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Crusader's avatar

How do you feel about the Obama selection for Supreme court?

Asked by Crusader (576points) June 4th, 2009

Does her belief on legislated preferences for certain groups at the expence of others disqualify her? Is she unbiased?

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25 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

IIRC, she only said, that because she is part of a minority that was subject to discrimination and racial preference by the majority, she can make better decisions than members of the majority.
Whether the claim is true or not, is one thing, but she didn’t say she will exhibit any preference for one group over another (iirc).

Crusader's avatar

The epitome of double talk. 1984 Here We Are-the disenfranshisement and subtle erradication of all opposition to Hate encouragement of Liberals..Since when does this alleged majority exibit racial discrimination in government today? The operative word used is Was subjected, and by whom? Not me, only those who know that, if the roles were reversed, and they were the white minority in Anywhere Latino world, they would be Actively discriminated against, and Not protected. Often physically assaulted. Yet America prejudices the very group that was compassionate enough to give all other than straight white men, (the Vast majority who are Not rich and never have been, it is the elite establishment that both wants to retain its money and power and convince others that those evil middle and lower class white men are all Klansmen, while supporting and contributing identical groups that would inflict hate and pain on whites for money and political advantage..)

wundayatta's avatar

If anything, it qualifies her more. Most Supreme Court nominees lie like a politician (oh hey! they are politicians) when they deny having any biases or prejudices. We all have life experience, and that always influences our view of what the law means. It can’t not. I trust someone who recognizes their own biases and describes them publicly, because at least they (and we) can correct them. If you don’t talk about them, we don’t know if you even recognize them. Even if she were secretly having an affair with Nancy Polosi, she is so much more qualified than Chief Justice Roberts, that she should be honored with a national holiday.

Crusader's avatar

An openly racist judge is acceptable? Because its honest? So, according to your logic, an openly prejudice straight white man is qualified, his life experience having been subjected to marginalilzation by all other races, white feminist women, liberal white men, and gays, because of this ‘life experience’ he is justified in his belief. It cuts both ways, cupcake…This hypothetical straight socially conservative white man should have the opportunity to ‘correct’ his postions After appointment to the highest court in the nation also…

Harp's avatar

@Crusader Hey, I thought I was your cupcake!

I’m wondering where she stated her belief in “legislated preferences for certain groups at the expence of others”, ‘cause I missed that.

Crusader's avatar

You are my Tiramisu..:) It is her stanch position on affirmative action and her statement that her ‘life experience’ as a latino makes her judgemnet more sound than a (socially cnservative straight) white man.

Les's avatar

Wrong, Crusader. What she said is:
“I would hope that a wise Latino woman, with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

I see nothing about social conservatism or sexual orientation in that quote. What she said is true. Any person, with experience in that field should have more clout than any other person who does not.

That’s it. I’m not feeding the troll anymore.

Crusader's avatar

How modest and humble of her to define herself as ‘wise’‘Latino’ and ‘woman’ and the beneficiary of ‘rich’ experience. Entirely subjective. (except the woman part, yet with gender reidentification isisted by liberals, what difference does that make now, anyway?)Not the kind of disposition for an Objective Role in the HIghest Court in the Nation, perhaps as a spokesperson for La Raza perhaps…And what about the ‘wise’ white male with ‘rich’ experinece? Her statement is both implicitly and explicitly offensive, sexist, and racist and self-aggrandizing. Obviously to all without an agenda.

basp's avatar

Just because the extreme right wing media is trying to twist the meaning if her words does not mean that was what she said.
Les was right on with his response.

Harp's avatar

@Crusader Regarding her views on affirmative action, are you talking about her ruling in Ricci v. DeStefano? I’m just trying to figure out what exactly you’re basing your judgments on.

Regarding her statement (which you misquoted and that @Les correctly quoted), she wasn’t saying, as you’re implying, that Latina women have better judgment than white males. The comment was made in the context of a speech where she noted that back when the Supreme Court was deciding landmark discrimination cases it was comprised of only white males. She was simply saying that a wise Latina woman would have a deeper personal experience to draw on in cases involving gender or race discrimination. The qualifier “wise” wasn’t a pat on her own back; it was an acknowledgment that being a Latina woman wasn’t sufficient qualification.

Crusader's avatar

Where is the ‘twisting’ 60% of her lower court decisions were Appealed, if that does not reflect a Very unsuitble candidate, what does?

wundayatta's avatar

@Crusader There is a difference between being racist and having biases. Open racism would not be acceptable. If a judge had a bias towards white male values (if there can be said to be such a thing) and understanding that he had that bias, would make me trust that judge more, especially if he were actively trying to compensate for it. Whether I would find him acceptable as a judge would depend on other factors.

