Social Question

Shecky_Johnson's avatar

Do people in your town/city walk around in their PJs?

Asked by Shecky_Johnson (720points) March 17th, 2010

I live in a college town in SC and it seems more and more students are coming into my store in their PJs. Like, the long flannel bottoms(most often with cartoon characters on them). Is this weird?

I can’t tell if it’s lazy or dissrespectful. I just don’t get the whole mentality of it.

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41 Answers

Snarp's avatar

Yeah, college kids apparently don’t get dressed anymore. When I’m on campus I see it everywhere.

TheBot's avatar

I also live in a college area and sometimes (not too often though), I’ll see someone walking around in pajamas. I absolutely abhor it. I interpret this attitude as BOTH lazy and disrespectful (including to the PJ walkers themselves).

Sophief's avatar

It’s just so lazy. I haven’t seen it, but it has been in the papers. They ought to have some resepct for themselves. I wouldn’t dare go out like that, but I don’t dress like it indoors either.

Snarp's avatar

@Dibley It’s been in the papers? Seems a bit of a waste of ink. Not much of a story, really.

Sophief's avatar

@Snarp Yes they had about half page of some woman walking into Tesco with her pj’s on.

njnyjobs's avatar

Happens everywhere, mostly high school and college kids. . . . if not the flannel pants, it would be the sweats with juicy or pink blazoned at the asses of young ladies.

gailcalled's avatar

Around here, if I wore a nice scarf and my grandmother’s honker diamonds earrings with pj’s, no one would notice.

mcbealer's avatar

Worse. I’m not kidding.
They dress like the people you see pictured on PeopleofWalmart. com

in fact, a friend’s daughter shot 2 pictures at our walmart recently which were posted

Jude's avatar

I’ve seen it here (but, not all that often). Usually, it’s someone popping into a variety (party) store and they threw on their grubby pjs. Lazy, sloppy, but, really I don’t care.

maudie's avatar

Oops! I am guilty of this. I work from home most of the time, so we do get lazy about getting dressed. Half the time I’m wearing business casual, like when we’re receiving clients, and the rest of the time I’m wearing pajama pants and tee shirts in and out of the house. I live in the Bay Area, though, so no one seems to mind. We used to live in NYC, and I don’t think I could have gotten around working on Wall Street looking like that ;-) Although, you never know, some of those dirty old men might have liked it. They never seemed to have a shortage of comments about my business clothes, no matter what I wore!

MacBean's avatar

I wear PJs out all the time. It’s comfortable, and I don’t feel the need to impress anybody. I’m covered so nobody has to look at anything they don’t want to. If somebody doesn’t like it, fuck them, it’s their problem.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I do see that once in awhile.I pull their pants down and run offLOL

neverawake's avatar

yeah, i see them all the time at walmart. they probably think it looks cool or something.

wundayatta's avatar

I see it a lot on my campus. It looks like it’s becoming a style. Soon the stores will be selling comfortable pants and shirts that look like they are for sleeping in, but are also good for walking around outside.

Justnice's avatar

I’m in college and I never really see any of the students wearing pajamas but that could be because my school doesn’t have a dormatory. I do see people in the streets wearing pjs and it’s mostly white people. I think it’s stupid and disrespectful.

gailcalled's avatar

@Justice: Dormitory.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Not PJ’s but for a few months the women were wearing long t-shirt dresses that looked like maternity nightgowns. The pregnant women here would never dream of wearing those though, not tight enough and wouldn’t show off their stacked stripper platforms well. Men’s dress is of two extremes, either very expensive jeans and t-shirts or humongous ankle length shorts with knee length t-shirts or jerseys. Ugh. I live in the land of ugh.

DominicX's avatar

Oh, here we go about “disrespect” and all that crap…

Who cares what people wear? Mind your own business and quit judging. It’s not like they’re exposing their naked body or anything or wearing them to a business meeting. God forbid someone wears something comfortable!

MacBean's avatar

@DominicX Amen. <fistbump>

thriftymaid's avatar

I never see anyone in PJs; I do sometimes see people who look like they just crawled out of bed.

