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iLindseyMarie's avatar

Tips and Advice on Cuddling?

Asked by iLindseyMarie (114points) July 28th, 2013 from iPhone

Last night I was freezing, so I asked my friend to cuddle, and he agreed. We were joking around, but I really wanted to actually cuddle (though I haven’t before) and I was unsure whether he was being serious, so I asked him. He said he would love to cuddle with me, so I jokingly asked when he wanted to; he wasn’t too sure about the days since he always plans something the day he has nothing to do, so I asked him about cuddling Monday or Tuesday.
I really don’t know what do to when cuddling since I’ve had no experience with it. But he loves cuddling and does it all the time. Any advice or tips on cuddling for your first time?

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10 Answers

glacial's avatar

Serious question: how old are you?

Chances are, your friend thinks “cuddling” is code for “sex”.

iLindseyMarie's avatar

@glacial, my friend doesn’t like me like that; he has no intention to have sex and he’s made it clear. He only wants to cuddle haha

JLeslie's avatar

Well, he might try to kiss you during the cuddle, or go under your shirt, or rub up against you, so just be prepared for that. When I say prepared I mean don’t be surprised if it happens, and know ahead of time what you feel comfortable doing so you don’t feel pressured. These things can kind of sneak up on you and you can wind up feeling you did something you didn’t want. Men, boys, tend to think in more sexual ways than women when you are young.

Having said all that cuddling can feel great, especially when it is cold. Many people like to spoon, which would mean you lay on your side, and he is behind you laying on his side facing you. He would wrap his arm around you and you kind of fit together like spoons. It is also a perfect position for him to try to cop a feel of your breast, or rub his penis against your ass. I don’t know what he is thinking, he may just be fine with just cuddling also. I think you could call it cuddling even if you just both make a nest of blankets and get warm together under them, even if you don’t really touch, just being near each other and feeling the body heat feels good and is very innocent. Maybe watch TV or a movie.

How old are you?

iLindseyMarie's avatar

For those of you asking, we’re both 17; he is older by 2 months though.

Headhurts's avatar

Are you really 17?

JLeslie's avatar

I was thinking younger than 17. You don’t sound 17.

Kardamom's avatar

This is one of the odder questions I’ve read in awhile, so for that I’m giving you a GQ rating.

Cuddling is for people who are in intimate relationships with each other, not for buddies and friends. Although I can see some young girls (like at a slumber party) laying their heads on each other’s shoulders or something similar while they’re watching a chick flick, but I wouldn’t exactly describe that as cuddling either.

But cuddling in the sense that I think you mean it (maybe you can explain better, how you mean it) is a physically intimate activity, just short of kissing and heavy petting, when it’s between an actual couple. If you invite a mere friend to cuddle, you are in a sense suggesting that you are interested in them sexually, even if you don’t have sex. I think you are trying to make cuddling sound innocent, when most of us over the age of 12, know it is not. Think of it like this, if your parents are married, would you want your mom cuddling with the next door neighbor’s husband?

Cuddling also goes on between family members, most often between parents and their very young children(or other close relatives and their young family members) as a means of showing love, and bonding. Older children and their parents (and other family members) usually refrain from cuddling as its seen (at least in the U.S.) as promoting sexuality between family members. Simple hugging, like when a family member is parting, is not cuddling.

Also, people cuddle with their dogs and cats, again as a means of showing love and affection and bonding. In this case, it is not sexual in nature.

I have a couple of questions for you. You said that your friend loves cuddling and does it all the time? With whom is he cuddling? Is he cuddling with multiple people? If so, yikes!

Also, I’ve never heard of anyone making an appointment to cuddle, as if you were making a date to go see a movie. Cuddling happens spontaneously between couples in intimate relationships, and between close family members, it doesn’t get penciled in on a calendar.

Did your parents not cuddle you as a child???

LostInParadise's avatar

The site pointed to by @syz is in agreement with what I think of as cuddling. If you are not embarrassed to admit to your friend that you have never done it before, you could send the link to him and say that this is your understanding of what is meant. It is a little odd to make a cuddling appointment, but I do not see any harm in it.

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