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jballzz's avatar

What did you think of Jackass 3D?

Asked by jballzz (674points) October 27th, 2010

I saw Jackass 3D last week, and loved it. I loved the show, and the four movies that have come out. I also loved Viva la Bam and Wildboyz. I heard they’re coming out with Jackass 3.5 in January because they had enough footage left over from Jackass 3D that they didn’t use to make another movie. But that might be the end of Jackass. Just wondering what you thought of Jackass throughout the years and their newest movie.

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8 Answers

DominicX's avatar

This was the first Jackass movie I had seen. Really gross, sometimes retarded, but still entertaining and outrageous. It made me want to see the others. :P

Though I think this is the only movie I’ve seen that actually made me feel like throwing up in the theater… :\

jballzz's avatar

@DominicX Haha the only part I couldn’t watch was the sweatsuit cocktail. Otherwise the other gross stuff just made me laugh. But at the sweatsuit cocktail part I could hear people gagging in the audience and that was pretty gross. But yes the retardedness is what Jackass is all about. I loved the Rocky bits lol


Only one sentence aptly describes the Wildboyz and Jackass movies—-“STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.” Lol.

Unfortunately, despite the movies’ warnings, I’m sure there will be a lot of idiotic youth trying to emulate the same scenarios, and it is likely some will not escape serious injury or even death. That only serves to confirm my belief that Nature does indeed weed out the dumbest ones, and that “Survival of the Smartest” does benefit the evolution of man. Thank God. Hehe.

kevbo's avatar

Is it worth seeing in 3D? Thanks.

jonsblond's avatar

Please, no spoilers.~

CMaz's avatar

Yes, how was the 3D?

jballzz's avatar

@kevbo @ChazMaz there wasnt a ton of the 3D parts in the movie, but the parts that are were awesome. if you don’t see it in 3D first you’re missing out

jballzz's avatar

and also I agree with jonsblond. try not to put any spoilers, just put what you thought of the movie

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