Crusader's avatar

I beleive white men are plenty familiar with race based discrimination inflicted upon them, plenty familiar. Anywhere the white man goes he is subordinated by public education, media, and, if in a multicultural environment, he is marginalized at best, and physically threatened/assaulted at worst. Where is the willingness to extend a welcoming hand and tolerance to the white boy in the black/latino communities?

Crusader's avatar

Bias and racist are synonymous in the context of a judicial appointment, and common sense. A bias to ones race is prevelant throughout the World. Not just the US. It is the extent to which God fearing, law abiding, compassionate, and giving social conservative Protestants and Catholic/Orthodox social conservatives are persecuted and defiled daily that is so revolting and almost unforgivable.

wundayatta's avatar

@Crusader Well, we’ll have to disagree about the difference between racism and bias. There are college courses about this stuff, and they still don’t get to all the nuances.

As to your kind of Protestants who are “defiled daily,” could you provide any examples of this daily defilement that you are talking about? I have never heard of it before.

Harp's avatar

@Crusader I’m curious about how multi-cultural your environment is. As I look out my window here (in an establishment of higher education), to the south I see a huge majority Hispanic neighborhood, to the east I see an huge majority black neighborhood. This is the world that I, a white male, navigate every day. According to your scheme, I should be on Ground Zero of discrimination here, but I’ve never felt the slightest bit of discrimination.

Could you please describe what your immediate environment is like so I can understand why your experience is so different?

Crusader's avatar

Living and working directly among those educated and advocated to Hate the ‘adversary’ (straight white social conservatives,) is Very difficult. The first generation of, ((not gang affiliated,) Latino is great, hard working, family oriented, grateful. Then the second, gangster and/or entitlement generation is indoctrinated, more soldiers to Hate social conservatives with, and/or live socially conservative, yet reap the benefits of prejudiced affirmative action, and socially liberal) legistlation -hypocristy…

Love and Compassion First, Not Power and Money

Harp's avatar

@Crusader I’m asking about your immediate environment.

dalepetrie's avatar

@Crusader – your use of the phrase, “legislated preferences for certain groups at the expence [sic] of others” pretty much belies your bias. Basically when you have a jury trial, you are allowed a jury of your peers. It hardly seems fair that the highest court in the land contains no peers for one of the largest minority groups in this country. A judge does and SHOULD bring a unique perspective from his or her background, both professional and cultural, and her statements, which the far right has latched onto may have been inelegantly expressed, but nonetheless are valid concerns.

What is really funny to me is that I believe there have been 109 Supreme Court Justices, 104 have been white men, and questions of racial bias have only come up 5 times….guess which 5.

ubersiren's avatar

It makes no difference to me. Any human being in any office is going to be biased. It’s only natural. No matter how objective one tries to be, there is something steering the objective.

basp's avatar

We were discussing her statement made and how the extreme right wing took it out of context. If you want to bring up another topic (past decisions that have bee appealed) that is fine, but can hardly be used to validate the current twisting of her words that the extreme right wing is guilty of.

basp's avatar

By the way, crusader, your previous post where you stereotype generations of Hispanics is the type of language that some would perceive as racist.

Crusader's avatar

The double standard of racism creeps in again…Observations are not racist remark, just observations, based upon personal experience. Criticism for the sake of depicting another as a racist is merely political expediency. The truth shall set you free. In addition, I do not place responsibility on any race for the state of the US but political agendas from racist/opportunistic elitists. The mass of men/women lead lives of quiet desperation, regardless of ethnicity, Christ is the light, and the way, and the truth for all. Do not be decieved, America! White social conservatives are not the enemy! Centrist Republican neo-cons often undermine social conservative prinicples with excessive fiscal conservativism, however, social conservativism and fiscal moderationare Not mutually exclusive. Flat Tax now! It is the hypocrites, and the corrupt deceivers who are the adversary, know this, and be comforted, America is still of Christ-blessed nation above all others, yet the faith of the believers now will be tested…

basp's avatar

The truth is, you were stereotyping.

Harp's avatar

@Crusader “Observations are not racist remark, just observations, based upon personal experience.”.

Yes, before you were interrupted you were just about to describe the environment you live in where you personally have to confront all of this discrimination. Must be a lot of non-whites and gays and such giving you grief all the time, You seem to have suffered quite a bit from it. Tell us more about these encounters you have to deal with.

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