General Question

krose1223's avatar

Which muscles do you use to hold your bladder?

Asked by krose1223 (3269points) December 19th, 2008

I have a friend who says she doesn’t want to have kids because the women in her family have a tendency to loose control of their bladder after having children. (Just when sneezes or coughs arise)

I haven’t had this problem but I… uh…do my excercises.

So I was wondering if that could be a solution to her problem, or if there was more to loosing bladder control after having a child.

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4 Answers

asmonet's avatar

Kegel exercises could help her.

“Urinary incontinence -The consequences of weakened pelvic floor muscles may include urinary or bowel incontinence, which may be helped by therapeutic strengthening of these muscles. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials by the Cochrane Collaboration concluded that “PFMT [Pelvic floor muscle training] be included in first-line conservative management programmes for women with stress, urge, or mixed, urinary incontinence…The treatment effect might be greater in younger women (in their 40’s and 50’s) with stress urinary incontinence alone…”

krose1223's avatar

Yeah that’s what I figured which is why I mentioned my “exercising.”

La_chica_gomela's avatar

You use your PC (pubococcygeus) muscles.

Here’s a link to an article by sexologist Dr. Betty Dodson on how to do kegels. (It’s not exactly safe for work though, as one might imagine…)

augustlan's avatar

I did thousands of kegels, and it didn’t help me one bit :(
When I got my hysterectomy, they had to ‘tack up’ my bladder. That helped, but if I have a bad cough for several days…it’s baaaaack. My pelvic floor is shot after 3 kids.

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