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Brian_Ghilliotti's avatar

Did Afghan Mujahideen Ever Conduct Raids Into Soviet Central Asia?

Asked by Brian_Ghilliotti (328points) April 14th, 2017

Did Afghan Mujahideen ever conduct raids into Soviet Central Asia?

I guess this would be a Soviet Central Asian version of Pancho Villa’s raid…it probably would not have been hard to do, and may have yielded short term tactical benefits, such as disrupting forward staging areas, supply depots, and threatening forward intelligence proceessing centers. But such raids, if they did happen, would have been politically detrimental, as they could have been used by the Soviet authorities to drum up continued support for the war.

However, given the politically loose nature of the mujahideen factions, nothing would have really stopped a hot headed warlord from carrying out such a raid into Soviet Central Asia if they wanted to…

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2 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I would guess not, because I don’t think they would tend to think of such a suggestion in that way. The CIA advisors probably would also have been opposed to such an idea, too, as they knew the Soviets knew they were giving advice, and so it could look like the USA was using them as agents to attack the USSR. But I don’t remember the details of what I knew back when I studied that situation, when it was happening.

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