for nastiness’ sake. I thought the film ‘Seven’ was sick and as much as I could take. I think films like that taint your spirit and bring you low. There is no attempt at a good plot just a string of vile scenarios strung together by trite dialogue.

As to your dream The Dreamers Dictionary says:

Blood: threatened and enraged; early sexual experience; wish or fear of pregnancy; your family is very important; be careful where you put your energy (life’s blood). What do you need to be shocked into accepting? – Source:

Blood: Blood in a dream has many meanings. Some of the most common: – Source:

Blood: life and energy / women= mensuration / life giving energy – Source:

Blood: A sign of life. Killing scene with blood: Enforces the notion that something is ended or finished. – Source: Newagedirectory

Blood: To dream of seeing blood stains you will have much trouble from an enemy if you start a business or other enterprise. If you are doing the bleeding try to stay out of confrontations with family and friends, the blood may not be literal but rather, signify a state of ’bleeding’ emotions. If the blood is seen as a transfusion your troubles will not be long-lasting. – Source: Sleeps

Blood: Fear loss of strength. – Source: Paralumun

• Positively, blood reflects vitality, strength, and success. You are confronting problems, getting ahead, or feeling strong. This may appear in dreams as the blood of enemies, blood pumping through your veins, or wounds that don’t bleed. – Source:

• Oil is to the engine as blood is to the heart and so indicates blood in a dream. The most common symbol with oil in dreams is the engine leaking oil. This represents anemia as anemia is a loss of red blood cells. Note that oil in an oil well or oil tanker has a different meaning and indicates you are a spiritual healer. – Source:

• If you dream of donating blood, or having a blood transfusion, you can expect your troubles to go away soon. – Source:

Blood: The universal life within us, essence, life itself, and all peoples shared experience. To lose blood is to lose energy and aliveness. It can also be a symbol for depression. – Source:

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