Social Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Who cares to play TJBM game, The Jelly Below Me, #77?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23733points) April 13th, 2017

The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me is a cheese addict.”
The response might be:
“False! Cheese killed my family!”
“True! I live on cheese.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me likes sleeping.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a Jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.

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530 Answers

Coloma's avatar

TJBM is ready to start Pt. 77 Thanks Mimi :-)

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thanks @Coloma for coming first :)
TJBM thinks that their autocorrect is a bit too much My autocorrect is getting more and more PC. It even marks the word “hell” as incorrect :p

Sneki95's avatar

I noticed that my aurtocorrect doesn’t like British English. “Humour” and “honour” and similar are marked as incorrect.

Not sure about the PC though.

TJBM likes cracking their fingers.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM likes blackberry jam.

Brian1946's avatar

How many answers does #76 have?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 509
I wish I could taste it. There is no blackberry in my country.
TJBM envies of other countries for a kind of food.

Brian1946's avatar

Nope. It seems that we have almost every nationality of food here in Los Angeles: Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, Peruvian, Mexican, French, Italian, Cuban, Indian (the Mexican food of Asia), etc.

I do envy some other countries for their climate, social democracy, and abundance of eastern Asian women. ;-)

Mimi, don’t they import some foreign foods to your country?

TJBM knows how to turn off their autocorrect and/or the jukebox in their mind.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 They do import some foreign food. We have Japanese, Korean, Thai, some French, a little Italian, cheese from different countries in Europe, and so sorry but hamburgers and pizzas are pretty much all what we know about America :p
The autocorrect is stuck to my smartphone’s browser, and I don’t remember seeing it so PC until an update several months ago. And I don’t turn off my jukebox, I learn to live with it in peace
TJBM has an unusual advice.

rojo's avatar

Getting plastered most night makes this life pass faster.

TJBM thinks that TV is a waste of time.

Sneki95's avatar


TJBM likes George Carlin’s work.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, he was a really sharp guy.

TJBM was not even born when George Carlin was in his prime in the early 70’s.

Sneki95's avatar

No, I wasn’t.
I found out about him only recently. He died when I was very young.

TJBM sometimes thinks s/he is born in the wrong generation.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not only in the wrong generation, but also in the wrong place. I sometimes think I would fare better in a different country…
TJBM likes a country other than theirs and will tell us why.

Sneki95's avatar

I like Iceland. It’s like a heaven on Earth. A very small, isolated country, with volcanoes and ice, and the most archaic language I’ve heard recently. I wish to be able to learn Icelandic, it sounds so powerful it’s amazing. I basically know nothing of these people besides one band, a few images on Google, and the place on the map, but I would really like to visit the place and learn one beautiful language that is, sadly, on the brink of dying.

There are many other countries I like too.

TJBM likes a country other than theirs and will tell us why.

Coloma's avatar

I love the mountains of Taiwan. I could live in a little stone house forever there but I would miss American food. haha

TJBM wants to go go to the Amazon.

Patty_Melt's avatar

That would be cool, except they have some kind of flesh eating virus or fungus there I would be scared of.
TJBM goes snowboarding.

Sneki95's avatar

I never went snowboarding.

TJBM would like to have a superpower.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I do have a super power… But it’s a secret.
I know TJBM , has a darker secret…..

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Yes I have a darker secret that involves hidden but forseeable betrayal of epic proportion.

TJBM is someone who visits a bar at night to flirt with some random guys.

Sneki95's avatar

I never go to bars, nor flirt to anyone.

TJBM is a basement dweller.

Mimishu1995's avatar

In some way.
TJBM believes me :)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

True! It is where your secured weapons are stored.

TJBM has swum in an ocean or sea. (Bonus for providing the name/s.)

Strauss's avatar

Atlantic (Florida and Virginia), Pacific (California), Gulf of Mexico (Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas) South China Sea, [Danang Harbor and My Khe, then known as China Beach] (Vietnam).

TJBM will tell me what my prize bonus is.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You earn a cross-culture swimmer award!
But really, you swam? I thought you only stayed in the ship…
TJBM is @Strauss.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No @Strauss “has left the building!”

TJBM is waiting for a package to be delivered today.

Strauss's avatar

“Thank ya! Thank ya verr’ much!”

You finally sent it!?

@Mimishu1995 I was mostly on board the ship, although we did get an occasional beach party, when conditions were secure, at a beach a few clicks north of Tiên Sa, I also had an opportunity to visit China Beach (My Khe) while awaiting transport en route from Danang to my ship.

TJBM has a travel tale to tell.

snowberry's avatar

My new cell phone didn’t work right until I fell into the Susquehanna River with it. After it dried out, it worked great!

I now offer my services to anyone with a cell phone that doesn’t work. For a small fee (plus travel expenses) I will travel to the Susquehanna and dip your phone in it. For a larger fee I will fall into the river with it. PM me for prices.

TJBM has another cautionary travel tale to tell us.

Patty_Melt's avatar

LOL I think I peed
Not so much. Traveling by car through Utah means you might want a good emergency supply with you, including a pop up fot “going” by the side of the road. Also, get gassed up wherever you see a pump. There are verrrrrrry long stretches with nowhere to stop at all.
TJBM has slid downhill so far on their ass that it tore out the seat of their britches.

Brian1946's avatar

Not that I remember. However, I have intentionally side rolled down a grassy hill and front rolled through an ivy patch.

TJBM will describe the loudest sound they’ve ever heard.

Mimishu1995's avatar

The sound of planes. For someone who lives near the airport it isn’t a surprise that the sound comes in full blast. In my childhood it was the most horrifying sound ever.
TJBM will describe the softest sound they’ve ever heard.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My baby’s breathing while asleep.
TJBM has a favorite outlaw. Who, and why?

snowberry's avatar

Robin Hood, cartoon version. “Now I have an outlaw for an inlaw!

TJBM has been scolded by a doctor before.

Sneki95's avatar

I went to a school dentist with my mother as a kid. He saw my tooth and started yelling at me and mom because she apparently didn’t take care about my dental health and was irresponsible for not bringing me earlier. It was a really unpleasant experience for all of us, he was really loud and impolite.Then he started pulling out the tooth, but considering how loudly I was screaming and kicking so much the nurse had to restrain me, I don’t think he gave me any anesthesia. Still, I was marked a spoiled brat. I even bit his finger.

I didn’t go to a dentist again until a few years ago.

TJBM has had an incident with a doctor.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Wow. That dentist must have either benn having a bad day and took it out on you and your mom, or he had no business going into a field where he had to treat patients.

I went to a new dentist after being transferred to a new city. A day or so later, he called up and asked me out. And we did.

TJBM is a night owl.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Pretty much, but at the same time I have a passion for sleeping.
TJBM has a passion for sleeping.

Sneki95's avatar

More like a slight addiction. Sometimes I can sleep over the whole day, and then I get awake for the whole night.

@Pied_Pfeffer He was well known for being very rude and obnoxious.

TJBM can’t tolerate drunk people.

Coloma's avatar

True. Happy is one thing, obnoxiously drunk is quite another.

TJNM s off to dreamland now. zzzz

Mimishu1995's avatar

Bye @Coloma! Have a nice trip in dreamland!
TJBM is preparing for Easter btw Happy Easter everyone!

rojo's avatar

Sure, Just like Jesus I am gonna disappear today and not reappear until Monday.

TJBM is not sure what to make of that statement.

snowberry's avatar

I think you are going to use a long weekend to recover.

TJBM knows what @rojo is recovering from!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@rojo is recovering from a 20k party. Still….

TJBM is going to understand what “rojo” is…. In Spanish. Without needing to look it up.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sort of like colorado.

TJBM has a bottle of Vino Tinto at home, speaking of Red.

Coloma's avatar

No, but I have some california champagne. :-)

TJBM knows that April the Giraffe finally had her calf this morning.

Sneki95's avatar

No idea about it, but congrats to April.
and “rojo” means “red” in Spanish

TJBM dislikes boiled eggs.

Coloma's avatar

No, actually I love them. Plain with S&P or deviled or made into egg salad.
Good thing I like eggs because we have about 20 hens here laying right now. eggs, eggs, everywhere. haha

TJBM likes easter peeps marshmallow bunnies and chicks.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Gawwwwwwwd yes.
TJBM goes a little nuts at the “after” sales.

Brian1946's avatar

This nut train left the station way before it even knew about any sales. ;-P

TJBM can name another jelly who has about the same amount of accumulated lurve that they have.

My lurve mate is LostInParadise.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My closest I think is elbanditoroso

TJBM knows which Jelly lives the closest to where they live.

Coloma's avatar

Lets see..Zenvelo lives in the S.F. Bay area, I am in the Sierra Foothills and I think there is someone else in Californi here but I don’t recall who. Is it you @Brian1946 ? Or you @Tropical Willie?

TJBM wishes they could be a California girl.

Brian1946's avatar

@Coloma You live about 50 miles from Yarnlady. You live about 400 miles from me and I think @Tropical_Willie lives in North Carolina.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nope. I’ve been a Cali girl. I am happier where I can drive past cows and yell, “MOO!”
TJBM sometimes moos even when no cows are around.

Coloma's avatar

Can’t say that I do but..I live on a horse property in the hills, plenty of cows around here too. California has lots of rural areas like anywhere else.

TJBM has a couple more tasks to complete then they can call it a day.

Coloma's avatar

@Brian1946 Oh yeah, @YarnLady I forgot about her! I also thought you lived in SoCal but wasn’t quite a 100%.

Sneki95's avatar

My day just started.
Actually, it’s 3:46 so not exactly a day…

TJBM would like to own a pet rabbit, or at least pet a rabbit.

btw, happy Easter everyone!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Owning a pet rabbit can be checked off of the bucket list. Never again, but to each his own. Deary me, that was a lot of maintence for no return.

TJBM has roasted marshmallows on an open fire.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, yummy!

TJBM has a good relationship with their adult kids.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m a kid myself :D
We have ups and downs. Overall they are great parents, though I really wish they would just drop their ego and treat me like a real adult. It annoys me sometimes that they still think of me as a child with no responsibility.
TJBM can see faults easily.

Sneki95's avatar

It depends on a fault and my eyesight.

TJBM has their own library in the house.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I used to, back when I owned a house. I miss it. The walls were lined with books, top to bottom. There was a fiction section, but mostly it was packed with reference, histories and biographies.

I had a cookbook section from different countries, old pre-Soviet era cookbooks from Eastern Europe alongsid the British, Swedish, French, American cookbooks. I would find the cookbook that was the traditional one to give to the new bride back in the day. Every country has or had one. I consider those the national cookbooks. I had a first edition Larousse Gastronimique, First English version, 1911, dedicated to King Edward the VIII of England, with an intro by Auguste Escoffier, signed by Escoffier himself. Just the section on potatoes was over 100 pages.

I had some signed first editions by Steinbeck and others from the 20’s through the fifties. I kept them next to my small collection of first growth primier grand cru wines. I kept the collection small because I soon realized actually using the books for what they were meant for lowered their value. So, I only collected the favorite books of my favorite authors. The walls of books kept the temp in the room dry and wine cellar perfect. They also provided the best sound proofing. It was very quiet and comfortable. I love the smell of old books. I spent a lot of time in there and it was the hardest thing to give up when I went off sailing. Now everything is kept on external hard drives. But it’s not the same at all. Ah, my little library. I sometimes miss it, but it represented also how busy and complicated my life had become.

TJBM thinks their life is too complicated

Mimishu1995's avatar

EC! Where were you?
Well, I’m starting to notice that my life is complicated in the recent years. Maybe it’s because I have been exposed to life more than before…
TJBM thinks it is an evolution.

Sneki95's avatar


TJBM is very talkative by nature.

Coloma's avatar

I can be very talkative or very untalkative, depending on who and what I am talking with and about. haha

TJBM is eating easter candy and can’t stop. Help me

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM doesn’t have Easter.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Not this year. Last year I did an Easter Egg hunt up at the ranch for a bunch of kids at the village school. They had never had one. People don’t waste eggs here. This year I am delivering an ancient 66 foot, twin diesel Chris Craft from Barbados to the buyer in Dominica. Leaks like a bloody sieve and the port engine burns about a quart of oil per hour. The mate’s job on this trip is to watch and listen to that engine, same-same bilge pumps. She is very demanding and her steering could use a little work, but she is a real classic cabin cruiser. We don’t see many of these anymore and it is a privilege to sail her—even in this condition.. This was a rush deal and the broker was supposed to stock the larder with food for two people for three days. It’s all junk food. Motherfucker. I am far away from any Easter this year.

TJBM will tell us how they celebrate Easter in their part of the woods.

Sneki95's avatar

A regular day with family, with Easter themed shows on the telly (they show the recordings of the various masses and liturgies across the country and kids singing Easter songs, priests giving speeches about the love and happiness and such), and a special meal with a prayer. The breakfast contains cracking red eggs with the family. The rest of the day is pretty much usual. There’s much less hype and euphoria than during Christmas.

TJBM will tell us how they celebrate Easter in their part of the woods.

Brian1946's avatar

We aren’t celebrating any specific direction this year, although we have done Wester, Norther, and Souther in the past.

