General Question

McBean's avatar

One of my vendors sends products packed in those stupid styrofoam peanuts. How do I dispose of those?

Asked by McBean (1703points) April 19th, 2009

Can they be recycled? I hate those things!!! I have bags and bags of them and I’d love to put them in the trash if it didn’t feel so wrong.

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26 Answers

miasmom's avatar

you can take them to any ups store, they take them and reuse them.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Noooo, don’t put them in the trash. You have two options. Take them to your nearest UPS store. They’ll take them. If that’s not convenient, you can recycle them in with your plastic goods. That’s what we do. They can be made over into something else. But don’t just throw them out.

augustlan's avatar

Hey McBean… long time no see!

McBean's avatar

Yay!!! I wasn’t sure if I could pawn them off on someone else or not. I’m all over it! I saved them up in such a manner, just in case. They’re heading out to my trunk now and off to their new packing mission tomorrow! Thanks, miasmom and jbfletcherfan!

@augustian – Hi! I miss y’all!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@McBean you’re welcome. Kudos to you for wanting to do something good with them. Go for it! :-)

miasmom's avatar

UPS will love you!

knitfroggy's avatar

Sell them on ebay

benjaminlevi's avatar

If you have the biodegradable ones, eat them!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Feed them to styrofoam monkeys

squirbel's avatar

Great question, I always hated throwing those away. Now I won’t anymore!

dalepetrie's avatar

Melt them with nail polish. seriously, it works, but I imagine it’s not good for the environment, but it is fun, kind of like putting salt on a slug

Snoopy's avatar

@all Another common product that is an issue is the puffy packing bubble stuff. I found a “friend of a friend” who owns a gift shop and takes it for reuse in her small business.

I too had bags and bags…..I was thrilled to recycle it and give it to someone who could use it in her business.

loser's avatar

Or you could send them back. Maybe they’ll get the hint.

Snoopy's avatar

@loser It may leave less of a carbon footprint to call and complain about the packing material….as opposed to shipping them back in a jet plane, delivery truck, etc.

loser's avatar

@Snoopy Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?

DrBill's avatar

I save them for Christmas, and reuse them to ship presents.

McBean's avatar

I’ll definitely call and request a different buffer/filler. My other vendors – bless their little environmentally-sensitive hearts – use wads of paper or those little air pillows, which I reuse when sending products out. I would NEVER send a package with styrofoam peanuts! Ugh. A little static and a few dozen crumbs of styrofoam can ruin a perfectly good speed-cleaning session!

McBean's avatar

@dalepetrie – That sounds like an activity my son would enjoy.

YARNLADY's avatar

You can get rid of nearly anything by posting it on

McBean's avatar

@YARNLADY – I’d never heard of that site or service. Thanks! I’m posting on my FB page!

knitfroggy's avatar

@McBean is great, I got rid of all kinds of crap that I didn’t want to mess with-a chirstmas tree, a dishwasher, various baby items, stuff like that.People will take anything if it’s free. You should check it out even if you don’t want to get rid of your peanuts that way.

YARNLADY's avatar

@knitfroggy It’s also a great way to find free things. I got a very nice crib for my grandson, and it is lasting long enough for the new baby as well.

knitfroggy's avatar

@YARNLADY I am never able to get anything! I’m always too late! Glad you were able to get something tho!

YARNLADY's avatar

@knitfroggy some areas are harder than others, I belong to several smaller groups in addition to the giant metropolitan area, and it’s much easier. They usually list on the local site first, then go to the major site if need be

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