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boxer3's avatar

Ever want to just stop everything?

Asked by boxer3 (4150points) October 23rd, 2010

I keep a really busy schedule.
I am a full time college student.
I work 36 hours a week.
I’m part of a sports team that practices 2–3 hours a night
interval training on saturdays.
I run in addition to that almost every day
have homework, and try to maintain a little bit of a social life
so on and so forth

usually, I’m ok with managing these things,
as I’d rather stay busy most the time….
however, every once in awhile,
I just get tired, not neccessarilly sleepy tired
but – tired in the sense of
I just want to stop everything,
and I question
my rationale for doing all of these things
in the first place fairly heavily.

It usually passes in a couple days, sometimes it doesn’t.
Anybody else feel similarly?

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11 Answers

marinelife's avatar

When my life gets to be too much, I drop something. You need to reassess.

Perhaps a sport that doesn’t require five days a week of practice. Perhaps cut back on work hours to 30 hours a week.

You need down time too in a balanced life.

boxer3's avatar

@marinelife, I hear that- I’m just not sure where to make the cut-
I’ve got to work that much to make ends meet-
I’m ttying to better myself with school/ aim toward a career
and I’m truely passionate about the sport, even though it requires a lor of time.
Something’s gotta give- I just don’t know.
It’s not always like this.
but sometime’s…

tearsxsolitude's avatar

Yes…like you just want to put everything on pause, be by yourself and just be nothing ,with no one, nowhere.

Life is just too much 2 handle sometimes.

cookieman's avatar

This is pretty normal given your busy schedule. I’ve been there.

As @marinelife said, you need to stop and reassess your life. That feeling your feeling is a clue, a warning sign that you need to do less.

If you ignore it and continue at this pace, it could effect your health.

MissPoovey's avatar

Stop eating fast food. That tends to depress your system. Try and see if this happends after a fast food meal.

furball11's avatar

Certainly. Sedation of some kind sounds good sometimes.

tearsxsolitude's avatar

@furball11 Pot is a good alternative if you ask me.

partyparty's avatar

I agree with the previous answers particularly @marinelife.
You need some time for yourself, otherwise you will burn yourself out.
Exclude one of the things you do. If you miss doing it, then take it up again, and exclude something else.

Cruiser's avatar

Quite a lot lately….HS I gotta slow down!!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sure but it’s not possible, really.

boxer3's avatar

@MissPoovey, I appreciate the advice and I know what you mean. however I havent eaten fast food for probably 4 years!

@tearsxsolitude : ya, that pretty much sums up the way I feel.

I was talking to a good friend of mine, and she said ” you know, whatyou’re doing is not easy, and it’s not going to be easy…...good thing you eat difficult for breakfast.”
That made me laugh, and also remember that the mental capacity is just as strong if not strnger than physical capability. If i start to dwell on things, they just seem that much more overbearing: Im just going to try extremely hard to not start digging out a rut for myself to lie in.

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