TJBM understands why there are Easter eggs, but no Easter chickens.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sure there are. I used to have chickens which laid pretty blue eggs. With a couple of crayons, done!
Also, peeps.
TJBM can explain why the heck ham is an Easter tradition.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Of course. The chicken (who lays Easter eggs) crossed the road, to get to the Easter ham…

TJBM knows people who save the ham bone, for cooking beans, or collared greens.

Sneki95's avatar

I think my mother did that a few times.

TJBM has eaten an animal brain.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ve had calf brain for breakfast with scrambled eggs a few times. What are called calf brains are actually morsels of bite-size brain and tongue, sauteed in brown butter, capers and onion, then mixed with scrambled eggs. In Italy a popular breakfast is cervella fritte, a popular dish made of bite-sized batter-fried morsels of beef brain.

Hey, after you’ve had Swedish surströmming, you lose your fear of foods.

I think the reason for the egg at Easter is because it represents a new beginning, rejuvenation, like Spring. In rural areas, kids get baby chicks as Easter presents. It’s probably a holdout from the pre-Christian days. It’s probably the same with the bunny thing. Kids get bunnies for Easter sometimes. Like the baby chicks, I think they weren’t originally meant to be pets, but for the kids to start their own hutches and coops. The baby animal represents Spring.

TJBM knows why a bunny is a symbol of Easter.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have to cheat on this one.
Apparently those rabbits gave gifts to children before Santa Claus came. And the legend of them was started by German settlers, who had similar tradition with rabbits.
So that was why I didn’t see you some days ago EC… how’s life right now?
TJBM will check my fact.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Sorry, Mimi. I’ll let someone else fact check this time. I’ve no internet on this boat. She’s very old school, but absolutely lovely. Although her mechanics were ignored for the past few years, her woodwork and brass weren’t. Her bottom is very dirty. I’m assuming she has sat in dock and was used as a live-aboard.

We’re in St. Vincent to refuel, use the marina wifi, sleep and stock some decent food for the rest of the trip to Dominica. We’ll be shoving off within a couple of hours. Check the Crow’s list at the Fluther Film Club. You’ll find over 60 films ready for free download, including some Ameican classics like Casablanca, Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Citizen Kane in 720 and 1080p.

@Sneki95 I included my currently favorite animated film, Wreck-it Ralph with you in mind. After we docked last night, I began watching Who’s Singing There. I got to where the farmer had plowed the the road and the bus riders are marching with the funeral cortege and I fell asleep. I’ll get back to it when we get to Dominica. It seems a very sweet film so far. I’m dying to find out the significance of April 5th, 1941, but I won’t look it up. I have my suspicion of what happened that day in Yugoslavia, but I won’t risk spoiling this sweet film by confirming it. I love the well-defined characters. This film has that lovely feel of many Italian films made just after WWII, like the Bicycle Thief.

TJBM can confirm Mimi’s facts concerning the German tradition of rabbits at Easter.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Yup. The Easter Bunny tail tale appears to have started in Germany. The tradition spread to the US with an influx of German immigrants.

TJBM has read Watership Down.

Sneki95's avatar

No, but I watched the movie.
Not for the bunny lovers.

TJBM has big ears.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, no, just regular ears.

TJBM has a big nose.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Possibly. It depends upon the other noses it is being compared to. It was broken in an accident as a child, which left it a bit more asymmetrical.

TJBM has a famous family member.

Strauss's avatar

No, just me, and I was nearly almost famous, but never really there.

TJBM is a legend in their own mind.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Only as a Gramma.

TJBM is taking a well deserved lazy day today.

Coloma's avatar

I am! It is getting ready to rain, again, and it is almost noon straight up here. I just finished a yummy little lunch and am lounging around watching an old movie, fluthering, and am going to take a shower and get kinda, sorta, “dressed” in a few. By that I mean, cozy sweat pants and a funky warm top.

TJBM is having a semi-PJ day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am. I’m giving up on stuff if I really don’t want to deal with it!

TJBM knows of a way to get carpet tape off of linoleum and will share that secret with us.

Coloma's avatar

Hmm…razor blade, goo-gone, fingernails? lol

TJBM is a bit concerned that we may be headed for some serious international conflict before long.

Sneki95's avatar

Eh, not really.

I was concerned and scared some time ago, when we first heard of ISIS and what they do, and attacks all across Europe, and there were some other, closer problems too. Then, I was worried. I was scared of another war. I really frightened me.
Nowadays, I’m somewhat indifferent. I am since long ago completely disappointed and disgusted by the whole system.
I don’t know how will all of this develop further, and I don’t want to play a fortune teller. I don’t care anymore. I’ve long lost any trust and hope. I don’t even want to know anything anymore. My soul is much calmer when I avoid all the poison from the media and the politics in general.

TJBM is messy.

Patty_Melt's avatar

What ~ is #@ that * that? supposed ; to mean?~
TJBM cleans up messes they didn’t make.

Sneki95's avatar

I don’t even clean mess that I made, much less the mess i didn’t make.

TJBM just sneezed.

Coloma's avatar

No, but I did this morning. Allergy season is here.

TJBM will tell us the color of their bedding. Sheets, blankets, pillows etc.

AshLeigh's avatar

Purple sheets, grey pillow cases and blanket.
TJBM remembers to take their vitamins daily.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Mostly. Sometimes I think, “Wait, was that today, or yesterday?” then if I’m not sure, I don’t.
TJBM likes hiding Easter goodies as much as they used to like finding them.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I wish I had Easter for once…
@Espiritus_Corvus You are really devoted to the club, especially given how busy you are. I currently can’t log in there with that damn research paper on me. Beside, I still haven’t got my hard drive back yet so I can’t update.
TJBM know what I’m talking about.

Sneki95's avatar

More or less.
Hopefully you’ll be able to jump in soon. There’s a lot of material waiting for you when you log in. (I just finished updating a new list. Hope you people’ll like it).

@Espiritus_Corvus I forgot to answer right away, sorry. It’s the sixth of April, not fifth. And you fell asleep just when it’s about to take a turn. Glad you like it.

TJBM dislikes a very famous, popular movie.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I dislike most popular movies screened on the cinema. Experience tells me that they either are too formulated or just suck. But then again either I’m a snob or my local cinemas just know how to pick up popular movie for short-lived cheap entertainment. My movie collection doesn’t come into existence for nothing. The only reason I go to the cinema is to hang out with friends and enjoy popcorns yum :)
@Sneki95 yeah. I didn’t know how big the film club would turn into either. BTW have you checked out my list? It’s short but at least you can get something from it.
TJBM thinks I’m a movie snob.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No, I don’t. The SO and I have been on a mission to watch films that are highly rated on various lists. Once you watch enough great films, it becomes clear on what is good and what isn’t. One only becomes a movie snob if they judge others negatively for enjoying a movie that is mediocre and rating it highly.

TJBM has seen a movie that they think is a 10 out of 10 and will tell us the title and why.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I love the Harry Potter movies. I haven’t seen the prequil, but I have seen all the others. I know several things were borrowed from other sources, but subtly so.
I just watched Pursuit Of Happyness again. It is as amazing story, well presented. I love that Will worked that one with his own son.
In the Potter movies, the kookie little blonde girl (shoot, me and names) who warns of nargles, I love the story of how she got the part.
TJBM has a nargle problem.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Never heard of a nargle.

TJBM has a nargle problem.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Damn nargles. They come under my back door when it rains. And I find them in my bathtub sometimes. I scoop them up in a jar, and put them in the yard.

TJBM knows why the nargle crossed the road…

Mimishu1995's avatar

To get to the other side :D
TJBM has a better answer sorry, I’m not into Harry Potter so that’s the best answer I can think if.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Just Googled nargles. I just realized it’s a Harry Potter thing…

TJBM will forgive my ignorance, and move us in a new direction.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I thought your first response quite good, and amusing.
TJBM saw Harry Stiles on SNL this weekend.(Harry, former member of One Direction, now on his own, so, I guess new direction, yes?)

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nope. Haven’t had any interest in American pop culture for at least thirty years.

TJBM is enjoying their afternoon.

Strauss's avatar

I did enjoy mt afternoon, a some friends and family over for food and conversation…afternoon wore on into evening, pretty soon we realized it was almost 11:00 PM. Now, after a good night’s rest it’s morning!

TJBM will say “Good morning Fluther!”

Or possibly “Good night Mimi!!”

Mimishu1995's avatar

Good morning Fluther!
Hey! It’s not my bedtime yet!
TJBM will talk with me :p Sorry, I’m just a bit bored.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM is in a hurry.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I’m just procrastination my research paper ~
Actually I have finished it. I’m just going through the most excruciating task of copying it down on papers.
And btw @Patty_Melt the chat is broken. Let’s talk on this thread :D
TJBM is in no hurry.

snowberry's avatar

No hurry here. Are you closer to the end yet, @Mimishu1995?

T.JBM is famished.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yup. I drank a lot last night. Woke up hungry. And with cotton mouth…

TJBM keeps water by their bed, so they don’t wake up thirsty at least.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I keep water everywhere. It’s a million degrees Kelvin down down here. De-hy is a huge problem when you’re livin’ da vida loca. You figure out right away why sailors on the Spanish Main usually waited to take their grog only after the sun was over the yardarm. The sane ones, anyway.

TJBM does better in temperate climes unless they are in the water 24/7.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I have really hated the summer heat the last 10 years or so now. I would love to live somewhere where it never got over 82 degrees in the summer with no humidity.

TJBM hates feeling sweaty.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m used to it now, but I prefer those cool, dry NoCal nights. I could re-adapt very easily. I often swim at night to get relief here and go back to bed with wet sheets. Sounds gross, but it is much more comfortable than being sticky with sweat all night. You never completely dry off in this humidity, anyway. Sheets damp with fresh cool water are much better. And forget A/C, unless you want to be sick all the time with a runny nose, chills and all sorts of upper respiratory shit. You’ll never adapt to this if you are constantly in and out of the A/C.

TJBM is luxuriating in great Spring weather right now.

Coloma's avatar

No, we had several weeks of glorious spring weather but now it has been chilly and raining on and off the last 2 weeks again. had some crazy T-storms a few days ago and more possible tomorrow. Right now it is just gray, gloomy, and drizzlely.

TJBM sees that I beat @rojo to the posting gate here. haha

rojo's avatar


I told you I would be back Monday.. Rolled away the rock.

TJBM types much faster than I do.

Coloma's avatar

Not bad for a left handed, right brained blonde that is easily distracted. haha

TJBM is a lefty.

Sneki95's avatar

Nope, a rightey here. I have been teaching myself to write with my left hand, though.
If you refer to hands, that is.

TJBM is ambidextrous.

Coloma's avatar

Partially but am mostly a true lefty.

TJBM is craving junky chips like Cheetos. haha

snowberry's avatar

Nope. Food allergies make them unappetizing.

TJBM needs a nap.

rojo's avatar

Sorry, I was asleep.

TJBM has a secret desire that would be embarrassing if it were known.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um. No, I don’t think so.

TJBM is fairly uncomplicated.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh, gee! I’m very complicated dontcha know.
TJBM likes to bring wildlife in, sometimes.

snowberry's avatar

But the family always complains.

Sometimes the wildlife comes inside anyway, and then depending on the visitor, even I’m unhappy.

TJBM recently burned their food.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. Do you think I should? Hmmm, Passover, maybe it would appease god if I made a burnt offering.
My daughter found a garter snake in the basement over the weekend. He was just chillin’ on a set of shelves. She wanted to keep it overnight so she could show her bf the next day. She got a plasic tub, and tied down some net over it. He repeatedly attacked the net. I reminded her that snakes are more agressive when they are hungry and sent her out to get crickets. She came back empty handed. Sure enough, the next morning he was loose. We found him wound up in the rungs of a rack I use to keep my crutches when I am using my walker. He was near the top, staring at the floor, but alas, no prey came by. I made her take him outside so he could hunt.
TJBM has a good wilderness story to share.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I was reminded last week when they dropped that 21,000 lb MOAB on Afghanistan of the time I went mudding in my ‘64 Ford F100 pickup back in the early seventies. I was twenty. My little brother had a beat up old 1955 chevy bread truck to abuse. It was a real redneck weekend. Totally out of character for both of us. More like redneck/hippy, actually, which at the time was an species found only in Jimmy Carter’s South. We’d just buried two of our other brothers and needed to get away from the family and just go balls to the walls crazy.

I had my dog, a white shepherd named moon riding shotgun and howling happily to my blues harp. (That schtick actually got smiles from women at stop lights on the beach) My Bro had his big black mutt up front with him in his truck as well. We were flying through the mud flats in Ocala National Forest. These weren’t 4×4s and if we slowed down, we’d get stuck in the middle of miles and miles of scrub pine interspersed by alligator-packed lakes, swamp hammock and barren meadows. .

Suddenly we saw a vision from the heavens, every young man’s primeval fantasy—two gorgeous nude girls on horseback shot right across our path. And we couldn’t stop. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn.

Finally we came to dry land, popped an ice cold beer each, lit up a spliff and laughed our asses off at our shitty luck. Then a chopper appeared low over us from nowhere, two Air Force Jeeps full of GI’s came rushing at us from opposite directions and they started yelling at us that we were on a bombing range. Just then a jet shot low across the sky about a hundred yards away followed by another. We had interrupted a five hundred pound bomb drop. They escorted us to their observation post, dropped their bombs on the next pass, read us the riot act, escorted us to the edge of the range and let us go. Dumb, lucky bastards we were.

