General Question

Pat_thebear89's avatar

Does size really matter?

Asked by Pat_thebear89 (92points) September 15th, 2009

ok i know this question is has been asked for ,......well ever since man came into existence. I just need to know from both points of view does it really matter how big “it” is. This question stuck with me ever since i can remember. Please help.

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14 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Only in extremes in either direction. Smaller resting size usually expands more than larger resting size.

Likeradar's avatar

Really small can be a problem, as can really big. Anything else is usually just fine.

The most important thing (waaaayyyy more important than size) is that the person it is attached to is attentive, giving, passionate, and communicative.

sandystrachan's avatar

It’s what ya do with it that counts :P

jamielynn2328's avatar

To me size most definitely matters. It actually matters a lot. Thankfully I am married and have, for now, put away my ruler.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I admit for myself, yes size does matter. Too big is not going to be fun and spontaneous or as varied. Too small means it would be so short as to exclude enthusiastic thrusting. Too small around to me means visually it would look more like a finger or animal’s tinker than what I prefer. I’m a visual as well as physical person and though it matters HUGE who the appendage is attached to, I’m going to be truthful and say I enjoy to look at and play more with the ones I find personally attractive in shape and size.

drdoombot's avatar

If you ask the average guy if he’d rather gain an inch in height or an inch down there, 9 out of 10 will take the latter (based on actual people I’ve asked).

I think it also depends on the woman. Not all women have a vagina of the same size, so it makes sense that different sized vagina’s fit better with different sized penis’s.

galileogirl's avatar

In basketball, football and running for president yes

Ashalah's avatar

Its not the size of the boat that matters, it all about the motion in the ocean!!

DrBill's avatar


that’s true, but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat

avvooooooo's avatar

I have a friend that I call donkey dick. That think is a foot long if its an inch. Since his size is very surprising for someone of his build, the first thing I said when he proved the “my big dick” he’d been talking was 1. How the HELL did that happen? and 2. You’re not getting that thing ANYWHERE near me.

And he won’t. I told him that I like my kidneys and such where they are, thankyouverymuch, and that I am far to short to deal with all that without puncturing a lung or something. I’m not scared of the thing or anything I’m just experienced enough to know what I want… and not, but I could foresee some major logistical problems if we ended up hooking up.

So very big is bad for many people. “The bigger the better” is not all that true.

Then again, it needs to be big enough to function. I’ve seen one that was like an acorn on… you can imagine. Obviously there’s nothing going on with that one that anyone would write home about.

Its FAR better to be average and know what you’re doing than to be big and let that be the major focus. Knowing what to do to please a woman with whatever you have is more important than the equipment you’re doing it with.

mattbrowne's avatar

Size of self-esteem matters.

Pat_thebear89's avatar

@Ashalah and @DrBill i heard that joke somewhere before, and it does hit a truth. Well, everyone, I will say im not exactly the well endowed, and im not the acorn. But are you saying it is the size that matters or the esteem of the person with wat they got. And if yall dont get what im saying here just stay on topic, sorry.

DrBill's avatar

Having too much can also be a henderance, it is more mental than anything else. If the couple have love for each other, size has little to do with it.

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