Meta Question

ecogal's avatar

How do we get more jellies in this collective?

Asked by ecogal (84points) May 11th, 2008

I’ve been a member for about a week now and I’m completely addicted to checking the site multiple times daily to see what new questions people have asked (note: this has been a fantastic procrastination technique to avoid working on final papers – thank you all). Much lurve to the fluther “regulars”, but how do we get more people active? It seems like the value of a collective like this is in numbers and diversity. Any ideas?

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24 Answers

psyla's avatar

Stop inviting people off the street! Hey! We’re exclusive here!

Trustinglife's avatar

Sharing your enthusiasm is a great way of bringing in new jellies.

I’ll leave the site’s more formal marketing to Ben, Andrew, and Erik. But hey, just had an idea… what if on the registration page, there were a line that asked, “How did you hear about Fluther?” If the new registrant cites a Flutherer, maybe that person would get 10 Lurve points.

What do you think of that?

psyla's avatar

Greed for Lurve is bad for the chakras. Let Lurve flow in its natural path young Fluthermaster. Let’s save the questions for the apprentices for inside Fluther and not bombard the candidates with questions when they’re just trying to join!

jrpowell's avatar

Ask better questions and give better answers. Google indexes this place every minute or so. So others that google for an answer might find this place and say, “That solved my problem, maybe I should look around.”

psyla's avatar

Try to be more academic and less Jedi in your statements.

psyla's avatar

Do you really want more people like me in Fluther? ...iPhoning from my current residence in my cardboard box under this bridge? Quantity is not the same as quality. Although there is a certain satisfaction in forcing people to join Fluther who have no interest in learning things and those who have no valuable thoughts to share.

peedub's avatar

Offer free donuts, jelly-filled ones.

psyla's avatar

That’s a great recruiting tactic, force people to join Fluther against their will so that they can add mindless comments to our discussions (much like this one) by offerring to ship them jelly-filled donuts via ground express.

psyla's avatar

I think we need more commenters who really don’t want to be members.

peedub's avatar

Hey, it works for some. I think they do it at my dad’s church. Perhaps that’s how they wrangled him in.

He’s a sucker for the fried and glazed O.

wildflower's avatar

psyla, do you feel restricted by the bonds of registering? Hope you don’t feel the collective has clipped your wings – or beak as the case may be….

peedub's avatar


Psyla- Is your beak filed?

Foolaholic's avatar

Lurve for this question because you refer to us as ‘jellies’. I like it.

Anyway, you could do the whole ambiguous advertising thing. For instance, write on a whole bunch of small slips of paper and leave them in strategic places, like a local coffee shop or bookstore.

psyla's avatar

Yes, registration at any website is always traumatic without alot of extraneous and ultimately unuseful questions. I usually regain my composure after such experiences by going about the house filing down all the beaks, especially the beak on the stuffed parrot I keep pointed at my head in the chair where I usually Fluther. Then, I’m ready to face the world again.

wildflower's avatar

Good morning paula. Is the parrot smiling approvingly at your coffee?

scamp's avatar

johnpowell nailed it!

wildflower's avatar

Hahaha…..I can’t believe psyla came out as paula. Damn iPhone typing! Unless of course that’s your real name, in which case it was intentional.

psyla's avatar

Good evening wildflower! I’m trying out peedub’s interior decorating style of taking pictures of myself, but not having the stuffed parrot, who’s beak is pointed at my head, appear in the picture. And of course, NOT smiling in the picture (due to the proximity of the beak).

wildflower's avatar

And how’s that working out for ya?

peedub's avatar

Kaw Kaww!

psyla's avatar

Very well. The place is now spruced up.

wildflower's avatar

and when’s the self-portrait gonna come up as your avatar?......that may attract more ‘jellies’....

psyla's avatar

Fluther will censor it for being lewd and obscene.

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