The nature part of this story is when we got back to camp about twenty miles down a gravel road, I stumbled out of my truck right into a huge wolf spider web spread across the path. Shit was all over me head to foot. I danced like a man on fire all the way to the river.

Next day, we parked my brother’s truck about thirty miles down river, came back in my truck and put our kayaks in, popped some beers, lit up some doobies, and lazily floated down river to my brother’s truck. We remembered the beer, but not the food and had the worst case of munchies ever. If we’d run into those on horseback, we would have d eaten both their horses and the naked women riding them. Stoned, drunk, beat, we threw the kayaks in the back of my brother’s truck, took a piss and got in. And nothing. My brother had forgotten his keys back at camp.

I never went anywhere near the woods with that motherfucker ever again.

TJBM has an outdoorsy story to tell.

Coloma's avatar

^ LOL.
Oh my, I have many outdoorsey stories, midnight moonlight rafting trips, naked horseback riding, I might have been one of those girls way back when haha getting shot at by a bow hunter on trail on my horse and the arrow zinging past me and slashing the branches off a tree about 5 feet behind me. Going camping on their motorcycles and having a carton of eggs explode on the back of my friends old Norton and slathering us behind with raw eggs blowing in the wind. Getting my horse stuck in the mud at a lake, stars in the Nevada desert, laying at the edge of about a 1000 ft. cliff in Zion Natl. Park in Utah, so many, not enough time to tell them all.

TJBM has an indoorsey story to tell.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Well, there was this time a friemd and I were out horseback riding. We stopped to smoke a fat doob. She challenged me to a race. I said if I was going to race, I had to cut my wind resistence. I threw caution to the wind, and my clothes to the ground, and had my foot in a stirrup before she realized what was happening.
She tore off her clothes, and tore off after me. We didn’t have a finish line in mind, we just flew. All the sudden out of nowhere these nutjobs in a couple of trucks were roaring down on us. When we finally slowed to a stop they were long gone. We laughed ourselves near hysterics, and went back for our clothes.
Okay this never happened, but I thought it would be a giggle for EC.
TJBM likes to make people giggle.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Why did the rabbit cross the road? Because he saw carrots on the other side!
... well, I like to make people giggle, but I don’t guarantee success.
TJBM has a funny song to share. This is the song I put on repeat mode while writing my research paper

snowberry's avatar

How about Mississippi Squirrel Revival?

TJBM has another funny song for us.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM is too slow but also has a song.

Strauss's avatar

Not slow, just thorough.

I was going to transcribe it all, but oh, well.

Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas

TJBM has another silly song.

snowberry's avatar

Here ya go!

TJBM likes our funny songs. Do you want to offer another?

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM will also contribute.

Strauss's avatar

Then there’s this one, if only because it’s 10 hours long.

Coloma's avatar

@MollyMcGuire Your link is non-functional. haha

TJBM has seen this hilarious series. 3 minutes of less per “episode.”

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Never. That is a great idea. LOL. I have a feeling the daughter is going to be one pissed off teenager someday.

I got nothin’ to compare to that. LOL. My clips are all about engine and computer repair—and your fantastic cut-pony clips.

Ooops. There’s this one, but it’s been shown on this site quite a few times. I still can’t get over how well it was edited.

TJBM has other obscure, interesting clips they’ve discovered and will link to them for us to see.

Coloma's avatar

^ I love that mashup clip.

Here’s a funny clip, cat vs. horse.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. Ballsy cat. Look at the size difference. Damn. The thing I love about cats is that you can never completely figure the little bastards out. They are a stand-alone animal with a very weird mind of their own.

Coloma, would you link to that one cutting horse vid that shows an outdoor venue, like a feedlot, and this chestnut is on that calf at the speed of light? I’d love to have that vid. I think it was the first one you ever showed me.

Cutting horses are specially bred to cut individual calves out of a herd without disturbing the herd. This video explains about cutting horses. the film is in slo-mo. Real life it is much, much faster. Cutting requires a horse to read a calf by watching that calf’s musculature at the speed of light, then react simultaneously. As far as I can tell, after the rider triggers the horse by dropping his hand and letting the reins slacken, it’s all horse from that point on and the rider is just along for the ride. Amazing. If Coloma can dig up that video, you’ll see a real pro athlete in action. LOL. It’s about as far from dressage as you can get.

TJBM has seen a cutting horse competition.

Coloma's avatar

^ Not sure, but I think it was this one, crappy footage but the video I’m pretty sure.
Oops, I also forgot to ask TJBM last post. Blame it on my lazy day and ramblin’ mind.

TJBM swears a lot.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

You guys aren’t going to believe this, but no, I don’t. I’m pretty formal in the language I use in real life. You really have to piss me off or disgust me before I rip into you with a couple of choice words. I hardly use words at all to communicate if there is an alternative, like a look, a smile, or a little body language. I’m actually a very quiet person. I don’t like noise and I hate mindless chitter chatter. I do well in conversation with individuals, but I really can’t hear or understand people when everybody is talking at the same time. A room full of excited women drives me nuts. I always marvel how they can hear, understand and keep up with twelve conversations at once. They really are multi-taskers. But I’m not, really.

I compensate here on both things. I tell stories here and give explanations that I rarely do in real life—and swear a lot in print. Sometimes it’s even a bit much for me. About the only time I tell stories is when we’re out at sea and following the age-old tradition of sharing stories in our downtime. Otherwise, I just ask a few questions of people which usually gets them talking and the rest is yeah, uh huh, yeah. I learn more about them and they think I’m really smart and the world’s greatest conversationalist. LOL. All ya gotta do is prime the pump.

Oh, I do talk to my horse and dogs a lot. They like it and I think they see it as a form of affection.

TJBM swears a lot in real life.

Coloma's avatar

Actually no, like you, I have my moments but all in all I too am pretty formal in my speech, peppered with good humor of course. I do swear to myslef st times if I am having an annoying day. haha
I also cant stand to be in a room full of babbling women and don’t like noise either.

TJBM loves hot sauce of all kinds.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Hmmm. I draw the line on the really hot stuff. I think the line for me is anything hotter than a Jalapeno. Tobasco is fine. After that, it kills the flavor of whatever I’m eating. I did win a Jalapeno eating contest once and won a case of Dos Equis. I needed it after that little escapade. One of those American Cinco de Mayo things. Sriracha and wasabi are way over the top for me. Forget guajillos and habaneros. Can’t taste a thing for days afterward.

When it comes to hot sauces and pastes, TJBM thinks the hotter the better.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh no. I don’t understand that thing about hot. It destroys the taste of the food.

TJBM doesn’t care for spicy hot foods.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Spicy, but not necessarily hot. I think classic French, Spanish and Italians have it just right. Amazing sophisticated blends of spices that all compliment each other and bring out the taste of the food. Especially the classic French cooking, Escoffier cooking. The Mexicans are a little more rugged about it, but they have some dishes that are out of this world. The things they can do with unsweetened chocolate. But I think the best food in the New World is traditional peasant Cubano. If I were a billionaire, I would go there and kidnap my own little abuela, give her the best kitchen in the world and never let her out. LOL. The best cooks on the hemisphere.

TJBM has a favorite ethnic dish the love.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Coloma YES! That’s the video. What an amazing horse. So, is that what a cutting horse does on their day off? No rider, just messin’ with the calves, LOL. I love it when he does those pirouettes. Economy of movement. But you’re right, that is really bad resolution, less than 360p. I downloaded it. Maybe I can improve it. Love that horse.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I like teriyaki bowl. I don’t care much if it is chicken pork or beef. I like them all. I have eaten at Yoshinoya, and I wish they had a restaurant where I live now. It is rice bowl fast food.
TJBM knows a good universal parenting tip.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Unless you want that child living with you for the rest of your life, teach them how to be responsibly self-sufficient, especially when it comes to finances.

TJBM has a potted plant and will share what it is.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I need to go ask my dad. He has his garden of potted plants but most of the time I don’t care :p
And if it’s relevant, I bought a do-it-yourself garden kit in Thailand for a friend. It had a big pot, some soil, a bag of lavender seeds and a manual. The friend has a gardening hobby so it was a suitable gift for her. I have never seen how the plant grows since.
TJBM likes someone even though they disagree with them sometimes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Everyone I like fits that. I’ve never met anyone I could agree with entirely.
TJBM likes to wear a variety of hats; literally, and figuratively.

snowberry's avatar

I have a hat for sun, and the other ones are hoods attached to a coat or sweater. As for figuratively, no, I don’t.

TJBM is always on time.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am usually impeccably on time though I have a friend who is always chronically 20–45 minutes late so I recently made her wait 30 minutes at a restaurant for me. haha

TJBM is tidy type, not messy or a hoarder.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oops, guess it’s not my turn.

snowberry's avatar

@Patty_Melt Sure it is! (If ya wanna)

In spite of my best efforts, I tend toward messy. I don’t hoard, but I do like to save something until there’s a use for it rather than throw it away. I’m big on recycling.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oooooo, let’s partner! Your answer is the same as mine, so I will handle the other half.
TJBM recycles.

snowberry's avatar

Oopsie! Forgot TJBM.

Yeppers, I do recycle.

TJBM likes jelly! What’s your favorite?

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have a lot of favorite jellies here, and no, I won’t eat them :D
TJBM plays with words.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I do. I like playing with transliterations, homophones, puns, etc. I also like to expand word meanings outside of their usual context. For example, I’ll take medical terminology, which is quite precise, and use it in other ways when appropriate. Nocosomial is a word I like. It is usually used to describe an infection one gets while in a hospital—the place you go to get rid of infections. MRSA is often a nocosomial infection. I’ll use it to describe an attitude or characteristic one picks up while living in another country or culture.

Proprioception is a great word describing one’s ability to know precisely where a body part is when not looking at it. Close your eyes, raise your arms stretched out to the sides, then with arms extended, touch your index fingers in front of you. That is a simple proprioception test.

But this ability can be extended to inanimate objects with some people. For example, you’ve had a car for years. That car can become an extension of your own body. Some people know precisely where the exterior of that car is in relation to other objects. This gives a person the ability to quickly slip into a narrow garage with only a couple of inches clearance with no problem. They can’t see the fenders, but they know where they are in relation to the opening of the garage. It’s an amazing ability we humans have. And some people have better proprioception than others. I’ve noticed people who practice yoga have excellent proprioception, way beyond the norm.

But I will use this word sometimes to describe one’s proclivity to fit their original ideas into a given situation. I’ll expand it’s use to ideas and beyond. But I am very careful to use the word correctly in it’s original meaning, just in different situations outside of medicine. I do the same with mariner words and words usually used only in navagation.

Math terminology is excellent because it is so precise, but those same words can be used effectively outside of mathematics. When appropriate, I’ll use a foreign word when the English vocabulary is lacking in preciseness. Japanese is great for describing certain emotions in one word that it takes a paragraph to explain in English. For romantic emotions, the French, Spanish and Italians have great words. I love the Spanish word inamorada. It describes a female lover. It sounds much better than lover and has a much deeper meaning.

People unfamiliar with these words get the meaning from the context in the rest of the paragraph or within the conversation. You don’t want to lose your listener by doing this too much in one conversation or print article. It’s about communicating effectively and using language—which is an art, not a science—artfully. And not showing off your personal vocabulary in order to pad your ego.

I can always tell when I run up against a rigid purist type who is safely locked into their little conservative, traditional world. They object to using trade words outside of their trade. It makes them insecure in their education or something. LOL. A few medical people are like that. It is as if the language is proprietary only to medicine and they wish to protect those proprietary rights. Ridiculous. This reaction gives you a clue as to who you are dealing with. I call them cement heads.

TJBM knows a few cement heads.

Sneki95's avatar

I give you the word, Mimi

Mimishu1995's avatar

God EC, you always surprise me. I never knew a simple question could spawn such a detailed answer.
Funny you ask this when I just talked to a friend. I like her, but she’s just… kind of slow-witted. It takes her more time than normal to comprehend something. I once tried to help her with a project with Teamviewer and I had a hard time trying to explain how to do things for her. And she isn’t the kind of people who is willing to get to know people. She just asked me to do something that I think she could easily have discussed with her teammates. One of her teammates is my close friend and she told me once about how the friend acted irresponsible. I think she was just too dim-witted to know what to do…
TJBM knows a few cement heads.

snowberry's avatar

Yep. But they don’t know it, and I’m not gonna tell ‘em. It would ruin their day. LOL

TJBM hates hot weather.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yep. I overheat very easily. Weather which is pleasantfor most is too hot for me.
TJBM would get some enhancement surgery if they could.

Coloma's avatar

No. I’m fine with letting my parts age as they were intended to do. Not a fan of elective surgeries at all.

TJBM will tell us their eye color.

Sneki95's avatar

Not much to say besides that.

TJBM has difficulties with computers.

snowberry's avatar

Yes. ‘Nuf said.

TJBM isn’t a perfectionist.

