Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Have you ever questioned why you bother?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) April 13th, 2011

I’m thinking of a fairly short term situation that makes you wonder why you bother to do whatever it is you are doing. What was that situation? What was your frustration? Why was it so strong?

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4 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

Right now, in exam stress and sitting on the bed all day due to a broken ankle, I question why I try so hard to motivate myself to do my best when it doesn’t make a difference to anyone. It seems whatever I do, no matter how hard I try, it is never enough for people.

Facade's avatar

I wonder why I am in school. Back in the day, having a degree pretty much guaranteed that person a good job. Now, not so much. the fact that I could be going to school, which is extremely stressful and intrusive, and taking out loans only to find out that I don’t get a good job from it.
I also wonder why I bother to always try to do the right thing because it’s gotten me nowhere thus far, and everyone else is having a ball living the lives they do.
I guess I just need to know that my efforts will result in a payoff someday soon.
And what @queenie said. A lot of people have no idea how hard others work to appear normal.

Berserker's avatar

All my short term situations make me feel that the only reason that I exist is to pay for things. When I look at the big picture this forms, it makes me ask why I bother indeed, other than getting drunk at the end of the day. Cheers!

Earthgirl's avatar

Today I wondered why do I even bother to try to design when my boss thinks he is the best designer in the world and he’ll only be truly happy if I make something exactly as he says!
either way I get paid the same

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