General Question

segdeha's avatar

What are more phrases like "float your boat"?

Asked by segdeha (1720points) February 27th, 2008

I’m writing a blog post and I really want to emphasise that a particular activity does it for me. Without being crude or risking innuendo. I want more phrases like “float your boat.” Help me brainstorm!

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11 Answers

Phil's avatar

tickles your belly? Flies your kite.

squirbel's avatar

My aunt always says “whatever makes your hair fly back”


segdeha's avatar

@Phil, “Flies your kite” works.
@squirbel, I like it!

xacrox's avatar

tickles your caboose.. (but that is risking innuendo). pops your cherry (crude). hmm this is hard.

segdeha's avatar

It is hard. That’s why I asked. :-)

pattyb's avatar

blows your hair back, trips your trigger, knocks your socks off, flips your switch,

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Yanks your chain.

segdeha's avatar

@pattyb, I like “flips your switch” (though it’s too late to use it since the blog post is already out there).

@omfgTALIjustIMDu, I associate yanking one’s chain with being jerked around. Do I have that wrong?

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@segdeha, I don’t know, my cousin always says it in the same context one would say “floats your boat.”

Allie's avatar

Whatever blows your skirt up.

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