General Question

SeventhSense's avatar

Anyone catching the new Demitri Martin series and do you feel that it's breaking new ground?

Asked by SeventhSense (18914points) March 25th, 2009

The new series on Comedy Central I find quite enjoyable and pretty different than the normal fare. I saw an especially irreverent episode last night which almost reminded me of a Fluther thread- Galileo, Shakespeare, and Ben Franklin were acting out in a restaurant and got thrown out for harassing the waitress. Funny stuff and made me realize how much I miss shows like the Kids in the Hall or the State.
Don’t Throw Stones

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15 Answers

alossforwords's avatar

I’ve watched every episode so far. It’s funny as hell, but it seems forced and slightly repetitive at times. I think the series will be alot stonger after he gets comfortable with it. Great comedian though, very clever.

ubersiren's avatar

I recorded it and watched 3 or 4 episodes. I was not really impressed. Well, it was really hit or miss. Some things were hilarious, but it was broken up with a lot of not funny.

bezdomnaya's avatar

No I haven’t, but thank you for letting me know about it. I’ll be sure to check it out.

lc's avatar

I’ve only seen one episode, but I can’t wait to see another one! There’s nothing I could compare it to, it’s quite possibly the most original show on the air right now as far as content goes. And seriously funny!!!

SeventhSense's avatar

I definitely agree with the originality. I mean where else can you see Galileo goose a waitress?
Some flat stuff no doubt but like @alossforwords mentioned, he’s coming into his own still.
just realized how nice your name reads with the @symbol

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i’ve seen two episodes, and i’ve listened to a CD of his material. i think he’s really funny.

alossforwords's avatar

@SeventhSense You’re the first to notice my name. Thanks for being a brighter crayon in the box.

SeventhSense's avatar

Sometimes I notice subtleties….I think I have to go sharpen my crayon…get some food.

casheroo's avatar

My husband likes it, I don’t think it’s that funny. I mean, some of the stuff is, but it’s not my cup of tea when it comes to comedy. I don’t see how it’s “ground breaking”. The guy is so awkward.

scamp's avatar

I’ve watched a few episodes, and he cracks me up! I don’t think it’s ground breaking, but he takes the most mundane things and makes them funny in an odd way.

I wonder if uberbatman has seen it yet. Demetri comes from the Jersey shore, probably not too far away from where uber is.

I have probably bought a gryro from him and didn’t realize who he was!!

SeventhSense's avatar

I only remember rarely seeing comedians using sketch pad etc.on stage. Pretty ballsy and has the potential to really flop if the delivery isn’t dead on.

SeventhSense's avatar

I think uber is up north near the chemical plants closer to the city

alossforwords's avatar

I stand corrected… I watched tonight’s episode, and it was hilarious. He seemed alot more comfortable. The new chess piece was fantastic, and the revenge on birds was ridiculous. I cried… I laughed so hard that I cried a few times. Definitely his finest work so far.

madcapper's avatar

it’s breaking my opinion of Demetri Martin thats for sure…

SeventhSense's avatar

How about the emotional escape artist? That was clever.
And if you see many comedians early works, the majority are very unpolished and inconsistent. But there’s a reason that people like John Stewart are who they are and that’s because they can recognize talent like that in the rough stage and take a risk.

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