General Question

syz's avatar

Will you have better luck than I at finding insect themed jewelry?

Asked by syz (35958points) December 16th, 2010

(Than I? Or than me?)

I’m looking for a cicada (or beetle) brooch or pendant, something along the lines of this as a gift. I’ve found lots of steampunk beetles, and even jewelry with real beetles or parts of beetles, and faux Egyptian art, but none of it is quite right. I’m looking for realistic (but not real) and artistic. Any suggestions, beetlephiles?

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18 Answers

snowberry's avatar

Commercially made jewelery runs in fads. Right now dragon flies are big. Maybe cicadas will make it big in a few years.

Kayak8's avatar

This one and several others are on etsy right now.

Kayak8's avatar

And Etsy also has this

Afos22's avatar

The best gifts are the do it yourself kind.

syz's avatar

@Kayak8 Yes, I’ve been looking at Etsy, but it’s just not quite right. I’m looking for something of a nicer quality than stamped metal, more jewelry grade.

Kayak8's avatar

What’s wrong with the one you linked to in the details of your question?

Kayak8's avatar

Er and how much are you interested in spending might also be a good start?

syz's avatar

@Kayak8 I can’t actually find the Lalique cicada for sale anywhere (and I suspect it’s out of my price range, with those diamonds). Maybe up to $200.

Kayak8's avatar

What about this?

marinelife's avatar

This one on Etsy is more sturdy.

Here is one on Amazon.

Here are a range of them from France.

This was a kind of cool art deco one.

syz's avatar

@Kayak8 Yes, I saw the luna parc and liked them. (I personally found this hilarious.)

Soubresaut's avatar

My search landed me at ebay, but I found some pretty ones:
swarovski crystal blue
swarovski crystal purple
crystal & gold one
so they are out there!

Supacase's avatar

Here are this, this and this from Amazon



This on is beautiful, but $195.

Good luck with your search!

Kardamom's avatar

Here’s one on e-bay that has rhinestones and looks like a Junebug

And here’s one on Art Fire that also looks like a Junebug, but is totally different, here

And here’s one at Worthopedia that is a very beautiful silver cockroach (just look at it first)

And here are 3 cicada’s pn Etsy (hopefully they aren’t the one’s you already saw)

syz's avatar

These are awesome, guys, thanks!

Anemone's avatar

Maybe I’m a little late, but have you tried any antique stores? They sometimes have really interesting old pieces that sound like what you’re looking for.

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