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Do Japanese beetle traps really work?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43743points) July 19th, 2010

Japanese beetles are eating my flowers and veggies. I had been picking them off the leaves and dropping them into soapy water but that is time consuming. and endless.
Instead I bought a commercial JB trap that i put about 20 feet from the plantings. Within a couple of hours there were hundreds of beetles into trap. The next morning I went out to check it and some animal ( raccoon) had eaten the bottom of the bag and the beetles so i guess you could say they were recycled.
I replaced the bag with a plastic jug and can see that it is taking in at least one JB every 10 seconds! So I know it’s doing something. However, I just can’t believe these all are from my yard.
My plants still have JB’s on them. Does the trap call them in from miles around?
I could spray Sevin and be done with it but I’m trying to be environmentally friendly. Any suggestions?

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