Patty_Melt's avatar

That’s true, but I used to be. Occasionally it pops back out, but being so damaged, I can’t achieve perfection in anything, however small. It makes for unbearable frustration, so I quell the urge as best I can.
TJBM will tell what frustrates them. (Just one is fine)

snowberry's avatar

People who bash others if they don’t agree with them. (Take THAT, and THAT, you bashers!)

TJBM is bashful.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Not really. I’m quiet, but assertive when it is called for. I pick my battles judiciously.

TJBM likes classic movies.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do, but not because they are classics.
TJBM has a secret love, but most don’t know because it is something considered childish.

snowberry's avatar

Hmmm, not that I can think of. I’m pretty much an open book.

TJBM has clothes that don’t fit.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think everyone does.
TJBM is an open book.

snowberry's avatar

I just shut mine. lol

TJBM needs to get off Fluther and get going. I do. ‘Bye!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am leaving, but just a few minutes to let my phone charge.
TJBM needs to recharge.

Coloma's avatar

No, I need to get going too. haha

TJBM has got up and went.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ve been up and going for hours. All the animals are fed and quiet. I’m in my study negotiating a deal over the phone.

TJBM will tell us about their favorite film genre.

Mimishu1995's avatar

FILM NOIR! I like the dark atmosphere and sophisicated plot. Every character, situation in film noir has a shade of gray. Nothing is black-and-white, all good or all bad. You have to both think and feel to fully appreciate a film noir. I especially like it when the character is so complex it’s hard to decide whether to like or hate them. Film noir is very close to real life, where nothing is all good or all bad, no one is the same their entire life, and not every good deed is rewarded nor wrongdoing punished.
But recently I feel like genre has less and less to do with my choice of movies. I am more willing to go for anything as long as it is original and well-executed. Film noir still gets extra points though :P
TJBM will tell us about their favorite film genre.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I share your interest as well.

Here: Pick Up on South Street with Richard Widmark, Jean Peters and Thelma Ritter, 1953. A great choice of Noir. You can either download it, or stream it.

You can thank the Fluther Film Club for the free access. Ad free, virus free, cost free and carefree. LOL.

TJBM will tell us about their favorite film genre.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Mimishu1995 You once mentioned Dark Passage in a chatroom. Here it is,

It’s a good, twisty Noir, just like you like them. Bogie and Bacall and great exterior shots of San Francisco in 1947 with the old skyline. I just viewed this film recently. It stands up in story and quality of acting and direction. The cinematography is really good and very noir. Bacall’s apartment is super late forties modern. I love it. And those cars… zenvelo could probably tell us the shot-by-shot, street-by-street schedule.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oops. Ran out of editing time. When you get a chance, I’d like to get _Le jardin des délices _ from you. I’ve read about it. Does the .srt file go with it?

TJBM will tell us about their favorite film genre.

Coloma's avatar

My favorite is probably suspense/thrillers, but I like almost all genres except stupid, frat boy, toilet humor, non-comedy. I especially enjoy a good western or other period piece.

TJBM knows what time it is in Mozambique right now.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

10:31 PM. I know everything.

TJBM is having a good day so far.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yup. I’ve been off, and repairs to my house are almost complete. My dog and I are settling back into my old house. Good day..So far…

TJBM had a bad day, and would love to vent.

snowberry's avatar

Not bad at all, really. I’ve been teaching my desert-bred dog to swim. She is convinced I am trying to drown her, but I keep giving her these drool worthy treats at the same time.

I bought her a doggy life vest and everything, but at day 3 she is still convinced that she will drown if she doesn’t get on top of the water. This means there is a lot of splashing with her front paws, so we both get wet.

If anyone has suggestions on how I can help her get over the hump of trying to climb on top of the water so she doesn’t drown, I would appreciate it.

TJBM has the answer to Doggy swim lessons.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. I’ve seen dogs do that. Yes, very messy. And you can get clawed badly if you aren’t tight at their side. Dogs are just kids. They need to feel secure. They look to their alpha at times like these.

This is how I would handle it. I would get into the water with the dog at a depth just about their height, so she can touch bottom once she stops panicking. Stay tight at her side with your arm firmly around her waist, facing the same direction as the dog. Talk to her in a calm reassuring voice, even though she may not hear you during the panic stage. Eventually you’ll be able to talk her down, but don’t escalate things by buying into her panic.

Stick with her, it could take some time before she settles down. Expect to get wet and clawed a bit. Patience is key. Do not abandon this until she finally settles down. When that happens, it’s treat time and more reassurance.

Once she is settled, initiate close play. Don’t get more than a foot or two away or she might panic again. Eventually you can gradually get farther from her, but be playful. Show her it is fun and everything is all right. Make sure she touches bottom a couple of times. Later, if she like chasing balls, or toys, cast something that floats a few feet farther out and go with her to fetch it and bring it back to the shallow area. Cast a bit farther next time. A few more, and then let her go for it herself. Praise the hell out of her when she gets back. Eventually, you should be able to do this from shore.

TJBM loves her desert dog.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I love my shepherd dog. I also love Yupid, but she makes it difficult sometimes.

TJBM is ready for Judge Judy.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

What? Am I due to show up in her “courtroom”?

Sorry @Dutchess_III, the Judge Judy show holds no appeal. There are other rubbish shows I prefer to watch.

TJBM has a project that they hope to complete before the end of the week.

Patty_Melt's avatar

For me, every single day is a project. To get anything at all accomplished is a victory. To see how very small are my victories, is quite demeaning.
I try anyway.

TJBM will tell us, won’t you, if you could not be human, what creature would you want to be?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would be a big cat.

TJBM likes animals.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM likes to ride on trains.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I LOVE riding on trains! I’ve only ridden on one once though, in Girl Scouts.

TJBM would like to take a train trip across the country, and sit around looking out the window and ordering drinks and food.

Coloma's avatar

That’s right up my alley, yep!

TJBM has taken the metro in a foreign country.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. Never been to a foreign country

TJBM has been to Africa.

Coloma's avatar

No but a family member has.

TJBM has been skydiving.

Strauss's avatar

No, I could never see the thrill in jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft.

TJBM has a good spring story.

Coloma's avatar

The grass is green and growing like a weed. So are the weeds.
The birds are singing, the gophers are digging and a pair of Canada geese have made themselves a cozy nest under the trees on top of one of the horse shelters in the paddock.
It’s all sex and green over here right now. lol

TJBM will tell us what they are having for dinner.

Strauss's avatar

Leftover Easter ham chopped up with onions cabbage and assorted other veggies.

TJBM has an exciting new project coming up.

Mimishu1995's avatar

If you think doing my research paper is exciting…
TJBM has a more exciting project.

snowberry's avatar

Going to bed?

TJBM is planning a picnic in the near future.

Brian1946's avatar


TJBM will post what browser and OS they use.

Coloma's avatar

Firefox & Chrome and Windows 10.

TJBM likes rice crispy bars.

snowberry's avatar

I wish. I’m allergic.

TJBM isn’t finished. With what?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Feeling better! I have been pain free three straight hours! OMG I don’t know how long its been since I could say that.
TJBM is having rain, and doesn’t care.

Sneki95's avatar

It’s raining here, and I do care a bit. I gotta go outside now.

TJBM knows the Pokemon song.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

There’s a Pokemon song?

TJBM has seen an Akira Kurosawa film.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not yet, but I know he made a film noir, Stray Dog.
@Espiritus_Corvus Yes. I can include the .srt file if you want. You only need to have good connection.
TJBM takes movies way too seriously.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Probably; but not in context, in collecting.
TJBM will tell what they are collecting.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Thank you for mentioning Stray Dog. It’s been added to the “watch” list.

The fiancé and I both like to collect. Right now, the focus is on seeing as many top-rated movies as possible. For example, there is an IMDb Top 250 List. We,be seen most of them and love to check them off.

Another is that we both enjoy travelling to different countries. Each visit, we bring back a souvenir. This year, we went to Bangkok and brought back an alms bowl, handmade by a family who has been doing this for the monks for centuries. In Amsterdam, we bought a beautiful set of Anne Frank books after touring the museum. Both now reside on the mantle.

TJBM will share a quirky story about their family.

snowberry's avatar

Before the birth of one of our kids, we had a name the baby contest. We came up with lots of silly names, like Grommit, Polly-Ester, and Peter Jupiter Geezershorts.

TJBM likes silly names.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Oh dear, yes! I checked in a hotel guest whose name was Spider Webb; it was on his AX credit card. A new acquaintance told me that her name was Southern; her two sisters were Dixie and Rebel. A co-worker told me that her sister just had a baby and named it Paris; their last name is France. Another co-worker named their son Justin; their last name is Egge.

My favourite is the story of how a U.K. boat got its name of Boaty McBoatface.

TJBM has plans for the upcoming weekend.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, starting a week long pet/house sitting gig on Sunday and have an overnight gig tonight through tomorrow evening.

TJBM has a pet/house sitter on standby.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. Mostly we take her with us.

TJBM isn’t afraid to sing in public.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I do it quite often with a couple Ukulele groups.

TJBM has a musical instrument close to where they are, I’ve a uke and an electric piano in the room.

Strauss's avatar

Easy question…taking a break from band class! I’ve got 3 keyboards, 2 drum sets, a set of congas, 4 or 5 guitars. In the next room are four more guitars, 20 ukes, about 14 more keyboards, various and assorted hand percussion instruments.

TJBM Is not a music teacher and will reply to TJAM.

Coloma's avatar

I am not a music teacher but I have my beloved Djembe drum nearby.

TJBM is either crazy busy or bored.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Seems that way. I have one of my grandkids at the moment today so I’m not bored BUT I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH FINDING NEMO AGAIN!!

TJBM has been sleeping in way to late lately.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar


I’ve been an early riser since birth. There is something lovely about waking before dawn and mentally planning out the day before the sun and anyone else is up.

TJBM will share how their snail mail is received. A mail slot in the front door? A mail box? A PO box? Other?

Strauss's avatar

Single mailbox at the end of my driveway.

TJBM will tell us about the time when…

Coloma's avatar

a “dead” Ground Squirrel the cat brought in came back to life and attacked me biting my thumb and running amok through the house. haha

TJBM will tell us about the time…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damn cat brought a non-dead baby snake in the house.

TJBM will tell us about the time their pet….

Patty_Melt's avatar

Border collie, never should have moved with us from farm to city. Locked him inside the mobile home while we kids were in school, mom at work. Got home to see he found dad’s military down filled sleeping bag. Feathers coated every single room. He must have felt guilty. He pulled down the living room curtains to cover some up.
TJBM has a purple yard.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. But it’s overgrown and needs to be mowed. I have a border collie! Can’t imagine life without a big back yard.

TJBM has 3 non-working lawn mowers.

Coloma's avatar

No, I have someone here that mows all the lawns in a riding mower. About 3 acres worth.

TJBM must be off and running soon.

snowberry's avatar

Yep. Waiting for hubby to wake up.

TJBM is afraid of…?

Strauss's avatar

Fear. I am afraid of decisions people make out of fear.

TJBM is waiting for…?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Fluther to get fixed so I can ask a question.

TJBM is impatient for…?

AshLeigh's avatar

The weekend.
TJBM has an awful coworker.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I don’t work with that much people luckily :p.
TJBM is tired of…?

Coloma's avatar

Oh lets see…nope, too long of a “tired of” list. haha

TJBM notices fluther is dead today.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM wants pot roast.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Can you make one for me? :D
TJBM knows why Fluther is dead my guess is that people are celebrating some Patriotic day or something…

Sneki95's avatar

Fluther is dead?

TJBM often gets the news very late (I think there is an idiom for this)

rojo's avatar

Nobody ever tells me anything anymore.

TJBM goes commando as often as possible.

Sneki95's avatar


TJBM has a habit others find strange/odd/weird/similar.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Toilet paper must roll over and not under. If it is installed the wrong way and it can be changed, I do it.

TJBM has used a bidet.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. I’d need lessons, or at least a.big towel right there beside it. I’ve never seen a towel hung beside one.

TJBM knows how to use a bidet.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t even have a bidet.
TJBM likes a simple toilet.

Coloma's avatar

Are there complicated toilets? haha

TJBM has injured themselves recently.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

All the time. I burned the hell out of my forearm on an overheated marine diesel engine a couple of days ago. Scraped my knuckles and nearly ripped my thumbnail off when the wrench slipped while I was removing a manifold. Stuff like that happens all the time when I get around engine-driven vessels. It’s one of the reasons I prefer sails to engines.

TJBM isn’t much of a mechanic.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

True. Too true.

TJBM knows how to fix a doorknob that won’t lock properly without making the situation worse.

Sneki95's avatar

Call a locksmith.

TJBM knows a locksmith.

Coloma's avatar

No, but I know horse shoer. haha

TJBM is packing up to go home from somewhere right now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM has a headache.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nope. Luckily, I rarely suffer from them.

TJBM has a really cool video they can link us to.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am so smitten with this little girl. From a couple years ago but wow…she’s got talent. I love finding prodigal children to marvel at. Her own original song. :-)

TJBM has seen Grace Vanderwaal before.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Bloody hell, I don’t have enough band to open it. I’ll save the link on a document for later.

TJBM is kinda artsy

Coloma's avatar

Yes, but…I like the picture you posted already. I nominate that as the logo.

