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Moegitto's avatar

Can a Diabetic eat ramen noodles?

Asked by Moegitto (2310points) October 22nd, 2010

I’m getting pretty low on funds from buying the expensive microwave dinners to help maintain my glucose levels. I was wondering if ramen noodles or the knock-off brands are bad for diabetics.

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2 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I go by glycemic index and count carbs,I adjust my insulin from there.I follow a pretty healthy diet but do occasionally indulge in “bad” things.I know how to handle the blood sugar spike.
I’d talk to your doctor about adjusting meds or a nutritionist about serving size.Timing counts for alot too.

GladysMensch's avatar

All pastas are going to have a relatively high number of carbs. If you count carbs and can adjust your insulin accordingly then you shouldn’t have any issues. Rigorous blood testing and thorough tracking of food (carb) intake will give you a good handle on how your sugar levels are affected by carbs and insulin. Speak with a diabetic specialist once you have a few weeks of accurate info.
Note: I’m type 1. I’m not sure how type 2 diabetics regulate things.

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