General Question

RandomMrdan's avatar

How soon do you get the stimulus check?

Asked by RandomMrdan (7436points) February 2nd, 2009

Last time I got my stimulus check later in the summer long after I filed my taxes. Am I going to get this one as soon as I file my taxes this year, or will I have to wait til later this year?

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6 Answers

MrItty's avatar

What are you talking about? What stimulus check this year? If there is such a beast, it has not yet been announced.

I’ve heard absolutely bupkis that states that either the House’s or Senate’s version of a Stimulus package includes checks to taxpayers. If you’ve seen such a thing, please share it with the rest of the class.

RandomMrdan's avatar

I thought a stimulus package was passed just recently… something like 500 dollars to individual tax payers.

Was I wrong to think that we’re all getting stimulus checks? Or was it only for schools and what not.

MrItty's avatar

no package has been passed, at all. There are two different bills floating in the Congress, one in the House and one in the Senate. Neither has been signed into law yet, and I’ve heard nothing that either of them contains a provision for checks to individual taxpayers.

fireside's avatar

Actually, some people may still be able to collect on the stimulus check that they did not qualify for last year.

This has nothing to do with the new Economic Stimulus package that is working it’s way through Congress.

RandomMrdan's avatar

ah right, senate passed it, just needs to go through the house.

Mamradpivo's avatar

The stimulus package in the Senate right now contains a $500 tax cut per worker making less than $75,000. There’s been a lot of discussion about possibly rewriting the tax withholding tables employers use so that the money will just show up in everyone’s paycheck. This works out to about $19 every two weeks, instead of taking $500 off of whatever your owe when you file your 2009 taxes. Either way, you shouldn’t wait for a check: it’s probably not coming this time.

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