Berserker's avatar

I live in a small grubby town, people go to the corner store in their boxers, it’s no more strange than the random but common dude with dreadlocks walking around with nothing but a Scottish kilt on.

Trillian's avatar

I see them in Walmart and I think it looks ridiculous. I wonder if they do it because they’re heavy and don’t have many clothes to wear. It’s even worse when they wear big stupid slippers that look like animals.

YARNLADY's avatar

It appears to be quite common. I don’t live in a college town, but I see people wearing what appears to be pajamas at the grocery store and the mall. My Daughter In Law often comes over to our house in her PJ’s and thinks nothing of it.

I don’t see any reason to care what other people wear.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’m with @DominicX on this one. They’re clothed aren’t they? Who the hell cares if they want to be comfortable? They’re just pajamas.

filmfann's avatar

My daughters do this, and it drives me nuts.

Jeruba's avatar

Never seen it. I’m on a college campus twice a week and have two universities within close driving distance; my routes around town take me by both of them. I’m in the Bay Area. If I did see it, I’d just think, “Oh, that’s what the kids are doing now.”

Bluefreedom's avatar

They do in the local Wal-Mart in my neighborhood. That’s par for the course and tame considering what other abnormalities are seen in that website called “People of Wal-Mart”.

MacBean's avatar

I wonder how much overlap there is between people who find pajamas offensive/disrespectful and people who are tired of NSFW questions…

TheBot's avatar


Personally, as I said above, I find people who go out in PJs to be lazy and disrespectful including to themselves. That’s just my opinion, and I take it as such, no finger pointing or anything. To me, it just conveys this idea of complete carelessness. In absolute terms, I don’t really care if people do it. I think they’re not doing themselves any service by going out like that in public, but again, to each his/her own life. However, I don’t see anything wrong with NSFW questions…

I shouldn’t generalize my case though, so there may be an overlap…what makes you think there would be one?

DominicX's avatar


I’m guessing because the idea of being “offended” or bothered by people in pajamas in public and being offended or bothered by NSFW questions are both prudish and hypersensitive in some ways.

Also, your ability to have someone’s character figured out by the clothing they wear is amazing. Can you teach me how to do this? I’m always fixin’ to be more judgmental. :)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@TheBot How is it disrespectful, honestly? You’re a stranger to these people, so why should they care if they offend you by their choice of clothing? They don’t owe you anything, they don’t need to be immaculate for you. I think it’s more disrespectful for one to expect complete strangers to impress you, or anyone else, for that matter.

TheBot's avatar


Lol, loved the second part of your comment ^^

But the way I see it, it’s not so much a question of being judgmental as it is a question of using common sense and logic. Just read on.

Granted, PJs are comfortable, but many types of clothes you can wear outside are equally or more comfortable. So to me, that argument does not hold in a million years. Another reason why it doesn’t hold is because you don’t see people walking around in underwear. Or maybe this is where people draw the line…

Since other comfortable clothes do exist, this leaves us with only two reasons for PJs on the street: people either have a RIDICULOUSLY small amount of time in the morning (it takes roughly 1.5 to 2 minutes to get dressed… maybe they should set the alarm clock two minutes earlier?), or they don’t TAKE the time (please step back a few moments to appreciate the tremendously high probability of this second hypothesis).

Why don’t they take the time, I do not know for sure. But my intuition and,- blame it on the parents-, my education tells me carelessness, which is a special mix of laziness and lack of respect for others and one’s self.


How is it disrespectful? Apart from intrinsically telling everyone “Hello world, I did not even take the time to shower and get properly dressed to greet you this morning”, it isn’t. I never thought I would ever have to defend this in my life, but getting dressed before leaving the house is just the most basic foundation of politeness. ^^ IMO, if we start accepting PJs, we might as well accept people who eat without using either forks, knives, or their hands (...hey, why not?)

Aanother argument you bring up is about not trying to impress people. To be clear, I do not care at all about how impressive clothes are. I wouldn’t even see it if you were trying. With a very simple personal “style” (think blue jeans and plain t-shirts), I am probably one of the most fashion insensitive guys you will meet. I think PJs are way beyond not caring about impressing people.

