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imrainmaker's avatar

Can you share experiences parenting twins?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) July 18th, 2017

How different / difficult it is than being parent of single child?

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2 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow. Well, I am the grand parent of twins. It’s a trip! Much of it is really cool, but it is, as you would expect, twice the work. Especially when they’re at that age, 12 months to 24 months, where you have to constantly run after them.

Once, when they were about 18 months old, we were in the front yard. They were “helping” me plant some flowers. The front yard is not fenced, and we live on a corner lot, so there is a street on two sides. I didn’t think twice about it, you know?
All of a sudden, like they had one brain, they stood up and just took off like little rockets, each going a different direction, but each heading for a street.
OMG, it was a night mare. People were driving by, honking, thinking we were playing and weren’t they so cute!
I snatched one up literally as her foot was going off of the curb, into the street, and turned back to where I’d sat the other down, telling him to “stay there,”...but he didn’t.
So I was trying to run while holding 20 pounds of kid in one arm.
I finally managed to coral them on my lap and just collapsed. I was way to tired to carry them both, and when I tried to stand up and walk with them they just collapsed, both of them, just dragging on my arm. They were having such fun. I’ve never been so close to panic and tears in my life. Thankfully I also had my phone on me so I called my husband, who worked upstairs and asked him to please come down an help me. About 10 minutes later he did (he always takes his time doing stuff.) I was shaking so bad.

When my daughter came to get them, 20 minutes later, she took one look at me and said, “OMG! What’s wrong?”
“Twins,” I said, in a shaky voice.

But, she says once you get into the groove, you can’t even imagine only having one kid to care for.

And they always have a play mate. And they’re best friends.

One time she was talking about being a twin with Savannah, when they were about 4. My daughter asked if Brande (her oldest daughter) was a twin.
Savannah said, “No. Brande didn’t have a friend in your tummy with her.”

imrainmaker's avatar

^^Thanks for sharing..)

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