General Question

chance1221's avatar

Does anybody know what it means, "When we use language, we are acting on the world"?

Asked by chance1221 (2points) November 17th, 2008


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4 Answers

simone54's avatar

What? Are you cheating on homework?

asmonet's avatar

What you say affects the world, we are influencing it directly.

Zaku's avatar

When someone says something, it has has some effect on whomever hears it. That sentence seems designed to get the reader to think about that fact. It implies that often people think language is “just language” and not action. But some of the greatest effects on the world are caused by language.

aweav's avatar

When we use language, we are acting based on historical knowledge. Basically, we are all a product of our cultures or our own specific worlds. Language is historically situated in the sense that the sounds we make communicate the same meaning now as they did to our ancestors. So when we use language, we are constrained by our cultural ideas. Our language is a direct result of how people in our world percieve the things around us.

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