TJBM is hungry.

@Espiritus_Corvus I hope you get to watch it, I think she is an amazing kid. :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Not hungry. For the 5th day in a row.

TJBM is on antibiotics.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, but I have a sprained ankle and am wearing a fugly ankle brace, nt complimentary to my springy sandals.

TJBM is going out to lunch now. Want anything Dutchess, you eat like a bird woman!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just not hungry lately.

No, not going anywhere for lunch.

TJBM had a cat jump up on her lap yesterday and it was a freaking miracle. We found our black cat, Vanta, on our deck 3 years ago, and she’s been at war ever since, especially with me, ever since. She has never jumped on anyone’s lap. Rick about fell over. I would have too, but I had a cat on my lap and didn’t want to startle her.

Strauss's avatar

No cats yesterday, but it is nice when they finally acknowledge you.

@Coloma Maybe that should be Dutch’s new nickname: Bird Woman!

TJBM likes “Bird Woman” for our friends new nickname.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, that’s a fine name because @Dutchess lll lives on the diet of a Sparrow. haha

TJBM has had a near miss running over an animal recently. Oh man, just now, on my way back in a Jackrabbit bolted out of the blackberry hedges along the side of my little road and zinged out in front of me. I slowed down, he sped up, whew, a close call for the bunny man.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, but I need to mow my lawn. I will have to do it with a weed whacker sitting in my wheelchair. I won’t do it until my daughter checks for baby bunnies. My lawn is fairly flat, but it has small depressions here and there where mommy bunnies tend to drop little furry parcels.
TJBM has seen a volcano up close.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do not like that nick name, Sam I Am!

No I have not seen a volcano up close. My family was in the fall out from St. Helens tho.

TJBM does not like their new nick name.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t have one, yet anyway. haha

TJBM will give me a nickname.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Loosey Goosey.

TJBM likes Loosey Goosey’s new nick name.

Coloma's avatar

How ‘bout just “Goosey.” I’m not loose, but I am getting duck cheeks. lol

TJBM has duck cheeks. Like this.

Brian1946's avatar

<Checks for feathers> Nope, but if I bought a duck, I’d have a duck bill.

TJBM will right-click on the Answer button, go to View Page Info, click on the Security tab, and see how times they’ve visited Fluther.

If you browse about halfway down the page, you might see how many times you’ve visited.

I’ve visited 50,305 times.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wow! Just, wow.
TJBM wonders if they’ve done anthing 50,000 times, other than breathing and heart pumping.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Sleep, wake up, brush teeth, wash face, go to the toilet…
TJBM is quick.

Brian1946's avatar

I think I’ve blinked, swallowed, and turned my head about a million times.

Coloma's avatar

I am pretty damn quick, mentally but being too quick physically caused me to fall on my ass a few days ago. haha

TJBM is springy and bouncy like a mountain goat.

Brian1946's avatar

Having an arthritic right knee but otherwise being in decent shape, I’m like a 3-legged mountain goat.

TJBM will try to see how far they can get in posting a test question, and then post the results here.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Go see it Brian.
TJBM encounters the same problem with Fluther.

Sneki95's avatar

No problems here.

TJBM has cleaned a fish.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No, but I dissected a frog in biology class.

TJBM has eaten raw meat.

Sneki95's avatar

Yup. I tried it a couple of times.

TJBM uses emoticons a lot.

Coloma's avatar

Actually no, only on occasion.

TJBM slept like a baby last night.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I did.
TJBM plays with Play Doh….

snowberry's avatar

Don’t have any around. I gave away the last box we had.

TJBM loves the water.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m not a very good swimmer, but I do like to try.
TJBM learned something new today, and will tell us what it was.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I learned a lot of new things today, but I’m not sure you will be happy to listen, because it concerns astrology :p
No, not the kind of star sign prediction shit you see in newspapers. It is much more like the “mystic” work that you see cult members do in movies, but much less magical. And no, I don’t really belive what I learned, just find it fascinating.
TJBM learned something new today, and will tell us what it was.

snowberry's avatar

There are honest car sales people! We just met one! Yaaay!

TJBM is planning to stay up late tonight.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, probably the usual, 10–11ish.

TJBM is having Pizza for dinner!

Sneki95's avatar

I never eat pizza.

TJBM doesn’t eat pizza either.

snowberry's avatar

Yep. I’m a non pizza eater too.

TJBM doesn’t own a swimsuit.

Sneki95's avatar

Hah, No I don’t. I don’t swim.

TJBM never smiles at the camera.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You don’t?
TJBM likes to make wild guess.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sometimes, when details aren’t crucial.
TJBM has a manufactured body part.

snowberry's avatar

I have crown on one of my teeth.

TJBM is a fan of old TV serials like the A-Team and the Munsters.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh sure. I have a few episodes recorded of A-Team. “Trash bags, I need some trash bags!” That one is my favorite. I wish I had the chance to get some Munster episodes. I have several episodes of Lucy, Bones, Ellen the sitcom, Daniel Boone, Bewitched, Brady Bunch, etc.
There will soon be a time I won’t need cable or antennae. I will have enough television programming and movies recorded to watch from my collection for five years without seeing anything twice.
TJBM is further departed from sanity than I.

Strauss's avatar

Racing farther and farther down that rabbit hole!

TJBM notices things are curioser and curioser.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ah, yes, but do let us have tea, and cakes, and celebrate my unbirthday.
TJBM will stop chasing the white rabbit long enough to enjoy tea and cakes, and get smallllllll.

Sneki95's avatar

But…but….I like rabbits. And I hate tea! I wanna chase rabbits.

TJBM still goes chasing rabbits, even though they know they’re going to fall.

Mimishu1995's avatar

But we can still enjoy our new friends’ company here. Can we help them first and find our rabbit later?
TJBM has accepted the invitation to the mad tea party.

Strauss's avatar

I would, but the you know the caterpillar won’t share whatever is in the hookah!

TJBM has Used a hookah.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. I’ve never smoked anything.

TJBM isn’t afraid of heights, but knows someone who is.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Actually it’s the other way around. My new friend lizard just climbed all the way up to the cellar to bring the big cake for me when I was stuck there!
TJBM had a talk about life with the wise caterpillar.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, but I have attempted to discuss life with a guinea pig.

TJBM doesn’t speak guinea pig.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh I do. When they squeak so loud they bounce up and down they want lettuce.
TJBM knows what guinea pigs are saying when their ears bounce but all their feet stay on the ground.

snowberry's avatar

Nope, what?

TJBM will tell us.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It means, “I cleaned my butt, now hold me.”
TJBM cleaned their butt and wants to be held.

snowberry's avatar

ROFL! Sure!

TJBM lives out of the box.

Brian1946's avatar

I used to live in a box until it was destroyed by a street sweeper. ;-(

TJBM has tried to kill a beneficial predator.

I just tried to kill a blue mud dauber wasp. I didn’t realize it was the primary predator of black widow spiders until after my errant attempt. Thankfully I was too slow and clumsy to do the deed. Major fail for Brizilla! ;-o

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ooo, be careful. I’ve been stung by a blue wasp. They slam pain into you really hard!
Yes, I kill spiders, frequently, but I offset that by inviting bats, praying mantids, and lady bugs.

TJBM likes bats.

Coloma's avatar

I do, very much. I used to get them flying into my bedroom at night when the french doors were open. Just swooshed them out with a fluffy mop thingy.

TJBM likes Jackrabbits.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Jack is the name of the rabbit I was chasing all that time. He wanted me to chase him because he wanted to introduce Jack Land to me. He had to save me though, when I was captured by the evil Blue Queen. Now I miss my adventure…
TJBM will tell us about their most recent weird dream.

snowberry's avatar

If I get too hot while I’m sleeping, I have nightmares.

TJBM is a voracious reader.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The preference is for reading over watching. The method of reading has morphed with the internet.

TJBM has Monday’s schedule planned out.

snowberry's avatar

Shore enough!

TJBM has ridden an elephant.

PuffUvSmoke's avatar

Nope. I’m too short

TJBM is too short to see in a line.

Strauss's avatar

I’ve always been the tall one.

TJBM thinks they’re too talk or too short.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’m content with my height.

TJBM grows something edible.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has actually spent time in a doghouse before.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Never. Can you tell me what it’s like?
TJBM will tell me what it’s like to be in a doghouse.

Strauss's avatar

Figu6, it’s no fun. I’ve been there several times over the years.

For those who do not do understand the cultural reference, I would suggest you listen to this song.

TJBM has built a doghouse.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, sixty years ago. Roof was removable to get it cleaned if necessary.

TJBM has a handmade item they have made in the room with them.

Sneki95's avatar

I made a cup out of the toilet paper roll. I keep my pencils in there.
I burned my fingers on the supetr glue and it looks kinda crappy, but I love it. It’s my creation. :)

TJBM loves their creations, even if they’re horrible.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Most of my creations center around drawing. And I don’t always appreciate all of them. I’m a creator and I’m also my own critic. I seem to evaluate everything I create right after it is created. I often find that my evaluation doesn’t match people’s opinion though…
BTW, here’s my most recent creation that I’m proud of. It was for a mock class back when I was in Thailand. It was done completely with Paint and a mouse, and by sitting on a bed. I made it for my former enemy along with many more pictures done in the same manner in return for her preparing papers for my teaching section. Sadly it was never showcased due to my mouse malfunctioning at the right time.
TJBM will tell me what they think of my “creation” :D

Coloma's avatar

Haha, I like it, it is cute and cool.

TJBM likes Sushi rolls.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, I like my flesh cooked, except when it it sweating, panting and… PANCAKES!
Mimi, your creation is cute! That took some time to do!
TJBM is out of time.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah, and that’s not good for a musician.

TJBM knows a musician or musical group that is out of time.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I know a group which is beyond time. The Stones have something never to be copied or forgotten. I think humans will never be done with them.
TJBM would like @Strauss to post on yt, so we could enjoy his talent.

Coloma's avatar

That would be cool, yes! I love youtube, watch things on there every day, from music, talent, tutorials, you name it, youtube has it.

TJBM has one more precious hour before they must launch their rocket.

Strauss's avatar

Actually I’m on launch lunch break right now.

@Patty_Melt I’ve got something in the works for this summer. No promises except I’ll be working on it. (Maybe for 20k.)

TJBM has a project coming up.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Share your beauty with us.
I am currently hand sewing some clothes. That is about as projecty as I can get.
TJBM can fly.

Strauss's avatar

Maybe if I showed up onstage in a hand-crafted costume by @Patty_Melt

TJBM has a secret talent.

snowberry's avatar

It’s so secret, if I told you I’d have to kill you.

TJBM can keep a secret.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am quite loyal to those I am close to.

TJBM has been invited to dinner by someone tonight.

Strauss's avatar

I have? By whom?

TJBM knows who has invited me to dinner tonight.

snowberry's avatar

I have. We’re having Spam! Sit down!

TJBM likes Spam.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Call me in! Call me in!
TJBM had a fantasy about a real life Fluther gathering.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes. There was a Q about winning the lottery. I truthfully said I would buy a real Fluther Mansion. After I wrote that, I thought about what it would look like, who would accept tje invitations to visit, what it would be like to make it an open getaway spot for Fluther mansion club.
TJBM would like to visit the mansion, if I could afford it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

SURE! I never turn down any offer from my Fluther friends. I would like to see what a Fluther mansion looks like in real life too.
TJBM wishes they could meet their Fluther friends in real life.

Strauss's avatar

I do. I remember the lottery Q. It was running concurrently with a long-timer’s Q about sofa surfing with members of the collective. I would build a Fluther mansion if I had the means.

TJBM has Fluther fantasies.

snowberry's avatar

I surely would like to meet a few of you guys IRL. And I’ve actually become quite fond of a few more who perceive me as their enemy. Now ain’t that strange?

TJBM has Fluther feathers, so they can soar around the Fluther mansion.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

More like tentacles and the ability to quickly scoot around the mansion.

The mansion with all of us in it is a lovely thought. With the wide variety of expertise that each member brings to the table, it’s fun to imagine what kind of life we could create.

TJBM will share what they would be willing to contribute to the mansion.

Sneki95's avatar

Building a giant aquarium in the living room and filling it with various pretty fishes, jellies (the animals, not the actual ones), and all other residents from unda da sea. (I always wanted to have an aquarium).

Besides that, I like helping around rather than creating stuff on my own. I’d help with other Jellies in building and maintaining the mansion; especially the library and cinema, or mowing the lawn (I’ve been doing that for years now) or going shopping with others, or helping out in the kitchen (I can make some delicious meals, but I’d rather just help out). I’d avoid gardening as much as I can, though. You do that without me.
I also suggest not giving me any money either. I’m way too good at wasting it.

TJBM likes cleaning the house.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No! No! No! Never talk to me about any housework!
TJBM has a strong feeling about something.

Coloma's avatar

Not in the moment. haha

TJBM is carefree.

Sneki95's avatar

According to Google, carefree is a brand of menstrual pads.
I don’t think I’m one of those.

TJBM sometimes feels like a butterfly.

Strauss's avatar

Im the sense of the butterfly effect, I sometimes feel that my actions may have far reaching unintended consequences

TJBM has experienced unforeseen consequences.

