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SuperMouse's avatar

Theists and Atheists can you give some feedback on how to word this project idea? (Details inside)

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) November 14th, 2011

For one of my classes I have an assignment inspired by this clip from the movie City Slickers. Each of us has to come up with one thing that we think of as the secret of life. The first thing I thought of was the idea that we are all part of something greater than ourselves. Being a theist, I think it would be simple to couch the idea theistic terms but I honestly believe the idea applies to theists and atheists. I want it to be an idea that everyone, theist or atheist can relate to. Do you have any thoughts on how I could present it so it won’t offend and will in fact appeal to the most people?

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15 Answers

Haleth's avatar

I think “we are all part of something greater than ourselves” stands on its own. No couching needed.

The first thing this made me think of is families, friends, and then larger groups like cities or societies. “Something greater than ourselves” is humanity.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I remember that scene… I’m not sure why anyone would assume that it is a theist message. I never interpreted it that way. I doubt your students will either, unless, as you say, you “couch it” in those terms. But my question to you is, will you say that it is about how “we are all part of something greater than ourselves”? It’s not clear to me whether your assignment is based on the clip, or on your personal interpretation of the clip.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I agree that “we are all part of something greater than ourselves” is good as it stands. I believe that is true, and I wouldn’t have even thought to involve a spiritual meaning if you hadn’t said it.

tinyfaery's avatar

This atheist realizes that we are all connected to every living thing, but god plays no part in it. I think of it more as nature than god.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Though I don’t agree with your concept… Matryoshka Dolls might satisfy your requirements.

Blackberry's avatar

Everyone feels that feeling of wonder when looking at the clear night sky.

SuperMouse's avatar

@dappled_leaves no one said it was a theistic message in the clip. The assignment is for each student to share their own one true thing. It is a personal choice and the first thought that came to my mind was the idea of being part of something bigger than myself. My question is about avoiding turning that idea into a theistic message.

EmptyNest's avatar

I don’t think writing about God would offend atheists. How can anyone be offended in what they don’t believe in?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@SuperMouse I misunderstood – I thought you were making the assignment! If you are one of the students, I don’t think there is anything offensive in presenting your own view, theistic or otherwise.

digitalimpression's avatar

The secret of life is to skip the things you like to do but know you shouldn’t; instead doing the things you thought you couldn’t that you’ll always remember.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Need examples? Just look around. They are everywhere: eating, spending money, sex, reading, talking, fluthering…

JLeslie's avatar

I actually do think of the line, we are all part of something bigger, as theist talk. I think it can apply to atheists, as in we are part of a vast universe, or that life is not just about ourselves, how we interconnect with other people, society, and nature. But, I don’t often hear atheists use that particular line, not sure if I ever have? I think the idea is good though. I think it is very important in life to understand we all affect each other. However, that particular line for a long time meant to me that God was more important than ourselves, because I viewed it as a theist saying. But, that’s me, how I heard it, and over the years, as I myself am more in awe and wonderment of the world we live in, and the impact we each have, I understand it in a different way.

@EmptyNest You’re wrong. Sometimes what people write or say about God is offensive to athesist. I am not saying that is the case in this instance, I don’t think it is, but certainly theists say things all the time that are offensive or cause discomfort for us.

augustlan's avatar

You could go with something like the Butterfly Effect, which kind of goes hand in hand with “we are all part of something greater than ourselves”. I tend to think of it as “we are all interconnected”, and I picture it as concentric rings overlapping one another in a pond. However you word it, the end result is that what we do can affect everyone/everything in some way or another.

thorninmud's avatar

There’s a famous teacher named Gutei way back in the history of Zen who, whenever anyone asked him for the truth, just held up one finger. I can’t help but think that this scene is based on that old anecdote.

What did Gutei mean by that? This is the very same question that is being raised in the clip. If Gutei meant something by this – if that finger stood for some idea – then why didn’t he just say it? Why doesn’t the cowboy in the clip just say what the “one thing” is? Maybe the finger doesn’t stand for something else. Maybe that “one thing” is right there in the holding up of the finger.

I know that doesn’t help you with the wording of your project, but maybe the way to go is not to try to put the One Thing into words. Maybe something along the lines of “If you think you know what the One Thing is, that’s not it”.

Good Luck!

tom_g's avatar

I’ll be honest. I don’t even get the question (“secret of life”). I can understand specific questions like, “What’s the secret to living the most fulfilling life?” But questions like this are really questions of psychology. The more we know about human well being and happiness, the more accurate the answer will be.

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