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thywater's avatar

How would you pronounce this word?

Asked by thywater (100points) March 30th, 2019

How would you pronounce Aponisus?

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thywater's avatar

its a combination of apollo and dionysus, a made up word.
guess without knowing it ud pronounce it differently

thywater's avatar

would you pronounce aponysus and aponisus the same? @flo

Demosthenes's avatar

I would probably pronounce it /æpəˈnaɪsəs/ out of context, assuming that it is Greek in origin.

Interestingly there is a Greek island called “Aponisos”, but the pronunciation of that indicates stress on the second syllable so rather than “ap-uh-NICE-os” it would be “uh-PO-nih-sos”. But given this is a fictional word and given your explanation of its origin in the names of Apollo and Dionysus, I think /æpəˈnaɪsəs/ (“ap-uh-NICE-us”) is the appropriate English pronunciation.

SavoirFaire's avatar

At first glance, I’d probably pronounce both “Aponisus” and “Aponysus” as uh-PO-nee-suhs. Names are abnormal in every language, however, and are always free to break “normal” pronunciation rules. So if someone told me it was pronounced differently, I wouldn’t really have any grounds to object.

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