Sneki95's avatar

My friend’s classmate once asked me to translate some stuff for her, and I accepted. It ended in a massive fight, crying, near threat and, apparently, a near heart attack.
I did not have that in plan.

TJBM has had the ”....oops” moment too.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I can’t count how many times I say “oops” in life.
@Sneki95 your story seems interesting. Care to tell us more?
TJBM is unhealthily curious.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Oh dear, yes. It’s generated several mishaps, but none required a hospital visit.

TJBM will tell us about a time that they required medical attention.

Sneki95's avatar

I went to the store once, and when I came back, my right hand started swelling. Soon enough, I couldn’t form a fist, it was that swollen. Then the left one started swelling too.
Mom called dad and we went to the ambulance. The doctor couldn’t determine what was going on, but I got a vaccine in case it’s some sort of allergic reaction.
It got swollen once more later, but I washed my hands with cold water and it calmed down.
To this day, I’ve no idea what was that about.

@Mimishu1995 Sorry, I ain’t into it. I don’t have anything to hide, but it would take a wall of text, y’know.

TJBM has had some inexplicable medical issues that passed away quickly.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t know how quick you mean. I had a similar occurance, but it was my face which swelled up. It got worse for two days. When it was so swollen I could not open my eyes, I went to the hospital. Like you, they could not figure out the problem. They kept me overnight, running blood tests, trying antihistamines and a steroid of some sort. They never found out what was wrong, but by morning it went down enough for me to open my eyes a little.
I don’t know why they did xrays.
TJBM wonders if sometimes doctors do extra stuff just to look like they know what they are doing.

snowberry's avatar

I think doctors tend to run lots of tests and do procedures because they’re afraid of being sued. They want to be able to say, “Hey, I did all this stuff just to make sure (and to be able to prove that we did all we could in case something bad happens).” I know that in labor, the more procedures and interventions that you do tends to cause a “cascade of events” that lead to C-sections and other complications. I think that mentality has driven up the high rate of C- sections in the US. When I was having children the rate was under 25%. Now it’s one in every 3. Teaching hospitals have higher rates of C-section than non teaching hospitals.

Logically, the new doctors and staff need lots of practice to prepare them for when they are on their own.

TJBM takes issue with what I just said.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t take issue, I’m just not sure that I agree with it. I had one doctor who would order tests often, but he was also very thorough, and would spend however much time with you explaining things and answering your questions,even if it meant running late for the next appoint. On the flip side, you invariably had to wait him to get finished with other patients.
On the other hand I’ve known doctors who just dismiss symptoms and don’t run any tests.

TJBM is damn cold and their furnace isn’t working.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It is chilly, but my furnace works fine. I don’t need it now, but if I do, I have a space heater which can handle chilly days just fine.
TJBM regrets something they said recently.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah. I chewed a mod out pretty bad and looked like an asshole doing it. Oh, well. What are mods for?

@snowberry In the profession, they even have a name for it: Defensive Diagnostics.

TJBM has a state certification or professional license they no longer use.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, but I got a marksman ribbon in the navy, and hardly ever shoot anyone anymore.
TJBM is indulging in what, right now?

Strauss's avatar


Percussion workshops make help me appreciate silence.

TJBM has a silent streak

Coloma's avatar

Yes, and..I am dealing/working with a person this week that NEVER shuts up, it has been/is highly stressful and annoying. I like conversations but not being taken hostage, this person actually has been FOLLOWING me around while I work, just keeps talking and talking and talking and now they are insisting we have dinner tomorrow night. Fucking help me! lol
2 days to go and then I will not see them again for a very, very, long time I am hoping.

Sucks to be so likeable. haha

TJBM is likeable.

Mimishu1995's avatar

That’s… a difficult question…
TJBM finds it hard to answer questions about themselves.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I agree.

TJBM will tell us about the most repulsive thing that they have ever eaten.

Coloma's avatar

I sucked raw sea snails from their shells in asia a few years ago, but…I had about 4 Taiwanese beers first. haha
The most repulsive thing I have seen is fried duck heads on a stick.

TJBM has eaten strange animal foods.

snowberry's avatar

No, but hubby had a bunch of them when he went to China (fried earthworms, cicadas and scorpions, etc.)

TJBM likes to walk at night.

Sneki95's avatar

Yes, sometimes. I assume taking a walk at a nice night with a friend would be a very dear memory, but I’ve never really done that. I did get out in the yard at night a few times. It was beautiful, like a whole another universe. Things surely look different at night; the moon illuminates in it’s own way. Even my boring backyard looks somewhat dreamy and pretty at night.

TJBM has spent a night in the open.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m a basement dweller, but it doesn’t mean I have no life <sharp gaze> :D
TJBM doesn’t take things seriously.

snowberry's avatar

Depends on what the things are. I’m pretty easy going as a rule.

TJBM is a super hero fan.

Sneki95's avatar

No. I’ve never been interested in super heroes. Too formulaic, that “super good, super muscled man in stupid costume will save the world” setting never suited me. It just looks silly.
I love my heroes without the -man suffix. unless it’s One Punch Man, that one’s awesome. But that one is mocking the genre.

TJBM has been given a nice gift recently.

Coloma's avatar

My daughter is taking me out to lunch and to get pedicures on Sunday. :-)

TJBM has been the victim of a non-stop talker this week.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Oddly, yes. The guy who mows the lawn was here. He has never said more than two words to me. Normally, we just give a quick wave when I go out to put the payment in his truck. This time, he rode up on the mower to tell me that he had been there the day before, but part of the yard was too waterlogged from the rain.

Then the verbal dam broke. He told me about the other yards with the same problem, about his backed up schedule, how many times a week he goes to church, about his children, his grandchildren, and that there is another due at any time and that the mom is already at four centimetres.

I went back inside feeling like I needed a nap.

TJBM has watched the Heineken commercial posted on @cazzie’s thread.

Sneki95's avatar

Yeah, I’ve seen it.
I don’t have much to say. It was sweet to watch. I wish it was that smooth and civilized in real life too.

TJBM never drinks beer.

Coloma's avatar

False, I love beer but don’t drink a lot.

TJBM is plotting a strategy to avoid an annoying person today. haha

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. I wish a chatty person would come by and spend a couple of hours, break the monotony of being alone.
TJBM plays chess.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has confronted someone about gossiping before.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I hate gossip and have no interest in talking about others. Not that I have never vented to a close friend about someone that is irksome to deal with, but true gossip, no.
I used to know this women that was just insufferable. People she hosted at events at her home and was all sweetness and light and then, she started talking smack about them before they even left her driveway. haha

TJBM has no interest in other peoples business.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Only if it affects my business or my private life directly. I will vent, too, but only to a select few who understand it is mere venting and nothing to take seriously —people close to me, who know me well. But I won’t tolerate idle gossip from habitual, compulsive gossipers. These people cause an enormous amount of harm and unnecessary embarrassment to others and they are invariably cowards and passive-aggressives—a species of humans I hate with a passion. I’m very good at shutting them down and humiliating them. I feel I’m doing the world a favor. If everyone did this, they would stop. As it is, it keeps these assholes far away from me and that is just fine.

TJBM is intolerant in some things.

snowberry's avatar

Certainly. I’m sure there are quite a few on Fluther who would swear to it! Ha!

TJBM is out of… What?

Coloma's avatar

Just about everything. haha
I am about to leave for the second round of work today and won’t have a chance to shop til maybe Mon. I am down to lentil soup, various pickled things like olives, pickles, cottage cheese, crackers, a few tortillas, some leftover refried beans, oatmeal, walnuts and apples. haha

TJBM will suggest a meal from the ingredients I listed.

@Espiritus_Corvus Exactly, I so agree. Passive aggressive types are the one human that I could kill with my bare hands. Gah!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Breakfast tomorrow is pretty obvious: Oatmeal with apples and walnuts. Lunch is chopped olives and cottage cheese. *(Nixon’s favorite lunch was cottage cheese and ketchup. LOL. I’m not sure if that would affect your politics, but I don’t recommend it. It’s not terrible, but it’s not great either.)

As a cook, I’m sure you have a nice selection a spices to choose from. You also have your chickens to produce eggs for you every morning. Don’t forget that. A simple farmhouse quiche might be in order. That is what the peasant French housewife sent with her man to the fields and factories a hundred years ago. A quiche will get you through a few meals. You also have the bounty of your garden. Hopefully you have scallions and other onions.

Dinner is lentil soup with refried beans in tortillas with pickles on the side. Repeat on Sunday.

You might feel a bit hungry after such a light lunch and the often heavy work you have to do, but it is good to be hungry every once in awhile. Keep an apple or two and a couple of hard boiled eggs on you to get you through. You are a healthy, well-nourished female and have a lot of resources to get you through a mere couple of days of eating light. Strong iced tea is a great rejuvenator as well. Keep a jug of it nearby. Hydration, hydration, hydration. Keeps the energy level up.

And do some shopping on Monday. If it were me, I’d be ready for a huge proterhouse, fresh sauteed veggies and a big baked potato with all the fixin’s.

TJBM spends a few days eating light every once in awhile.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Pretty often.
TJBM could live alone in the wilderness if it wasn’t for…

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My lack of knowledge of what is safe to scavenge in the tropics. I’m pretty good in more temperate climes, like Florida and points north, but the tropics get pretty tricky as they are still foreign to me.

TJBM can eat off the land where they are presently living.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


I know it is your second time around, but it is much harder to get there these days and really deserves a party. I’m not forgetting that you threw my 10k party, Jonsey. I don’t forget things like that.

So, what would you like to eat and drink for your 5k party?

TJBM agrees that we should break tradition and throw @Patty_Melt a 5k party right here and now.

snowberry's avatar


Lessee, we’ll have chocolate cake and ice cream. I’ll festoon the pergola, and crow, would you please bring the wine? The menu is simply a suggestion, @Patty_Melt.

TJBM thinks this is a grand idea too!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m there!!

TJBM hopes Coloma will bring her magic brownies.

Strauss's avatar

I hope so! It wouldn’t be a party worth worrying about without them or her!

TJBM knows why this is @Patty_Melt‘s second 5k party

Patty_Melt's avatar

Awwwww, gosh, you guys. What a sweet sentiment!
Gotta have burgers on the grill, and Dew. Save me a seat next to them brownies!!!!
TJBM Will fire up the grill, and get some burgers and ribs

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The grill be fired, mate. I have grain fed Nebraska ground beef sizzling away as I write. The Dew is on ice and ready to go. We have a selection of smoky reds here, A Napa Cabernet called “Darwin”, and another Cabernet from Sonoma with a very nice, formal black and gold label called “The Calling”, and a dry Sonoma Pinot Noir from Smoke Tree Vintners. I have no idea where they get these names and have never tasted these before, but the promise smokiness and it will be a nice adventure to taste that part of the earth I miss so much.

And then there is my favorite robust red, an Italian Sangiovese off the chalky hillsides of the Piedmont. This wine is as earthy and profound as its name. I have never been disappointed by it. Rowwwwrrr.

To keep us from starving to death while we wait for the beef, I have some nice, light, cold hors d’oeuvres—finger food—backed up with an amazingly dry and quenching, ice cold Pinot Grigio.

TJBM has more to round out this revelry.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I will make potato salad and my famous cashew nut cole slaw to go with the burgers and , drum roll…strawberry shortcake! I have the best early season strawberries here. Brownies too, Indica or sativa gang?
@Espiritus_Corvus Dude! I didn’t think about putting the walnuts in my oatmeal, score for you! Yes, I forgot about the eggs, here and at the other property I am sitting for, and…goose eggs! I also have flour, brown sugar and cinnamon, maybe goose egg pancakes!

TJBM loves cinnamon toast.

Coloma's avatar

P.S.@Espiritua_Corvus..cottage cheese with ketchup? Revolting! haha

Patty_Melt's avatar

Mmmmmmmmm I love cinnamon toast. This is an excellent party. You guys are swell.
TJBM is drunk even before the brownies kick in.

snowberry's avatar

Unfortunately I’m allergic to alcohol. :( but I’ll have some yummy chai!

snowberry's avatar

Oops. TJBM saw that.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t worry, the Mafia will stay alert to protect the party!
TJBM will focus on the party and let my men do the job.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Hi, Mimi! Have some delicious goodies!
TJBM will get some music going.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


LOL. Go for it, Coloma

Coloma's avatar

Sure…here ya go!

Went for it Crow…go for it again my man.

TJBM is the man.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Sweet and Sexy Jazz Club Music from Martinique

Problems with the link, C.

TJBM will keep it rollin’

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ve not heard any complaints lately.

You and Me Baby

TJBM has one for us.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Let’s dance
TJBM will dance.

Mimishu1995's avatar

God we are REALLY drunk!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

A slow samba All Night Long

C’mon, Mimi. Dance with me.

Hit it C.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus LMAO! I always thought blow darts were super cool. Blow dart assault. haha

I will dance, I love to dance. Like this!

Coloma's avatar

I love that Lionel Ritchie song.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, I can’t dance, sorry. I will make up for it by pulling out my saxophone and play a jazz song :P
TJBM loves a mixture of calm and wild for this party. Where is @Patty_Melt anyway?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Uh, drunk girl, my last post was just before you declared your drunkeness. LOL
Wow, EC has got his freak on tonight!
Cool tunes all around!
TJBM is freaky!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. Sometimes pretty freaky, yeah.

