General Question

dreamer0116's avatar

What's the best way to reduce cat dander?

Asked by dreamer0116 (7points) October 13th, 2007

I am having a guest over that is extremely allergic to cats. Is there anything I can do to remove the dander prior to his visit? I heard that it is best not to vacuum the day of his arrival. Is this true?

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4 Answers

hossman's avatar

Shave the cat?

Spargett's avatar

I think that constant cleaning drasticallly reduces it, which keeps it from building up in all kinds of small places.

Good ventilation helps as well. A spotless house with open windows will work wonders, as well as vacuming things like couches, etc. that harbor dander.

dreamer0116's avatar

We Did shave the cat!! HAHA! I think the dander is still here.

syz's avatar

Shaving the cat and cleaning (especially with a hepa filter) certainly helps. But if your friend is highly allergic, I’d recommend a benadryl (or antihistimine of choice) before arriving. The allergy is related to proteins in the saliva of the cat and if your cat lives in the house, there is no way to completely eliminate them.

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