General Question

Waffle's avatar

How can I make life-sized Space Marine Armor?

Asked by Waffle (248points) March 3rd, 2009

Now we can all agree Space Marines are bad ass. My recent fascination with the Dawn of War games has pushed my desire to make a suite for myself and I was wondering, what’s the easiest way to make one? What materials could I use and what manufacturing process would be best?

I was thinking, since I’m really good with CAD modeling, is there a service I can send in my drawings/designs and they can make the parts.

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11 Answers

Jamspoon's avatar

I searched Google and found this very quickly.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

You realize your average Space Marine is eight to nine feet tall, right? How would you wear it?

The armor those guys from Jamspoon’s link made is pretty awesome though. They did a pretty good job, but Black Templars? Laaaaaame.

Triiiple's avatar

I love Space Marines!

DOW 2 is my new addiction

btko's avatar

haha great link Jampspoon

Jamspoon's avatar

Thank you!

It really was nothing at all. :D

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

DOW 2 is pretty damn great, I just wish Relic would stop shoving Blood Ravens down my throat. It would have been nice if they had picked one of the less angsty chapters in my opinion.

Waffle's avatar

Well, I am 6ft 4in and I’m sure it can be scaled down.
My inspiration came from the youtube videos by the same people who made that guide.
Thanks a bundle :)
I guess I should have searched a little more before asking the infinite knowledge of Fluther.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

@Waffle: Make sure to post pictures! What chapter were you thinking about doing?

TheRocketPig's avatar

I would use a program called Pepakura designer. Basically what it does is it takes a 3D model (like something you make in CAD) and turns it into a papercraft template. So you print it out the size you want it, assemble it, then you can layer some fiberglass cloth and resin under it. After at least 3 layers of fiberglass you can sand it smooth, using Bondo to fill in any gaps and holes you have. (Do fiberglass and bondo outdoors or in a super well ventilated area… and wear a chemical respirator.) After sanding and Bondoing you can prime and paint your armor.

here’s a quick video of something similar.

Good luck!

Waffle's avatar

@MrMeltedCrayon We’re thinking Blood Angels

kevinhardy's avatar

talk ot my neighbor brad he takes all my orders from , thief

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