General Question

gailcalled's avatar

Refrigerated shelf life for home-made cranberry sauce?

Asked by gailcalled (54644points) November 18th, 2007

I have a contractor coming on Tues. to install kitchen tiles, raise some dust and make a mess. He’ returning on Wed. am., to finish up, in theory. HA! Can I make the cranberry sauce on Mon. night, and have it OK for Thurs? I like my hosts too much to off them by cranberry.

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2 Answers

bpeoples's avatar

Yep, it’ll be just fine.

Cranberry sauce is usually so acetic that it’ll keep for months—I wouldn’t trust it fully more than a week or two, but you’ll be fine for a few days.

I had to look up “ptomaine poisoning”—do people actually use that in conversation? Just curious because I had never heard it before.

gailcalled's avatar

I have never met a word that I didn’t love. However, in common parlance nowadays, it is food poisoning. Ask your parents or someone a generation older than you.

And I am always thrilled to send people to the dictionary. As a kid, I used to read it under the covers w. a flashlight.

Thanks for cranberrry sauce advice.

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