General Question

sunyata_rakshasa's avatar

What is a credible Ride Share Network?

Asked by sunyata_rakshasa (350points) May 18th, 2010

I’m trying to get to any major city on the west coast so that I can get a cheap flight or boat ride to Hawaii

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3 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t know about networks, but this might be a good time of year to look for students going home for the summer. Are you near any major university? Have you looked at Craigslist?

sunyata_rakshasa's avatar

thats a great idea…i’ll check Craigslist and the UofM

YARNLADY's avatar

The last two people I know who used Craigslist Ride Share reported good luck. They had good experiences with their rides.

I never have had good luck with Craigslist, when trying to find rentals, but I guess it’s just my bad luck to find only scammers.

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