She’s on the floor because she’s feelin’ so bloody sexy

C’mon Patty. Bring it on.

TJBM wants to give Mimi a lesson and will be gentle.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Can’t do it. If I gotta be gentle, they ain’t ready for me.
IIIIIIIII’m… too sexy for my lurve, too sexy…
TJBM is too sexy for their shirt.

Coloma's avatar

How ‘bout some Gangnam style. Love this guy. haha

Mimishu1995's avatar

Man, I just came and I’m too drunk too live.
Since I don’t know anything anymore, I will use my computer to make music
TJBM will think of a creative way to make noise.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sorry, I’m stuffed.
I’m gonna have to call it a night soon.
TJBM clicked my link.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes. LOL. Not sure if I can dance to that, tho.

Sleep well, Patty. We can always continue tomorrow.

C, I love that guy too. Major OG.

I haven’t seen that one for years, Mimi. You are a YouTube archaeologist.

A little mini concerto change-up by a friggin genius who, sadly, is no longer with us.

TJBM will keep the groove on.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Of course! I will keep it with you for as long as possible.
I just came across it some time ago and thought it would be good to share :p
You want more oldies? Here’s one you can dance to
TJBM won’t stop this party.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nice. Reminds me of a cross between Spandau Ballet and Tim Curry..

C’mon, Coloma. Let’s teach her how to rock the house with something sweet.

TJBM knows what to do.

Coloma's avatar

^ wait, while I run out and pick a rose to put between my teeth. haha
Alas, I must go to bed dear friends…but, I leave you with the funniest music video of all time, for your viewing pleasure. Party on peeps. Can you dance like Billy, Crow? lol

TJBM is a comedian at heart.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. But they keep laughing at me! G’night big C.

C’mon, Mimi. We’ll get down tonight, old school Miami. Just hang on tight.

TJBM digs it.

Coloma's avatar

I do, now-must-sleep…but one more for you guys.

TJBM digs it.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Thank you, sweetheart. God, I miss Mr. Pickett.

Time to go uptown and find that Serbian chick

That’s how it’s done, Mimi. Just go with it.

TJBM thinks Mimi could really use this after her harrowing term paper, cause Alphas burn quickly if they can’t relax.

Coloma's avatar

Oh yes, I miss my big tubby so much.

Okay…really-am-going-now. haha

Sneki95's avatar

Damn, I fall asleep at the worst of times.
@Espiritus_Corvus How’d you guess one of my favourite songs?

Who’s for some Mambo? Raise yoir glass while you’re at it!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I Bega yore pardon, lady, but I gotta a mambo going on.

Sorry ‘bout that. Computer crashed again. Takes about ten minutes to cold boot her, clean the registry and ram, then start up again.

Anyone for strip poker in the hot tub with a deck of tarot cards? LOL. Advantage, me.

Strauss's avatar

Ummm…What’s the last “TJBM”?

TJBM remembers the most recent “TJBM” statement.

Sneki95's avatar

“TJBM thinks Mimi could really use this after her harrowing term paper, cause Alphas burn quickly if they can’t relax.”

TJBM agrees.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Totally. Alphas burn fast if they can’t shake it off every once in awhile.

A little Boom Boom Boom helps.

TJBM likes dey boom boom boom.

Bring it on, Strauss. Tonight’s gonna be a good night

Strauss's avatar

I like to Boom boom de donuts

TJBM likes donuts.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Sure. I like Apple Fritters even more.

This is the Patty Melt 5k after party.

TJBM will contribute some music we can move to

Sneki95's avatar

Ok. [1] [2] [3] [4]

TJBM will give us some more.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nice party arsenal.

A little Rhianna perhaps?


More Bruno Mars

TJBM will go old school on us

Mimishu1995's avatar

Here you go
And thanks EC, for trying to help me relax :) Your timing was very good too, since I have only 1 week more to finish my papers.
TJBM will go young for us.

Strauss's avatar

I’m not sure what that means exactly, but my best guess is this:

The set list for my current band class includes Exes and Ohs, Cheap Thrills, Sweater Weather and No One.

TJBM will tell us if they think that’s close to what TJAM meant by “going young”.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Opposite of old school. LOL. You got it right, Strauss.

I like the urgency of this one

I heard she was hanging out on the island this winter with hubby and baby. Man, I’d love to take them out for a sail for a few days. She is bloody amazing. Strauss, you can come along as Cajun cook and put some meat on that poor girl’s bones. I’ll make sure she comes back with a healthy tan.

TJBM thinks Amy Lee is a great artist.

Sneki95's avatar

Hahahaha I can’t believe this! You actually listen to Evanesence!? LOL.
I used to listen to them in primary school. Loved them.

I agree, she is great, and real pretty. I could never dream the old ones would listen to them.

TJBM will post what they used to jam to in primary school.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oh, man.

Put on your phones and turn it up.
Then this
TJBM was blown away the first time they heard Hendrix

Strauss's avatar

I was, but it wasn’t in elementary school. I was just finishing high school when I first heard “Foxy Lady”.

When I was in elementary school, I listened to the likes of the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis.

TJBM likes some or any of the above-listed artists.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I love them all. Good stuff. Especially crazy Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck, RIP; I confess I was thirteen when Hendrix hit. I just couldn’t remember what I’d been listening to. Hendrix totally wiped everything else out. I guess it was the Beach Boys, Stones, Kinks, Beatles. Oh, yeah. Eric Burdon.

TJBM will tell us what she thinks of Hendrix.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

And then came Carlos…


Strauss's avatar

Santana IV

Jimi Hendrix was an extremely talented and innovative musician who influence can be heard in such artists as Stevie Ray Vaughn, Steve Vai, Eddie Van Halen, Prince, and probably every other guitarist ever since.

TJBM agrees or disagrees.

Sneki95's avatar

your links ain’t working. And btw, this is the first time I’ve ever heard Hendrix. Nodding around lel.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oops. One is.

@Strauss. Genius. He broke ground.

TJBM remembers what event this was about

Coloma's avatar

Monterey pop festival?

TJBM likes this oldie.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Mornin’, hippie.

How about this?

TJBM always wonders why songs like Monterey, 8 miles High and most Dead songs aren’t played on 60’s retro stations. More like the Carpenters and this god forsaken Summer of Woodstock Mega Hit

Coloma's avatar

Mornin’ Crow :-)
True. LOL..The Archies and, if I never hear another Stevie Nicks, Elton John or Rod Stewart tune that is just fine with me. Hell on earth those 3.

What about this 60’s song…

TJBM is a skippin’ and a’hoppin’ through their morning.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah…woke up to 6” of snow on the ground. Not bad for April 29, 2017!

TJBM is experiencing wonderful weather.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Um.. yeah. But I took shit for writing about it not long ago. So, you gotta promise to not reach through the screen and hit me. It’s a little warm with humidity in the 60’s, but there is a nice, dry East wind to blow it off and feels like low 80’sF, if you’re on the water, which I am. White, puffy clouds scudding across the sky. A great day for riding on the gunnels, close hauled to the wind.

TJBM is out of coffee.

Strauss's avatar

—Mornin’ Crow!—
Sad Ironic! A coffee entrepreneur (and a skipper at that) out of coffee! Oh well, I’ll just sit here and sip on my second mugful of dark roasted Costa Rica, and watch the snow melt.

TJBM feels all is right with their world.

Mornin’ cowgirl!

Coloma's avatar

Hawaiian blend here, would you like a cup crow? I’m on my 3rd cup after not getting a whole lotta sleep last night. Partied late here.

Well, If I had gotten more sleep it would be righter this morning. haha

TJBM is smokin’ hot.

Strauss's avatar

You must be talking to the mirror, girl!

TJBM likes the idea of jellies having morning coffee together.

Mimishu1995's avatar

How about a personal cafe where all of us jellies can gather?
TJBM feels sad that they can’t get to meet their jelly friends.

Sneki95's avatar

A bit, yes.

TJBM can shuffle.

Coloma's avatar

I suppose, if I had to. haha

TJBM can whistle really loudly using 2 fingers.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Top ‘o the morning, Strauss. Late night hello, Mimi. Evening, Sneki. Enuff with the coffee tease. I’m dyin’ here. Mate is out looking for some Cuban Pilon.

Yep. I can pierce eardrums at a thousand paces. Beats the hell out of yelling long distances or into crowds. You can’t ignore a whistle like mine.

TJBM can do this too.

Sneki95's avatar

I can’t. :(
I can whistle, but not like that.

TJBM can raise one eyebrow.

Coloma's avatar

I just tried, I don;t think so, they both seem to want to raise together. lol

JBM has one hour before they launch for the next 8.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My day is almost done, sleepyhead. Gawd, you Californians.

TJBM is steppin’ out tonight.

Coloma's avatar

Up yours Crow! I expect dinner when I get home. lol

Yep, I’ll be steppin’ out to feed the horses around 7 then steppin’ back up to my house. haha

TJBM is all over the place today.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah, all over the Denver Metro area. People to see, things to do, things to see, people to do…

TJBM has a project underway.

Coloma's avatar

The only project I have right now is juggling my crazy, triple, overlapping work from now through May. I HOPE to plant some flower seeds and start playing with some alcohol ink and do some artsy stuff this summer.

TJBM is signing off now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Just signed in. I just realized that my research paper is having a much heavier impact on me. I keep on missing the best part of this thread.
TJBM wants to know how @Patty_Melt thinks about her party.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I had a great time. Terrific tunes, nice friends, it was a special thing to find when I got here. My only problem is, can ya’ll have it in you to party it up that well when I hit the mansion?
TJBM is a party animal.

Mimishu1995's avatar

SURE! I’m hard at work, but you’ll never know how wild I am in parties I think you already saw it in your last party I just don’t have thar much chance to party.
I will play hard in your mansion, but for one condition: you have to party hard with me when I’m in the next mansion. ~
TJBM wants to know what a Fluther mansion looks like.

Coloma's avatar

No, I want to design it! I didn’t have an Architect for a dad for nothing! haha

TJBM has a designing eye.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Mimi, I like this

Dutchess_III's avatar

Y’all have lost your minds!

TJBM thinks everyone here has lost their minds!

Coloma's avatar

Haha, why not, crazy can be fun right?

TJBM recieved a nice compliment today. Now I feel guilty after complaining about a women I worked with all week who talks non-stop. Someone told me how she has been going on & on about how much she likes me, thinks I am very nice and cool. Okay, well, she still talks too much but that buttered me up a bit anyway. lol

Strauss's avatar

It’s amazing how a change in perspective works!

I did, and I graciously accepted it.

TJBM is sometimes humbled by compliments.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Yes. Possibly always.

TJBM received a compliment recently and will share it with us.

Coloma's avatar

Already did above. haha

TJBM has a Black Bear Cafe near them.

Strauss's avatar

About four hours away.

TJBM has a micro brew pub near them.

Coloma's avatar

Yes and scads of wineries and vineyards.

TJBM is diving into a box of Sees Candy.

Strauss's avatar

Quick! Grab my hand! We’ll dive in together!

TJBM likes to share special treats.

Coloma's avatar

I do! What’s your favorite, dark or milk chocolate.

TJBM likes both flavors of chocolate.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM can eat anything.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, but chocolate never failed me yet!
TJBM has guests this weekend.

Coloma's avatar

No, but my daughter was out today and we went to lunch and got pedcures. My feets are happy!

TJBM has been to Europe.

Mimishu1995's avatar

The only country I have been to is Thailand.
TJBM has been to America :D

Strauss's avatar

Yes, born and raised here, have been in 42 out of 50 states.

TJBM has been to Vietnam.

Coloma's avatar

No, but i would love to visit.

TJBM has fresh sheets on their bed tonight.

Soubresaut's avatar

One-day-old sheets! Changed them yesterday.

I found the thread with Patty_Melt’s party! I’m terribly terribly late… The room is dark, the boom box’s batteries have since died out (why a boom box? I don’t know), the remaining cake is stale (yet still delicious anyway!) but I’m here! And here’s a very belated, but very much deserved, congratulations to Patty_Melt! So glad you’re part of the tidepool… (again)!

TJBM found out they are late to something/is late on doing something.

Strauss's avatar

It often happens with a mansion party.

TJBM Is ready for the next mansion party.

Brian1946's avatar

Not really, unless there’s someone who’s closer than 555 lurve to the mansion.

TJBM knows of someone who’s within 100 lurve of their X0K party.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, I don’t. There are a couple less than 700 away that I know of.
TJBM wants the weather to relax and quit being a bitch.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I can’t see anyone, but so far I can see a couple of jellies on this thread pretty close to the mansion.
And did I miss your party anywhere?
Yes. The weather wants to boil and freeze me at the same time. At least choose how you want your meat weather!
TJBM doesn’t like their weather.

Sneki95's avatar

It’s a very nice weather today here. Sunny, but not too hot.

TJBM knows what is the 1st of May celebrated for in some countries.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes. I just answered your question about this. It’s a celebration of Spring and worker’s rights as I understood it in Europe. I’m glad it is good weather for you today, Sneki. Are there any celebrations in you town? Can you describe them for us? It was a very festive day in Europe when I lived there. I miss it.

