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KateTheGreat's avatar

Why am I craving these certain foods?

Asked by KateTheGreat (13640points) April 8th, 2011

I’ve been craving baked potatoes, pancakes, and pizza lately. That’s all I ever want to eat. I have no other desire to eat anything else! What is wrong with me?

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12 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

Are you a bit down? Those are all high carb foods… comfort food?

mazingerz88's avatar

Nothing. It’s a phase. Like when I had my Popeye’s chicken and Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough ice cream epic run. But if you can, try to exercise as well while you’re in this period.

everephebe's avatar

Are you in college? Because that would answer your question, if you said yes. College students live off these kinds of foods.

BeeVomit's avatar

I would highly recommend you eat these foods as healthfully as you may. Bake a potato and keep the toppings meager, or add some soya sauce instead of cheese. If you have it with something creamy, use plain yoghurt, because it contains digestive enzymes that are good for you. It’s just as easy to add veggies to plain yoghurt as it is to add fruits. If you feel these cravings continue, you might try eating everything but these foods. If you eat these foods often, make sure you have a healthy aside to them. With you baked potato, eat a small salad or lightly steamed veggies.
I don’t see any problem with craving potatoes and other starches, so long as they’re balanced with other food groups. For pizza I would recommend something small and good, and just enough for you and whom you’re feeding. You can make a lot for less cost than that of take-out. Try making a personal one on a bagel or piece of toast. I always recommend some sprouted grain bread toasted, then roasted with spinach, goat cheese and sliced olives if you have them.. and a thin slice of tomato atop (so it won’t corrode the bread while baking). Drizzle some olive oil over it after it’s finished and you’ve got a great meal (especially if munched with a dallop of plain yoghurt). Enjoy!

~~Remember where your food comes from. Are you ok with what you are eating? Goodness comes from within, and that force of life needs good fuel. I trust you’ll find it.

BeeVomit's avatar

Just a thought.. You might be pregnant.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@BeeVomit No, I am NOT pregnant. Not a chance in hades.

@Mz_Lizzy I’m perfectly fine. I feel great, actually.

@everephebe Yes, I’m in college. But I have a meal plan and everything!

I’m just kind of stumped on why I am craving these things when I have everything readily available and I can basically buy whatever I want to eat. It’s kind of weird. I’m a vegetarian, but I don’t think any of those foods contain what I may be lacking!

Hibernate's avatar

Don’t think she is.

Her body just “make” her use only those sort of food. Nothing bad with it since it will change.

Oh and the “she’s in college” doesn’t make any sense when it comes to answering her question.

everephebe's avatar

Well as @Mz_Lizzy said, these are high calorie foods. What does that have to do with college? Brains like to have energy to function, no? Calories are energy, understand the relevance now @Hibernate? In college your metabolism is in pretty good shape to nom nom up those calories and turn them into brain food. With pancakes and pizza, you get some pretty good iron and protein from the flour, and the potatoes give you some starchy carbohydrates. Cheese (pizza) and eggs (pancakes) are pretty darn well-rounded foods too. All of those are good things if you want to keep your energy up, and have a nice GPA. Supplement your mighty three P’s diet with fruits and veggies of course! Add some color to those plates!

“The brain is a hungry organ, it’s cells requiring two times the amount of energy than that of other cells in the body. To work well and efficiently throughout the day, this energy level must be kept high enough so not to cause mental stress and exhaustion.”-

Besides this was the way I ate in college, well sometimes. Pizza and potatoes are staples in school. And pancakes are good if it’s past 2am.

In addition, if she is not getting these foods… that could also explain the cravings. This are all homey foods and comfort foods. It could just mean you miss home cooking too. Well maybe not everybody does cook pizza at home, but they should!

cazzie's avatar

Usually, when you’re craving those high carb foods, you’re lacking something in the Vit. B group. Have you been stressed lately? The body tends to use up certain vit B’s when under stress or even when something is going on with your metabolism unrelated to stress.

Instead of pigging out on high calorie foods, try a taking a complex vit B suppliment. I know I need them when the skin on my fingers start to peel. I have a rather peculiar immune system and metabolism.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Sometimes cravings are just a way for your body to get nutrients it’s lacking. Doesn’t sound like that’s the case here, though, because most of those foods are fairly nutrient deficient. Probably just starch addiction, since many grain carbohydrates break down in ways that effect your body chemistry like mild opiates.

john65pennington's avatar

Start taking a multivitamin to make up for what you might be missing in the foods you mentioned.

I highly recommend a mutivatamin for everyone. I have taken them for the past 15 years and my last physical was really good. Doc said to keep on keeping on and I will.

stardust's avatar

I agree with @incendiary_dan in that it’s probably starch addiction. I’d try upping my veg intake and slowly reducing your intake of carbs – or at least the pizza, pancake type :-)
I go through periods of craving certain foods which usually dissipates over time.

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