Nevertheless, I would much rather have someone wear these crazy clothes you see on people of wal-mart, or even potato bags, than PJs. Crazy clothes show “eccentric taste”, ill-fitting or outdated clothes show either lack of money or reveal budgeting priorities (this is where the “I don’t care about impressing people” argument actually works). PJs just show the most passive attitude towards life. I can’t help seeing it that way.

Unless you only own PJs, to me it just seems the most considerate (and also the most natural) thing to do to wear something else when outside.

DominicX's avatar


Pajamas and underwear are not the same and cannot be compared. Your slippery slopes fail as well. Just because we “allow” people to wear pajamas (there’s no law against it and you not liking isn’t going to change whether or not people wear it) doesn’t mean that the next step is to eat with our hands, wear thongs in public, and go to the bathroom wherever we please. It’s called a line. And it can be drawn.

As for the other things, I just don’t care whether people wear pajamas in public. Their choice, their business, not mine.

TheBot's avatar

@DominicX Please re-read my comment your first replied to. I don’t care what people wear. Having an opinion is not judgmental. It’s human.

The underwear example was a reduction to the absurd of the comfort argument. And people do already eat with their hands. I was saying without hands. Honestly, because I had never seen the PJ phenomenon anywhere else (than the US) before a few months ago, maybe I am still in a phase of shock. But to me, you seriously might as well be eating by shoving your head in your plate.

I have seen people wear thongs in public. Sometimes over pants. In middle school. God save us. But that’s just extremely vulgar, not exactly on the same plane as pajamas…

TheBot's avatar


“and you not liking isn’t going to change whether or not people wear it”

Wow, I didn’t realize :o…thank you for making me aware of this!

MacBean's avatar

@TheBot: Dominic got my reason for thinking there would be a significant overlap.

@DominicX: Thanks, dude. I don’t have the patience to address all the ridiculousness here, and you did a great job so I don’t even really feel the need to.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@TheBot “we might as well accept people who eat without using either forks, knives, or their hands (...hey, why not?)”

Are you not aware that there are many cultures, all over the world, that don’t eat with forks, knives and use their hands all the time? Are you trying to imply that they’re somehow inferior to you and the culture you’re from? Because I’m sorry, that’s bullshit, flat out.

Snarp's avatar

I think it depends on what you are doing and what kind of pajamas. If they cover your body appropriately and you’re just running to the store, who cares? Obviously one should put on something more substantial when going to work or to a nice restaurant. I think it’s pretty silly, but I don’t get offended or particularly care.

TheBot's avatar

@DrasticDreamer Are you not aware that you are getting pumped up and jumping to very harsh (dare I say insulting) conclusions over something I did not say?

FYI I come from an expatriate family and as a result have spent more than 13 years abroad in many different countries, and was always schooled in international schools. Throughout this time I have befriended people from most countries in the world. I do not consider myself a master in international culture, far from it, but if anything I am deeply aware of cultural differences, thank you.

Just as an aside comment:

Even if I had said that wearing PJs was like eating without forks and knives (I actually said without anything, as in putting the face directly in the plate), that doesn’t mean I would consider anyone “inferior” for doing it. In my experience, the saying “In Rome, do as the Romans” is probably the best piece of advice one could give. I would consider it rude of me to eat with forks and knives instead of using bread in an Indian family. I would consider it rude not to make some amount of noise with my mouth at a Japanese table. I would consider it rude to cross my legs when sitting with an Arab etc etc. But here in the US, where I do believe eating with forks and knives is not the norm, I think it is pretty safe to consider it rude to eat without them.

krose1223's avatar

I did this all the time in high school and I do it every now and then as a young adult. Seriously though, what is the big idea? I’m not being disrespectful to you or myself!! It’s none of your business what I wear, and I am comfortable enough with myself to NOT feel the need to look “presentable” in public. Who the hell cares? I’m covered so I’m not exposing anything that shouldn’t be. If I don’t want to get dressed some days I don’t have to. So what if it’s lazy, everyone is entitled to lazy days.

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