Срећан први мај, Sneki.

TJBM knows what is the 1st of May celebrated for in some countries.

Soubresaut's avatar

@Strauss is 550—now 549—points away from 20k….. Granted, already in the mansion, but 20k is quite a hoot! Everybody lurve Strauss!

I don’t know! I will have to check out that thread!

TJBM knows what is the 1st of May celebrated for in some countries.

Strauss's avatar

Beltane, the official beginning of summer in Celtic and some Neo-pagan circles.

TJBM can spot the pun in my response.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My wild guess: Neo-pagan + circle = Neo-pagan circle
TJBM knows what is the 1st of May celebrated for in some countries How about guessing about my country?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It celebrates international worker’s day. Worker’s rights. It’s a good thing. It represents the living wage, pensions for the elderly worker, and the fight against child labor and child exploitation.

TJBM knows what the 1st of May is celebrated for in some countries

Sneki95's avatar

Yes, I do.

Some celebrate it because of the old pagan rite where people would make all kinds of rituals and festivities to celebrate spring, aka the waking of nature after a long sleep (winter).
Socialists.communists chose this day to celebrate the workers’ rights. Thus, it was/is celebrated in Communist countries as well. which includes Vietnam

Here at my (post-Communist) place, it’s still known as “the labour day”. Young ones usually go somewhere in nature to camp and have barbecues or fish soups, while the older ones chill at home. I didn’t have any plans, so I stayed home. I have some weird urge to clean the house, but I gotta mow the lawn.
It’s such a beautiful day today..

@Espiritus_Corvus Hvala :D

TJBM has a solemn day when s/he does nothing and just enjoys the silence.

Coloma's avatar

Mostly, I have a dentist appt. @1 today and then shopping to do after a crazy, busy, last 8 days straight. Gearing up for round 2 starting Weds.

TJBM has super powers.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have the superpower of talking to the internet without using my mouth. Ahahaha!
@Sneki95 Well… actually I don’t think of my country as a Communist country, but it’s kind of complicated to explain to you…
TJBM has done something to celebrate the 1st of May.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Sneki: Ti so zelo dobrodošle

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Well, no, I don’t celebrate the first of May. Do you?

TJBM has a worrisome health issue right now.

Coloma's avatar

Well…I am not worrying but..I have an adrenal tumor and I need to see a surgeon in a few weeks to have it evaluated. The size is not conducive with malignancy but the HU density is. I feel fine, sooo…no point on worrying until I get the workup.

TJBM is off and running.

Sneki95's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus If you were trying to say “you’re welcome”, it’s “nema na čemu” :)

I don’t run if I don’t have to.

TJBM used to doodle a lot in math class.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@Coloma Hope all goes well. Brother has one which was causing BP problems but specialist has him regulated so no plan right now to remove it.

Yes I did as well as sleep occasionally.

TJBM: Tonight’s dinner is in a slow cooker.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nope. Probably gonna nuke something.
TJBM plays poker.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@Patty_Melt Congrats on the 5K. :)

Strauss's avatar

Rarely, but I enjoy it when I do.

TJBM plays/has played/would play strip poker.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah, for laughs mostly. But I always insist on playing all poker with a tarot deck. It filters out the guys that take the game way too seriously and women love it for some reason.

TJBM was watching the Belmont Stakes in 1973 when Secretariat was neck to neck with Sham at the final turn, then won by 31 lengths.

Coloma's avatar

Yes I was! I saw the race from a store front window on a display TV. Thrilling win!

TJBM hates, hates, HATES getting Novocaine shouts at the dentist. Fuck, I am so numb I can’t feel my nose. lol

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oh, man. The worst part isn’t the initial sting, it’s the sound the needle makes while grinding it’s way into your gums. erk. errrrrk. Gaaaaaah! I grip the arms on the chair so hard that I’m surprised I don’t find vinyl under my fingernails afterwards.

@Coloma Wanna see it again? Poor quality film, but It’s amazing. That horse was the best ever.

TJBM has a favorite moment caught on film forever that they would like to link us to.

Coloma's avatar

^ Thanks for that graphic re-run f my dental experience this afternoon. lol

Yes, Secretariat was THE most awesome horse ever!

I have to go do something now but, one of my favorite moments is Christian the Lion being reunited with his guys after being set free in Africa. Look it up, astounding and so loving.

TJBM has something to do now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I did it. I pulled a chunk of hamburger out of the freezer it’s thawing for to make me a hamburger patty.

TJBM likes their hamburgers cooked fast, almost burned on the inside and barely cooked on the inside. With ketchup.

Sneki95's avatar

There is a meal here very similar to hamburger. I don’t really like it.

TJBM likes Lana Del Rey.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, but I notice that Serbians know more about American pop culture than Vietnamese.
TJBM knows about pop culture of other countries.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’ve learned a little bit about British pop culture. Possibly too much. :)

TJBM will share something pop culture related from their own country.

Mimishu1995's avatar

There is a growing trend of people making indie comic strips with either horrible drawing or with animal characters on Facebook. This trend possibly stems from two famous Facebook comic series that have those styles. Most of the comics talk about small but annoying everyday situations, and they always have profanity and sexual innuendo. I think on their own they are funny, but there are too many of them these days and it just feels a little old.
TJBM will share something pop culture related from their own country.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Here is one from the US and specific to Memphis, Tennessee, where I currently live. Elvis Presley, despite dying decades ago, still has a huge following. People from all over the world flock here every August to celebrate “Death Week” at his Graceland home. No matter what country the SO and I visit, there is always an Elvis Presley souvenir spotted.

TJBM will share their answer about pop culture from their area.

Coloma's avatar

Well…this is California, you name it, we got it. haha

TJBM has black rose bushes.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. Where I live, most roses don’t grow well. We do have lots of really strange and wonderful other plants here though.

TJBM pulled the covers over their head this morning.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nope. No covers here, just sheets. I rarely pull the sheets over my head these days. I stare at the ceiling for awhile until my dogs start licking my face to tell me to get up and feed them. At least they are polite enough to wait until I open my eyes.

TJBM lives a life close to nature – they always have a general idea of what phase the moon is in, can read the sky for weather changes, is at least slightly aware of animal sounds and behavioral changes around them, knows when certain fish run, and knows where certain stars should be in the night sky.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, to most of those, but I am not very savvy about how fish run and I don’t know where all the stars should be in the sky. I know Salmon season in these rivers of NorCal is in the fall, that’s about it. Otherwise, yes, I have lived in these hills for 25 years now and know all the wildlife, birds, most animal sounds. TJBM thinks this little Caracal voice is quite amusing. He sounds like an alien ray gun. LOL

snowberry's avatar

He’s adorable! Thanks!

TJBM looks for non-toxic pest control methods, and will share them with us.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, it’s called “Chickens” here. We have about 20 hens and a rooster roaming around at all times, they get a lot of bugs.

TJBM has kept chickens as pets and egg layers.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No please don’t remind me of the chicken pet of my neighbor that liked to scream at 3 a.m. It still lives in my worst nightmare!
TJBM has a weird neighbor’s pet.

snowberry's avatar

Hmmmm. The weirdest in recent history was my alcoholic neighbor’s vicious dog that incessantly tried to attack me through a rotten fence. (They insisted it was very mild mannered.) Going out into my own backyard to just mow the grass was a terrifying thought.

When I was growing up, the boy next door used to keep ant lions. They were fascinating.

TJBM isn’t sure about the whole “keeping of bugs as pets” thing.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

There was the goat that the next door neighbors had years ago. It went from living in their house to eventually being kept in a pen away from their house to almost next to my bedroom window. It was eventually moved to a farm.

Now, the big issue is the neighbors behind our house. They have chickens and, once again, the pen is as far away from their home and next to our garden wall. Because the neighbors do not properly care for the chickens, rats have moved in. Big ones. The SO, who refuses to kill even a spider and just takes it outdoors, broke down and purchased a pellet rifle. He has hit and possibly killed ~50 rats in the last year.

TJBM had a pet as a child and will tell us about it.

Coloma's avatar

Many, cats, a couple dogs, rat, rabbits, parakeets, fish, chameleons.

TJBM hates changing the sheets on their bed and struggling with getting the fitted sheet on. haha

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Changing the bottom sheet is nothing compared to changing the duvet cover. No matter how much of a wrestling contest it is, I enjoy the end result.

TJBM hangs their laundry out to dry.

Coloma's avatar

A good amount in the summer yes, I also do a fair amount of hand washing in the summer, lightweight sundresses etc. and hang them to dry.

TJBM is enjoying a really warm week of spring weather.

Coloma's avatar

A good amount in the summer yes, I also do a fair amount of hand washing in the summer, lightweight sundresses etc. and hang them to dry.

TJBM is enjoying a really warm week of spring weather.

Coloma's avatar

^ How the heck did that double post? Oh well..talking to myself. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, finally. Immediately after we got our furnace fixed!

TJBM is watching the Free Willy shows.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No tv here. Is Free Willy a children’s television series or adult porn?

TJBM will share the name of a film that they think is a 10 out of 10.

Sneki95's avatar

The already mentioned It’s Such a Beautiful Day and The King of Pigs, then Paprika, and Pan’s Labyrinth. Count Fantasia in there too.

TJBM has wrinkles on the sides of his/her eyes (the “smilies”)

Soubresaut's avatar

Not yet, but I will when I get older for sure. I like the word “smilies”—I’ve only ever heard them called “laugh lines” or “crow’s feet.”

TJBM knows the plural of “octopus.”

Sneki95's avatar


TJBM has eaten an octopus.

Strauss's avatar

I hane not, but I hear octopi can be tasty.

TJBM likes exotic seafood.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM isn’t squeamish about anything except…

Coloma's avatar

Human poop and vomit. I can do animal poop, barf, gore, roadkill, can watch graphic medical stuff but human poop and vomit does me in .I managed being a mother though, that stuff just goes with the job description the 1st couple years anyway. haha

TJBM is having a well deserved relaxing day.

snowberry's avatar

Not so much, but I got ‘er done!

TJBM is getting ready for a big party.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. I got a party right here over the weekend. Funny you mention party. I was going to say, octopuses, octopi, both are correct. Either way, you can be sure it is a party.
By the way, in Finding Dory, the octopus steals the show. He was so funny, now I want an octopus pet…
or friend.
TJBM has seen Finding Dory.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ummm, I don’t think I have. I’ve seen Finding Nemo.

TJBM will tell us the name of the best movie they ever saw.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Finding Dory is the sequel. You must see it.

Soubresaut's avatar

Miriam Webster editor explaining the plural-octopus controversy: here… fairly useless bit of trivia but I find it interesting! And rather funny.

Gosh, best movie… Arrival comes to mind—at least it’s the most recent best movie I’ve seen. If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll probably enjoy this discussion a YouTuber made on it (it contains spoilers so hold off if you haven’t seen the movie.)

TJBM will tell us the name of the best book they ever read.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, that’s a hard one. I have to say…“Seabiscuit.” It’s the only book I read cover to cover and immediately started at the beginning and read it through again.

TJBM remembers Convoy!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not an American.
TJBM has another best movie they have seen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Seabiscuit again!

TJBM can name a movie that was almost as good as the book.

Strauss's avatar

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The movie was almost as good as the book, the book was almost good.

TJBM likes solid, printed books.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. Using a kindle gives me a headache, and it just isn’t as comfortable as a book.

TJBM doesn’t read as much as they used to .

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Not sure. I don’t read as many books, that’s for sure, but I still read a lot. Most of my internet time is reading. I rarely do vids to find facts. I prefer the written word for news, data, history. It’s easier to hold people’s feet to the fire and verify with the written word. Since the internet has come along, I don’t read as many books—fiction or non-fiction. I prefer real books to e-books, but I don’t have the space for them anymore.

TJBM will tell us the name of the best movie they ever saw.

Mine is Chinatown and it’s sequel, The Two Jakes. The historically correct and glamorous indoor and outdoor sets, cars, clothing, soundtrack music, story line, cinematography, direction and acting are all top notch Neo-Noir. I’ve not seen any film that can compare to these two as to getting everything so perfect in so many departments. Absolutely fabulous productions. The only fault with these two films is that if you don’t see Chinatown first, The Two Jakes makes very little sense.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have so many good movies that it’s hard to choose the best. The movie I have in mind right now is Ace in the Hole. It isn’t only a film noir, but also a chillingly accurate depiction of a sad reality. The movie doesn’t sugar coat anything. What you see is what you get, take it or leave it. I’m shocked at how honest it is.
TJBM will move on and talk about more movies in the next thread.

Coloma's avatar

Movin’ on. I like movin’ on. haha

MollyMcGuire's avatar

You can’t really get from one place to another without moving on.

TJBM has had a recent change in color preferences.

Patty_Melt's avatar

This thread has ended here, see where it continues as #78 by clicking the move on link above.

Strauss's avatar

Alright, folks. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Brian1946's avatar

Second to the last post!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Turning out the light and locking up….

MollyMcGuire's avatar

There’s a rebel in every crowd…...........

rojo's avatar

still sitting here in the dark wondering where everyone has gone

sone's avatar

TJBM is a foodaholic

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