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LadyMarissa's avatar

Anybody as excited as I am for our gay penguin parents?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16099points) March 20th, 2022

Elmer & Lima were born at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York, in 2016 & 2019 respectively. An unsuccessful penguin couple were having a difficult time taking care of their egg, so the zoo decided to give Elmer & Lima a shot at being parents. They are now PROUD parents of a waddling baby boy!!! See the attached link for further details of the happy couple.

As much as I heard about this couple when they first fell in love, I’m somewhat surprised that it took me 3 months to hear the news of their outstanding success!!!

I am thrilled for this couple who now have a loving family. How about you???

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21 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Hooray! I’m so happy for the new gay dads!

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I find it interesting that we have what I consider proof positive that gays were born to be gay and a male can nurture a baby just as well as a female when they try!!!

kritiper's avatar

Whatever blows your skirt up…

Mimishu1995's avatar

That is so beautiful. I’m so glad that the chick found a loving family, and the two penguins are doing their job giving the chick love.

Demosthenes's avatar

“Gay penguin”—that’s what they call me when I wear a tuxedo. :P

But yes, I think it’s adorable.

SEKA's avatar

I was thinking about them yesterday and wondering if they were still together or whether public opinion had shifted to the point that the zoo had caved on allowing them to be happy. I hadn’t heard about their baby and am happy to hear of it

SEKA's avatar

Loli, you ain’t right; but, you still make me laugh over things that I don’t want to laugh at

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Demosthenes I bet you make a striking penguin!!!

Brian1946's avatar

It’s wonderful news and I’m really happy for the feathered fathers and their son! :-D
It’s great that they bonded in NY.

I wouldn’t be surprised that if they tried to bond in FL, TX, or TN, they’d be forcibly separated. ;)

kritiper's avatar

I might get excited, laughably, if these two “gay” penguins were trying to make their own egg…

gondwanalon's avatar

Wow penguins are people too!

Brian1946's avatar

What I’d love to see are same-sex African lion parents. :)

That way you wouldn’t have to be a zoologist to visually recognize the bond. ;)

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Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I don’t know if we will ever see same-sex African lion parents, but I know that female lions gather around to raise kids together. It’s kind of like a small nursery school. So… not parents, but we still have lions of the same sex working together :)

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I have always been told that the lionesses raise their offspring together; however, according to the link I provided with this story, the video in it says it’s the male lions who protect the offspring while the females go out hunting for food & is shows a pack of females going out on the hunt. Now, I’m going to have to do some more research on this to discover which is real world habits!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Mimishu1995I FOUND IT!!! The video is either wrong or very misleading or just wanted to make it sound good. I’m guessing the latter of the 2. The article does state that the male doesn’t feed the cubs & does protect them. I believe it’s the females who do all the hunting for the pride & bring the food back to the pride where their share their catch. So, the males do protect the cubs while the females are out hunting…at least until the cub becomes mature enough to hunt on its own & the females teach it how to hunt. Eventually the male runs off all the younger males so he can have all the females to himself. So, the males take good care of their pride, so-so care of their cubs, & holds the position of power as long as they can!!!

tinyfaery's avatar

I love these stories.

Brian1946's avatar

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