Social Question

phoeni0545's avatar

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions?

Asked by phoeni0545 (33points) January 2nd, 2011

in my case

First, live with vigor
Second, sorry it’s secret (personal thing) ^^;
Third, do my best to get what i want

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12 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

Yep. Mine is to ensure that I turn all my printed, painted(?), or colored latex(?) printed shirts inside out before I wash them.

Another one is to not make any overly ambitious NY’s resolutions. ;-)

Deja_vu's avatar

yes, to really quit smoking… for real.

jazmina88's avatar

vigor…good word

mine…take care of health
and make a good demo to sell songs.\
You can do it if you dream it

OpryLeigh's avatar

Nope. Although, I would like to improve my work life so maybe that should be my resolution.

downtide's avatar

I have three resolutions.
1. Quit smoking (again)
2. Finish my novel
3. Blog more.

marinelife's avatar

I also have three resolutions, but I am not talking about them, I am working on them.

partyparty's avatar

Yes I have: To laugh and enjoy each and every day of my life.

etignotasanimum's avatar

I haven’t made any officially (how can you make one official? I guess by answering this question). Okay, so now I’m officially resolving to worry about the small stuff less and actually enjoy the time I have. This means actually going out and socializing sometimes instead of always burying my nose in homework. Oh, and to learn how to cook more (I have a limited repertoire of recipes).

janbb's avatar

To ruminate less and live more.

faye's avatar

To not have a cigarette- last one was dec 15. to do some form of exercise every day, to not stress out over anything.

ducky_dnl's avatar

1.) To get my new truck by the end of March.
2.) Move forward with my life.
3.) Spend more time in Canada (hopefully the summer).
4.) Retain my good grades for the remainder of the year.

filmfann's avatar

Yes, and the treadmill behind me is laughing and mocking me as I type this.

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