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Aster's avatar

What can't I hide posts on my Facebook page?

Asked by Aster (20023points) April 17th, 2011

I’m going crazy! I clicked “hide post” on many things five times; each time I go back on FBook they’re back. What am I doing wrong?
Hide means delete, right?

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2 Answers

lookingglassx3's avatar

It depends what you are trying to hide. It could be spam or a Facebook virus you have accidentally clicked on – these will constantly repost themselves, no matter how many times you hide them. Try closing the Facebook tab, then refreshing the page a while later and trying again.

If this is a virus, then you can simply get rid of it by going to the application’s setting page and deleting the app.

Alternatively, it could just be Facebook malfunctioning and being slow to respond to your request. Just keep trying and keep refreshing. They could have actually been deleted to everyone else’s view, but could still show on your personal account.

Aster's avatar

thanks so much! It’s just old posts that I want off my page.

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