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Ltryptophan's avatar

Why use fluther instead of a different answer site?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) June 2nd, 2010

Yes, there are others…

I don’t like them though.

I am asking this primarily so that maybe a newcomer will see all of our good reasons for sticking around, instead of swimming away.

I am asking this question with many answers of my own to use fluther instead of another site. For one, I think there is a sense of community. It is also akin to how wikipedia aims to let their information be updated by its users. If anyone has an answer they can give it, and it will be validated by the lurve.

It also seems that certain people will give better answers about better topics and that this site is getting the questions to the right people.

Now those are a few good reasons. How about some more bad and good reasons…

A reason not to use fluther would be traffic flow maybe? Not enough people answering the questions? I really have trouble finding any cons.

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