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TennesseeTeacake's avatar

Is it true that ALL calico cats are females?

Asked by TennesseeTeacake (337points) March 18th, 2008
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7 Answers

topserb96's avatar

they reproduce asexually? Is that possible.

TennesseeTeacake's avatar

no. but its something about the genes that it takes to make a calico. that a red/black female mates with a white male and they have a litter of kittens. some are black/white males and females, red males and females, but supposedly the majority of the calicos (red/black/white) end up being females.

topserb96's avatar

oh I c. I guess I didnt know exactly what calico meant.

syz's avatar

It is a sex linked trait. There is a prevalent urban myth that says if you have a male calico, researchers will pay huge amounts of money for it. The myth is untrue – researchers know exactly what conditions give rise to a male calico (XXY).

jividenm's avatar

nope, i have a male calico :)

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