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J0E's avatar

How can I prepare for physical activity the day before?

Asked by J0E (13172points) January 2nd, 2010

Let’s ignore the fact that I’m on Fluther right now…

Do you have any tried and true methods for preparing for physical activity? I’ve heard that it’s good to eat a lot of carbs the day before, does this work? I’ve also heard it’s good to drink large amounts of water before hand, what do you think?

I’m ill prepared for the first basketball game of the season, I would love to avoid throwing up on the court.

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10 Answers

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Carb loading is tried and true. I’ve done it for years in medium-distance running and cross-country skiing/winter biathlon. Hydration is always good but don’t overload on the electrolytes (do that during the event). Stretching exercises, very light workout routines (don’t max anything). For winter biathlon, I’ll check the sighting on my rifle and pop a few targets rapid-fire just to be sure my “eye is in”, also keep my rifle at outdoor temperature before sighting and right up to the event (unheated car trunk). I also cut back on the cig’s for 12 hours or so before the event.

Allie's avatar

There’s a reason why athletes have pasta feeds the night before. So yes, eating carbs tonight would probably be a good idea so that you’re ready for the game tomorrow. Something like Gatorade might be better than water. It has more of the sugars and such that will keep you energized.
And, this is probably common sense, but be sure to stretch and get enough sleep. None of that 4am stuff today.

Cruiser's avatar

I usually make a run to the grocery to make sure there is plenty of pop and beer on hand for all the people who will be doing the hard work. Carbs are good for keeping them going, chips, dip and sub sandwiches seem to work well!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

My coach warned me many years ago not to “OD” on the electrolytes the day before, can make lactic acid buildup worse the next day. Complex sugars are better than simple sugars.

Sampson's avatar

Drink lots of alcohol and don’t eat anything. Do that today. In the morning, lift some weights before the big game.

Voila. You have a star athlete.

rooeytoo's avatar

I think you’re a little late to start getting in shape for a game tomorrow. Maybe you better sit on the bench for a while.

If you decide to tempt the gods, I would say hydrate! (with water mostly)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Be like John Belushi!

OK, don’t be like John Belushi. Some carbs, lots of rests, lots of stretching when yu get up tomorrow, with some light calisthenics as well.

mass_pike4's avatar

the whole reason why athletes carb load is to store enough energy, which is stored into your muscle and liver glycogen. Eating a god amount of carbs in the days coming up to physical activity is important because it lays the foundation for that extra energy you need since you burn a lot of energy (calories) when you exercise. It is also important to consume carbs about 20 minutes before and even during if possible. This is why sports drinks are so popular. They should really only be consumed then.

Consuming large amounts of water beforehand is not necessary. It is necessary to drink over a gallon of water a day, esp. if you are an athlete. Drinking a lot of water directly before is not smart, as you can cramp up and water will slosh in your stomach

J0E's avatar

@Sampson Thank you Dr. Opposite, that’s good advice.

elizabethmae's avatar

Stretch! Nothing too intense but doing some good stretching before going to bed always makes me feel better when I have to do something very physical the next day. It also calms any nerves I have and helps me sleep better.
Good luck :)

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