General Question

forgewolf's avatar

What is a transformational society?

Asked by forgewolf (221points) March 31st, 2011

I’ve been given a task to give a report on “Graduate A Partner Towards Transformational Society”. Any thoughts on the subject matter? because there are only little substantial information on the net.

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3 Answers

Tocon_Tactus's avatar

It’s just political marketing speak. All societies transform themselves. Most don’t want to admit it. Sometimes people come along that want to get noticed and point out the emperor’s new clothes. C’est la vie.

thorninmud's avatar

This is the national theme of the 2011 graduation in the Philippines. Basically, you have to report on how graduates can contribute to the ongoing transformations in Filipino society. Generally, this means the transition from a colonial and traditional society that has historically been over-run by outside political, corporate and cultural interests to a modern society with a uniquely Filipino identity.

Here is some information you may be able to use.

mattbrowne's avatar

How about taking Egypt as an example watching their transformation right now?

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