General Question

XrayGirl's avatar

Has anyone been to a live talk show? like you know Montel, Oprah, Jerry, Dorkter Pill...

Asked by XrayGirl (529points) September 13th, 2008

just wondering what you thought…if u had

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20 Answers

Nimis's avatar

I haven’t…but what the heck is Dorkter Pill?

XrayGirl's avatar

Dr. Phil….;)...I think he’s a dork

Nimis's avatar

Oh, that dude from Oprah. Sorry, I’m a little slow today. Wait…no, I’m slow every day.

sndfreQ's avatar

A looong time ago, in high school I attended a raping for the Arsenio Hall show. He was just as un-funny in person as he was on the boob toob. Not much has changed-saw him on Jay Leno a week or so ago and it was like a train wreck-he was trying to do the Robin Williams thing where you bounce around from one topic to the next, and basically just came off like a coked-out hack.

Nimis's avatar

“attended a raping for the Arsenio Hall show”

Oh, dear.

sndfreQ's avatar


Damn you Steve Jobs and your iPhone auto-correct!


although afterward I felt like I needed a rape shower!

Nimis's avatar

Steve Jobs gets me all the time.
[shakes fist at iPhone’s auto-correct]

SuperMouse's avatar

Yep, I was on Donohue way back in the 80’s – got to ask a question too. I also saw Dr. Phil once, I was even part of an audience shot.

Nimis's avatar

SuperM: What did you ask?
Is that when you discovered your deep love of asking questions?

SuperMouse's avatar

It was a long time ago when AIDS was first being noticed, and we were just hearing how to avoid contracting it. I asked something along the lines of “It sounds like AIDS is pretty hard to get, so why is everyone so freaked out about it?”

Nimis's avatar

SuperM: To which they replied by whacking you over the head with a chair? Just kidding…
But seriously…very level-headed question. They must have been bummed you were killing their ratings.

SuperMouse's avatar

The guy on the panel who actually had AIDS (actor Stephen Stucker, who has since died of the disease), gave me an ovation. The doctor on the panel nodded his head and the starlet (someone from one of those 80’s nighttime soaps, I don’t remember who), looked positively horrified.

Nimis's avatar

You need to remember that as a personal factoid: Have had a standing ovation on Donohue.

gailcalled's avatar

@N and SM: sorry to be the bearer of more bad news. He’s “Donahue.”

@Jon; Thank you for my evening laugh.

Nimis's avatar

Gail: Damn it. Went back to edit it too. I have a bad habit of second, (triple and quadruple) guessing myself.

gailcalled's avatar

@Nimis: You’ve got five minutes, according to Fluther Gods, but I think they are using binary time.

Nimis's avatar

Gail: I went back to edit from Donahue to Donohue. =(

gailcalled's avatar

@Nimis: I’m taking this private…too off-course.————->

jca's avatar

about 5 years ago i went to see conan o’brien. his guests were bon jovi and richie sambora – both talking, not singing. conan comes out before the show and warms up the audience. he wears a lot of makeup.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@jca, i am incredibly jealous. besides ellen, the only talk show i’d ever want to see live i conan! (:

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