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johnhaden's avatar

Excel Question: How can I take firstname, lastname in one column and separate into two columns?

Asked by johnhaden (5points) April 7th, 2010

Excel Question: How can I take firstname, lastname in one column and separate into two columns?

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3 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Assuming you have a space or comma between the first and last names, you can use Data / Text to Columns. (I’m still using Excel 2000, so your commands on a more recent version may be different, but the functionality should still be there.)

Unless all of your Firstname Lastname combinations are the same length, then choose “Delimited” and select your delimiting character/s, such as “space”, or comma, or whatever it is.

The text will be broken into separate columns automatically.

Snarp's avatar

Assuming your full name column starts at cell A1 and the names are separated by a comma and a space as in your example, you could use the following formulas and fill down. You can also replace the comma in the quotation marks with a space or any other character separating the first and last names, assuming it is a unique character within the cell.

first name column: =LEFT(A1, FIND(”,”,A1) – 1)
last name column: =RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND(”,”,A1) – 1)

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