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The_Inquisitor's avatar

Is butter or margarine healthier?

Asked by The_Inquisitor (3163points) October 1st, 2008

Another arguement that i’m having with a friend. (if you read the one about the bandana… lol) Is butter better than margarine? healthy-wise? which is less fattening? And also, if someone was trying to lose weight, is peanut butter a good way to go? I always thought that peanut butter was fattening, but a friend of mine says otherwise. Saying that peanut butter is ‘healthy’, even so, wouldn’t that make you gain weight as well?

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17 Answers

cooksalot's avatar

Peanut butter has good fats, and a 2 tablespoon serving is just fine. It is also high in protein which takes longer to digest. What is bad is the added sugars. I read my labels and there is one that has like 4 times the sugar of all the others, which makes a total of 2 servings of carbohydrates.

cooksalot's avatar

Wait! I got sidetracked. DOH!
Not too long ago the health news was saying that margarine’s that are made with hydrogenated fats was actually more dangerous than butter. So you need to find a margarine that has no hydrogenated fats to actually be healthy.

ben's avatar

Butter is much better. Here’s a brilliant article which will explain why (plus influence your entire view of food).

It’s long, and worth the read.

deaddolly's avatar

Butter is better, plus it tastes better. lol

Did you know that peanut butter is one of the foods that contain the most bug parts? Wings, legs etc…careful not to get a wing stuck in your teeth.
Ketchup is supposed to also have a high content.

Food for thought. lmao….I crack myself up..

cooksalot's avatar

@DD I can believe the ketchup. I remember the Hunt’s factory in California. In the late summer they would let the trucks of tomatoes sit for days on end before turning it into ketchup.

deaddolly's avatar

It’s so gross….

Re; butter I live in what used to be referred to as the ‘dairy state’, Wisconsin. When I was little, I remember driving with my parents every Sunday to the Illinois border to buy margarine or Oleo as it was called then. It was illegal in WI. I hated it then and hate it now!

charliecompany34's avatar

butter is better. think of margarine as plastic. now visualize yourself eating plastic and swallowing it. now that’s margarine.

cooksalot's avatar

Oleo was just meant to fill the gap during the war when butter was scarce.

deaddolly's avatar

butter wasn’t scarce, it was most expensive. A lot more expensive.

cooksalot's avatar

Hmmm, according to my economics professor back in college it was because there wasn’t much to be found. It was a commodity on the ration list.

deaddolly's avatar

Maybe in other places, but we were the dairy state and there was never a shortage here. Probably in other areas. funny, I remember traveling to get the oleo, and I remember seeing pictures of the soldiers fighting on TV, but I don’t remember ever being consious of there being a war with rations and all.

aidje's avatar

For me, margarine is definitely healthier. But that’s because of allergies.

cooksalot's avatar

@aidje if it’s lactose intolerance read those labels. Quite a few brands still contain dairy.

aidje's avatar

It’s an allergy. I’ve been reading labels for most of my life.

knittingandcanning's avatar

You should read Real Food: What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck

Here’s an excerpt from a review by Publishers Weekly.

“As Planck reveals, in her compellingly smart Real Food: What to Eat and Why, much of what we have learned about nutrition in the past generation or so is either misinformed or dead wrong, and almost all of the food invented in the last century, and especially since the Second World War, is worse than almost all of the food that we’ve been eating since we developed agriculture. This means, she says, that butter is better than margarine (so, for that matter, is lard); that whole eggs (especially those laid by hens who scratch around in the dirt) are better than egg whites, and that eggs in general are an integral part of a sound diet; that full-fat milk is preferable to skim, raw preferable to pasteurized, au naturel preferable to homogenized.”

Excerpt from a review from Booklist.

“Planck has a lot to offer about the role of fats in a healthy diet. Although most nutritionists worry about people consuming too much fat, Planck distinguishes good fats from bad, noting that many vital nutrients are absorbed into the body only dissolved in fat. She describes the differences between industrial fats that have been chemically saturated and hydrogenated and those fats that occur naturally in vegetables, fish, and meats, especially lauding the benefits of homemade lard. Planck draws a similar line between natural and industrial soy foods. She also encourages people to consume much more seafood, finding the threat of mercury contamination a bit overblown. Above all, Planck links good nutrition to sensible enjoyment of food in all its variety.”

My partner read this book a while back. He was so excited about the information he was learning that he would wake me up just to read me quotes. We have been eliminating processed foods from our diet ever since. We make every meal we eat at home with real ingredients.

swimmindude2496's avatar

Taste wise: margarine (which is what I eat and love) (I love it so much I bought the spritzer)

Health wise: I truly I am not sure I just felt like saying I <3 Margarine!

MarcIsMyHero's avatar

@ Sarah, Real Food is an amazing book.

I’m of the belief that the US dependence on margarine, high fructose corn syrup, and diet sodas, is much worse for us than our dependence on foreign oil.

As for PB, find an all natural peanut butter and you’ll be fine. If the only ingredient is roasted peanuts (and maybe a little salt) you’ll be in great shape. If there are any ingredients on the label that you can’t pronounce (any food label for that matter) you should stay away… it’s not “real food.”

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