General Question

punkrockworld's avatar

Why do girls wear make up to the gym?

Asked by punkrockworld (960points) March 10th, 2009


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19 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

Because guys are there.

theladebug's avatar

I usually go after work so it is already on my face when I show up.

kheredia's avatar

I usually go early in the morning, so I don’t have make up on, but if I went later in the evening, I’m assuming I would still have some left from work or school. What I think is funny is when they match everything and try to look all cute and sexy. Maybe those gals are looking for a man and not just working out. But hell, it’s none of my business :-)

Jamspoon's avatar

It’s the only way to achieve heroin chic naturally.


discover's avatar

they do not want to show their true colors!!

However, i am sure by the end of workout all the make up will go away.

FrancisRude's avatar

I dont know hahaha.. This is really horrible, but i usually take a good splash/shower before working out too.. I like to look good when I work out. You’ll never know who will be out there!! :)

cheebdragon's avatar

Incase they run into a hot guy, obviously.

mdrnmouse's avatar

well why wash it off only to put it back on afterwards?
besides those who wear it to gym never do anything so strenuous that it would come off.

2late2be's avatar

I do not use any make up at all… Just chapstick.

dynamicduo's avatar

I don’t wear makeup at all. If I did, I certainly wouldn’t put any on while going to the gym, why would I clog my pores when sweating benefits from empty ones!

casheroo's avatar

I can’t imagine, other than coming from work and going to the gym. But, I don’t really wear make up at all, so that situation would never happened for me.

asmonet's avatar

I wear makeup at the gym, because I go at the end of the day or whenever I can manage to get off my ass and do it. Makeup really doesn’t change anything, I still sweat, my makeup stays in place, and my pores don’t end up clogged. And I usually work out for around two hours.

It’s less of an issue than you think.

Likeradar's avatar

I wear concealer, lip gloss, and mascara to the gym in the morning. I know it’s kind of silly but it makes me feel good. When I feel good, I work out longer and harder.
If I’m going in the evening I wear whatever makeup I’d been wearing all day.

melanie81's avatar

If I have time (at 6am before heading to the gym), I’ll put on some eyeliner and maybe a thin layer of mascara. Why? Because I look like HELLLLLL at 6am, and I do most of my strength exercises in front of a mirror! When I look hot, it pushes me to work harder so my body matches my face :)

(come to think of it, 97% of the guys at my gym are creepy, so maybe I should consider looking like shit to ward them off)

Judi's avatar

Should they take it off before they go to the gym? Why? They will probably be taking a shower afterwards anyway. It seems like a waste of time to take your make-up off to go to the gym.

melanie81's avatar

@Judi exactly! If I go to the gym after work, I’ll usually blot off my blush so my pores can breathe easier, but I definitely don’t take the time to rub off my eye makeup.

desiree333's avatar

you might see some hot guys

asmonet's avatar

I just got back from the gym and thought I’d report what I noticed, four women were there including myself.

I was wearing earrings, a ring and a necklace out of habit. No makeup.
Another was wearing mascara, and a decent amount of jewelery.
Another was wearing nothing.
And the last wore lip balm and mascara from what I could tell.

There were maybe ten guys, hey, it was four am…not a big crowd. :)
Half the guys were in shorts, tanks or tees. The rest had some amount of spandex…it was gross.

I think I looked crazy inspecting everyone from a distance.

Posted this by accident on the other gym thread. My b.

FrancisRude's avatar

I love hearing the responses. :)My gf thinks the same as well. You will never know who you would bump into. For some pretty girls, some scout might be right there using the eliptical next to them LOL.

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